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Stoney includes: Nakoda
Secwépemc includes: Shuswap
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Kainai includes: Káínaa, Blood
Cree includes: Nēhiyaw, Cri
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Blackfeet includes: Blackfoot, Niitsítapi, Siksika, Siksikaitsitapi
Contributor:Jacobs, Norman Leonard, 1885-
Subject:Railroads | Fishing | Clothing and dress | Rites and ceremonies | Social life and customs | Architecture | British Columbia--History | Manitoba--History | Alberta--History | Saskatchewan--History | Ontario--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Correspondence | Photographs
Extent:1 linear foot
Description: Norman Leonard Jacobs was an engineer and surveyor with the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in Canada. The collection consists of his correspondence with Bessie Frank (later Anathan), an acquaintance from Pittsburgh. Jacobs wrote of daily life in Canadian cities like Winnipeg and Edmonton, interactions with First Nations, and daily hardships encountered in the field (extreme cold, snowblindness, and lack of food), but also spoke of his work with pride and enthusiasm. In addition to the letters, Jacobs wrote twenty-eight pages of a "Diary of a Tenderfoot." Also included in the collection are two photobooks and various loose photographs, which display various aspects of camp life, details of work sites and the Canadian landscape, and First Nations peoples. Some of the photographs are extremely faded. Native peoples mentioned include Ojibwe, Blackfoot, Cree, "Surteau" (likely Saulteaux),"Bloods" (Kainai), "Stonies" (Nakoda, or "Stoney"), as well as Native people at Tete Jaune Cache who are likely Simpcw. The images include family groups; men, women, and children fishing; men (some apparently hired by Jacobs or his company to act as guides and carriers in the field) working with an infant in a cradleboard; Ojibwe graves; tepees [tipis]; "Sioux" warriors; a sweat bath; horse races; individuals like Joe KaeKwitch, Chief Handorgan, Chief Wingard, Muskowken, etc. Most of these materials have been digitized and are available through the APS's Digital Library. Also see the finding aid for more background information on Jacobs and detailed itemized lists for both Series I. Correspondence and Series II. Graphic Materials.
Collection:Anathan-Jacobs Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Collection (Mss.SMs.Coll.13)
Inuit includes: Inuk, Eskimo (pej.), ᐃᓄᐃᑦ
Inuvialuit includes: Inuvialuk
Contributor:Angutitchauk, Thomas | Felix, Edward | Gibbons, Jimmy | Hill, Marian | Katlak, Thomas | Kekpak, Doris | Niptnatiak, Naomi | Sheetoga, Phillip | Ungunga, Hugh, (Tapatai?) | Uvinaiyak, David | Webster, Donald H. (Donald Humphry), 1930-
Subject:Fishing | Food | Hunting | Linguistics | Northwest Territories--History | Nunavut--History | Religion
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Conversations | Speeches | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:11 sound tape reels (2 hr., 4 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Field recordings of Inuit languages recorded in 1968 in Eskimo Point, Baker Lake, Coppermine, Cambridge Bay, Baffin Island, and Rankin Inlet. The language consultants include Tom Kalanyek (Inuvik), Edward Felix (Tuktoyaktuk), Naomi Niptnatiak (Kugluktuk), Doris Kekpak (Cambridge Bay), Thomas Angutitchauk (Gjoa Haven), Jimmy Gibbons (Repulse Bay, resident of Arviat), Hugh Ungunga (also named Tapatai?) (Baker Lake), Phillip Sheetoga (Rankin Inlet), David Uvingayak and Thomas Katlak (Arviat), Rebecca Kitsualik (Pond Inlet, resident of Gjoa Haven), Martha Adams (Kuujjuaq, resident of Rankin Inlet). (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Canadian Eskimo Dialects (Mss.Rec.74)
Date:1716; 1803; ca. 1925-1931; 1951-1997
Contributor:Alexander, Edward Porter, 1907-2003 | Blumer, Thomas J., 1937- | Lieber, Oscar Montgomery, 1830-1862 | Pickens, A. L. (Andrew Lee), 1890-1969 | Siebert, Frank T. (Frank Thomas), 1912-1998 | Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950 | Taukchiray, Wes, 1948- | Watson, Ian M. | Gordon, Sally
Subject:Linguistics | Archaeology | Pottery | Architecture | Place names | Music | Zoology | Games | Hunting | Trapping | Fishing | Medicine | Religion | Dance | Genealogy | Diseases | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Witchcraft | Animals--Folklore
Type:Still Image | Text | Sound recording
Genre:Bibliographies | Photographs | Dictionaries | Vocabularies | Grammars | Notes | Field notes | Newspaper clippings | Correspondence | Genealogies | Censuses | Songs | Autobiographies
Extent:7 boxes
Description: The Catawba materials in the Frank Siebert Papers are primarily concentrated in Series II. These consist of copies of secondary sources such as an "Indian Vocabulary from Fort Christanna, 1716, Catawba census notes, 1830-1929, land claim agreements, and a dictionary of Place names in South Carolina. Original materials include hundreds of pages of Siebert's FIeld notes and a Catawba vocabulary / dictionary done with Wes Taukchiray. There are also 14 sound recordings made with Sally Gordon in Series XII.
Collection:Frank Siebert Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.97)
Greenlandic includes: Kalaallit, Eskimo (pej.)
Date:1933, 1984-1985
Contributor:Nooder, Gert | Blumberg, Baruch S., 1925-2011
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Essays | Photographs | Negatives
Extent:1 folder and 3 photographic negatives
Description: Two items in the Baruch Blumberg papers are identified as being from East Greenland. In Series XIV. Photographic Materials are three negatives of unidentified Greenlandic people fishing in Kûngmiut (Kuummiit) and Quarmiut, taken by Gert Nooder and from the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, Netherlands. In Series VI. Works by Blumberg is an essay titled "Hepatitis B Virus and Sex Ratio of Offspring in East Greenland".
Collection:Baruch S. Blumberg Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.144)
Contributor:George, Mary | Watanabe, Honoré
Subject:British Columbia--History | Botany | Fishing | Linguistics
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Elicitation sessions | Vocabularies
Extent:4 audiocassettes (5 hr., 27 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Linguistic field recordings of the Comox or Sliammon language. Contains numerous linguistic elicitation sessions for adjectives, verbs, miscelleanous expressions, animals, plants, insects, berries, clothing, trees, sea life, natural phenomena, household items, parts of the body, names of winds, and fishing-related vocabulary. Recorded at Powell River, British Columbia, by Honoré Watanabe from July to October 1991. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Interviews with Comox Indians (Mss.Rec.169)
K’ásho Got’ıné includes: Hare
Language:English | Slavey, North
Contributor:Hara, Hiroko, 1934-
Subject:Botany | Fishing | Health | Hunting | Linguistics | Material culture | Northwest Territories--History | Social life and customs
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Censuses | Field notes | Photographs | Reports | Stories
Extent:2070 pages, 1500+ photographs
Description: The K’áshogot’ıné materials in the Phillips Fund collection consist of an extensive amount of materials, listed under "Sue, Hiroko."
Collection:Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection (Mss.497.3.Am4)
Ktunaxa includes: Kootenai, Kootenay, Kutenai, Tonaxa
Contributor:Garvin, Paul L. | Stanley, Joe | Adams, Isaac | Andrew, Pete | Chiqui, Joe | Dennis, Joe | Eustace, Chief | Francis, Nicle | George, John | Jimmie, Joe | Jimmie, Joe, Mrs. | Joseph, Chris | Lefthand, Abraham, Mrs. | Matthias, Baptiste, Chief | Sam, Martin | White, Albert | White, Basil | White, Louis Paul | White, Louis Paul, Mrs.
Subject:British Columbia--History | Montana--History | Idaho--History | Food | Warfare | Birds | Politics and government | Canada--History | Diplomacy | Hunting | Migrations | Government relations | Agriculture | Whites--Relations with Indians | Fishing | Ecology | Anthropology | Alcohol | Gambling | Circuses | Games | Music | Kinship | Diseases | Health | Military service | Military history
Genre:Stories | Oral histories
Extent:1 linear foot (11 reel-to-reel tapes, 24 folders)
Description: The majority of the Paul Garvin Papers is from fieldwork conducted by Garvin in 1946 and 1950 in Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, Cranbrook, B.C., Creston, B.C., Elmo, Montana, Premier Lake, B.C., Tobacco Plains, B.C., and Windermere, B.C.. The first 11 tapes (Series I) are Ktunaxa, as are all the transcripts (Series II). Tapes may correspond to transcripts.
Collection:Paul Garvin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.281)
Zulu includes: AmaZulu
Nak'waxda'xw includes: Nakoaktok, Nakwoktak, Nakwaxda'xw
Namgis includes: Nimkish, Nimpkish
Kwakwaka'wakw includes: Kwakiutl
K'ómoks includes: Comox
Heiltsuk includes: Bella Bella, Haíɫzaqv
Gwatsinuxw includes: Quatsino
Dzawada'enuxw includes: Tsawataineuk
Gusgimukw includes: Koskimo
Contributor:Homiskanis, Lucy | Francine, Tsukwani | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Hunt, George | Averkieva, Julia | Bryan, Ruth | Leechman, J. D. (John Douglas), 1890- | Smith, Marian W. (Marian Wesley), 1907-1961 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Teit, James Alexander, 1864-1922 | Yampolsky, Helene
Subject:Architecture | British Columbia--History | Ethnography | Fishing | Food | Games | Human remains | Hunting | Kinship | Linguistics | Marriage customs and rites | Material culture | Medicine | Museum objects | Music | Orthography and spelling | Personal names | Place names | Religion | Rites and ceremonies | Skulls | Social life and customs
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Autobiographies | Correspondence | Field notes | Dictionaries | Genealogies | Grammars | Maps | Musical scores | Notebooks | Photographs | Songs | Speeches | Transcripts | Vocabularies
Extent:Approx. 10,000 loose pages, 10 notebooks, 7000+ cards, 10+ maps
Description: The Kwakwaka'wakw materials in the ACLS collection are located predominantly in the "Kwakiutl" section of the finding aid, which contains a full listing of all materials (other relevant sections are "Northwest Coast", "Bella Bella (Heitsuk)", and item AfBnd.4 in "Non-American and non-linguistic material"). Some of the larger individual sets of materials listed within this section also have their own specific tables of contents (available upon request) detailing their often highly diverse contents. Overall, the vast majority of the material is made of of 1) manuscripts sent to Boas by George Hunt from the 1890s to the 1930s, frequently in both Kwak'wala and English, covering a very broad range of Kwakwaka'wakw history, culture, languages, customs, and traditions; and 2) field work materials recorded by Boas and Boas' own analyses of material sent by Hunt, covering a similar range of topics. Additional materials by other individuals focus especially on linguistic and ethnographic matters. Also see the guide entry "Kwakiutl materials, Franz Boas Papers" for information on the correspondence between Boas and Hunt, which gives additional context to the materials in the ACLS collection.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Nak'waxda'xw includes: Nakoaktok, Nakwoktak, Nakwaxda'xw
Namgis includes: Nimkish, Nimpkish
Kwakwaka'wakw includes: Kwakiutl
K'ómoks includes: Comox
Gwatsinuxw includes: Quatsino
Dzawada'enuxw includes: Tsawataineuk
Gusgimukw includes: Koskimo
Contributor:Averkieva, Julia | Barbeau, Marius, 1883-1969 | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Bunzel, Ruth Leah, 1898-1990 | Cadwallader, W. J. | Cadwallader, H. T., Mrs. | Cadwallader, Jane | Cranmer, Dan | Dawson, George Mercer, 1849-1901 | Fairbairn, Archibald Macdonald Duff, 1888-1979 | Fillmore, John Comfort, 1843-1898 | Fletcher, Alice C. (Alice Cunningham), 1838-1923 | Goode, G. Brown (George Brown), 1851-1896 | Hall, Alfred I. | Halliday, W. H. | Hunt, George | Mason, Otis T., 1838-1908 | McGee, William J. | Nowell, Charles James, 1870-1956 | Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1874-1941 | Seler, Eduard, 1849-1922 | Stirling, Matthew Williams, 1896-1975 | Sutton, William J. | Swanton, John Reed, 1873-1958 | Teit, James Alexander, 1864-1922 | Tylor, Edward B. (Edward Burnett), 1832-1917 | Vowell, A. T.
Subject:Archaeology | British Columbia--History | Ethnography | Fishing | Hunting | Linguistics | Kinship | Museums | Music | Social life and customs
Extent:1 linear foot
Description: This collection contains the bulk of correspondence between Franz Boas and his professional colleagues, though there are also other Boas collections in the library. The correspondents listed above contain some correspondence related to the culture or language listed in this entry. The largest correspondence is that of George Hunt, which took place from 1894-1933 and runs around 1000 pages. A full index for this correspondence is available upon request, and includes cross references to the locations (in other APS collections) of fieldwork and other materials referred to in the letters. Other correspondences primarily about Kwakwaka'wakw matters are that of the Cadwalladers, Dan Cranmer, John Fillmore (concerning the transcription of Boas' cylinder recordings of Kwakiutl songs), Alfred I. Hall, and C. J. Nowell. In the finding aid listings for some of these correspondents, the individual letters pertaining to this culture or language will be identified by a subject heading, though for some correspondents this indexing has not yet been completed. Some letters may contain only brief mentions of work being conducted in relation to the topic. Some additional correspondences in this collection that have not yet been indexed may also contain additional material.
Collection:Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61)
Language:Salish, Straits | English
Contributor:Bowman, Elizabeth | Charles, Al | Demers, Richard A.
Subject:Canoes and canoeing | Dance | Fishing | Folklore | Food | Linguistics | Marriage customs and rites | Material culture | Washington (State)--History
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Stories | Conversations | Speeches | Elicitation sessions
Extent:20 sound tape reels (21 hr., 29 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Linguistic field recordings, recorded in Whatcom County, Washington, June - August 1974, with consultant Al Charles. Includes stories relating to Lummi history, descriptions of social customs, descriptions of museum artifacts, descriptions of how to prepare various kinds of traditional foods, and elicited sentences. Majority of material given in Lummi and later reviewed and translated. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Lummi recordings (Mss.Rec.105)