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Contributor:Hunter, George, 1755-1823
Subject:Expeditions | Mounds | Warfare | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Botany | Louisiana--History | Music | Arkansas--History
Genre:Journals | Travel narratives
Extent:107 pages
Description: "Journal up the Red and Washita rivers, with William Dunbar, by order of the U.S. with list of common names of some of the trees and vegetables from the River Washita." No. 2 of Explorations in the Louisiana Country. Describes mounds near Natchez and on the Ouachita. Mentions Caddo trace; Captain Jacobs, a Delaware Indian; Chickasaws, Choctaws, Osages (Little Osages and Grand Osages) and Pascagoulas; warfare and raids; and the singing of a Choctaw woman mourning a child. Printed (abstract only) as Jefferson (1806). [See also Hunter journals #473, volumes 2, 3, 4, May 27, 1804-March 29, 1805.]
Collection:Mémoire sur le district du Ouachita dans la province de la Louisianne, [1803] (Mss.917.6.Ex7)
Date:1716; 1803; ca. 1925-1931; 1951-1997
Contributor:Alexander, Edward Porter, 1907-2003 | Blumer, Thomas J., 1937- | Lieber, Oscar Montgomery, 1830-1862 | Pickens, A. L. (Andrew Lee), 1890-1969 | Siebert, Frank T. (Frank Thomas), 1912-1998 | Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950 | Taukchiray, Wes, 1948- | Watson, Ian M. | Gordon, Sally
Subject:Linguistics | Archaeology | Pottery | Architecture | Place names | Music | Zoology | Games | Hunting | Trapping | Fishing | Medicine | Religion | Dance | Genealogy | Diseases | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Witchcraft | Animals--Folklore
Type:Still Image | Text | Sound recording
Genre:Bibliographies | Photographs | Dictionaries | Vocabularies | Grammars | Notes | Field notes | Newspaper clippings | Correspondence | Genealogies | Censuses | Songs | Autobiographies
Extent:7 boxes
Description: The Catawba materials in the Frank Siebert Papers are primarily concentrated in Series II. These consist of copies of secondary sources such as an "Indian Vocabulary from Fort Christanna, 1716, Catawba census notes, 1830-1929, land claim agreements, and a dictionary of Place names in South Carolina. Original materials include hundreds of pages of Siebert's FIeld notes and a Catawba vocabulary / dictionary done with Wes Taukchiray. There are also 14 sound recordings made with Sally Gordon in Series XII.
Collection:Frank Siebert Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.97)
Contributor:Martin, James
Subject:Grave robbing | Human remains | Phrenology | Skulls | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Anthropometry
Extent:2 items
Description: Letters discussing grave robbing of Indigenous ancestors' remains. Correspondence regarding James Martin's collection of Cherokee skulls in North Carolina and Tennessee, where Martin was based at Fort Cass as medical director for Army to the Cherokee Nation. Martin has no flattened skulls as Morton has requested. Mentions Dr. Eugene H. Abadie in Florida; changing burial practices among Cherokees; various cave sites in Tinnipic and Cumberland River Valleys where skulls might be found.
Collection:Samuel George Morton Papers (Mss.B.M843)
Choctaw includes: Chahta
Date:1904 and undated
Contributor:Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950
Genre:Notes | Bibliographies
Extent:14 pages
Description: Item titled "Miscellaneous notes (Choctaw)." Includes one-page note with embossed Great Seal of the Choctaw Nation; 9 pages of bibliographical notes; 2 pages on Choctaw burial-1904; and 2 pages on Choctaw medicines. Some of these items are restricted due to cultural sensitivity.
Collection:Frank G. Speck Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.126)
Contributor:Dickson, Donald F | Dickson, Marion H. | Smith, Murphy D.
Subject:Archaeology | Mounds | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Human remains | Pottery | Museums | Museums | Illinois--History
Type:Still Image | Text | Three-dimensional object
Genre:Newspaper clippings | Postcards | Brochures | Specimens
Extent:.1 linear feet
Description: This collection of memorabilia includes clippings, postcards (one from Marion H. Dickson), a brochure, and an arrow-head (a gift from the site to Murphy D. Smith, who deposited these materials at the APS). Images from a 1945 article in the Peoria Morning Star on the establishment of the new historical state park at the site include several striking photos of an excavated burial site (described as containing 230 skeletons of Mound-builders who died in a devastating epidemic), including one with of a school group at the burial site and another highlighting Dr. Don F. Dickson's method of leaving the dead in situ; a photo of the Dickson family farmstead (on which the Dickson mounds were located) before the establishment of the state park; and a photo of reconstructed pottery displayed in the museum. There is also a brochure about the site as a tourist and educational attraction with information on the history of the mounts, the Dickson Mound Museum, the work of the Dickson family (primarily Dr. Don F. Dickson, Marion H. Dickson, and Thomas M. Dickson), and the neighboring Payne Collection of artifacts. Several images of the excavated mass burial indicate that it was expected to be the main attraction to visitors, and it is called the "greatest display of stone age man in the world...230 skeletons left in original positions." Views of the burial site are also featured on the two postcards. The Dickson Mounds Museum is still a branch of the Illinois State Museum, and the Dickson Mounds are now understood to be a Mississippian cemetery complex associated with nearby village sites and a ceremonial center.
Collection:Dickson Mound (Lewistown, Ill.) Memorabilia (Mss.970.6.D56)
Contributor:Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844 | Turner, George, 1750-1843 | Thorburn, John | Townsend, Thomas | Morris, J. Cheston (James Cheston), 1831-1923 | Sargent, Winthrop, 1753-1820 | Smith, Charles | Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888 | Turner, George, 1750-1843 | Miller, Samuel | Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 1857-1900 | Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823 | Forshey, Caleb Goldsmith, 1812-1881 | Hullihen, S. P. (Simon P.), 1810-1857 | Short, Charles Wilkins, 1794-1863 | Thomas, Isaiah, 1773-1835
Subject:Linguistics | Missions | Mounds | Inscriptions | Petroglyphs | Archaeology | Funeral rites and ceremonies
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Correspondence | Reports | Memoranda | Sketches
Extent:28 items
Description: Items relating to materials about the Native peoples of Eastern North America. Topics include papers and articles, particularly those considered for publication (on the relation of pentagonal dodecahedron found near Marietta, Ohio, to shamanism; memoir on aboriginal monuments; memoir of Dr. Charles D. Meigs on bones and burial customs; multiple items regarding a letter from S. P. Hullihen to Dr. Richard Harlan regarding inscription on a stone found at Grave Creek near Wheeling, and Thomas Townsend's claim to prior publication rights to Grave Creek inscription; Caleb Forshey's paper describing a great mound in Adams County, Mississippi; Cushing's publication on exploration of ancient key dwellers' remains on the Gulf Coast of Florida; a response to Henry Phillips' article on supposed runic inscriptions at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia); requests for information or materials (Samuel Miller's request for copies of designated Indian vocabularies of Delaware, Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Osage, for training missionaries of United Foreign Missionary Society); donations to APS ("curiosities" taken from Indian grave near Cincinnati; relics and fossil shells found in Huntingdon County, West Virginia;"western productions"); Peter S. du Ponceau's work on Southern Indian languages and customs (including Creek, Natchez, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Yuchi), Indian vocabularies, and for APS; information from Judge William C. Frazer (Wisconsin Territory, Superior County), concerning discovery of burned bricks in Aztalan Mound, Jefferson County, Wisconsin; Cutler's estimation of age of Ohio mounds referred to in Barton (1787) using tree-ring dating; sketch of the plan of an ancient work three miles southeast of Lexington (Kentucky); American Antiquarian Society's plans to publish a volume on mounds based on Caleb Atwater's data; and comparative vocabularies of British Columbia tribes. Other individuals mentioned include Murray, Duralde, Colonel Smith, Benjamin Hawkins, Robley Dunglison, Isaac Lea, Benjamin W. Richards, George M. Wharton, Nathaniel Ware, General Wayne, Dr. Tolmie, George M. Dawson, and Abelard Tomlinson.
Collection:American Philosophical Society Archives (APS.Archives)
Contributor:Fiske, Moses | Peale, Franklin, 1795-1870 | Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827 | Sellers, George Escol
Subject:Human remains | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Mounds | Mississippian culture | Adena culture | Hopewell culture | Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) | Antiquities | Material culture | Pottery | Peale's Museum (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Museums
Genre:Correspondence | Catalogs
Extent:4 items
Description: 1) Moses Fiske's description of skeletal remains found in basket burial in Warren County, Tennessee, in 1810. 2) Charles Willson Peale's catalogue of museum contents: "Indian curiosities, dresses, ornaments. Implements of agriculture, war, etc. of various nations. In the upper Room." Artifacts and articles of dress of western Indians (Lewis and Clark); ornaments from Ohio mounds; unidentified belts, pouches, and arrowheads. 3) Benjamin Franklin Peale's description of his collection of Material culture; thinks pottery fragments sent to him by Sellers are those of Mound Builders. 4) George Escol Seller's letter describing his artifacts from mounds in Ohio, 60 specimens of tools and cloth. Argues that Franklin Peale collected specimens to show the unity of mankind, while Sellers collects to find the variety of tools. Discusses Mound Builders at some length.
Collection:Peale-Sellers Family Collection (Mss.B.P31)
Contributor:Hildreth, Samuel P. (Samuel Prescott), 1783-1863 | Troost, Gerard, 1776-1850 | Drake, Daniel, 1785-1852 | Silliman, Benjamin, 1779-1864 | Sullivant, Joseph, 1809-1882 | Tappan, Benjamin, 1773-1857 | Clemens, James W. | Wood, William | Powell, W. Byrd (William Byrd), 1799-1866 | Peirson, A. L. (Abel Lawrence), 1794-1853
Subject:Grave robbing | Human remains | Phrenology | Skulls | Anthropometry | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Antiquities | Mounds | Archaeology
Genre:Correspondence | Lectures
Extent:21 items
Description: Letters mostly discussing grave robbing of Indigenous ancestors' remains and Morton's phrenological work. Topics include human and animal crania and skeletons that correspondents have and/or have sent to Morton; phrenological anaylsis of Indigenous ancestors' remains, attributing traits to various peoples based on skull formation; Native American burial sites and mortuary customs; excavation of Native mounds and descriptions of the objects and human remains found inside; discovery of mastadon skeletons; and speculation about Native American origins. Several letters relate to Ohio, Illinois, and the Upper Mississippi Valley. Peru and Mexico also mentioned.
Collection:Samuel George Morton Papers (Mss.B.M843)
Seminole includes: Yat'siminoli
Oneida includes: Onyota'a:ka
Mohawk includes: Kanienʼkehá꞉ka
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Date:circa 1837
Contributor:Roux de Rochelle, 1762-1849
Subject:Pennsylvania--History | New York (State)--History | Warfare | Hunting | Clothing and dress | Wampum | Petroglyphs | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Diplomacy | Food | Rites and ceremonies | Social life and customs
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Books | Sketches | Engravings
Extent:2 volumes
Description: These two bound volumes contain a published first edition, 1837, of Jean Baptiste Gaspard Roux de Rochelle's Etats-Unis D'Amerique (History of the United States of America), a Frenchman's take on American history and culture, and a companion volume of original sketches used for the 96 engraved plates. Many of the images--of American scenes and history--in the second volume appear to be based on the work of de Bry and other artists. Some are in color. There are 27 original drawings of Native Americans and 27 steel engravings of the same. They depict indigenous people, primarily from the, in native attire hunting, fishing, playing, mourning, warring, eating, cooking, and celebrating. Some illustrations accompanying the early text are based on Theodore De Bry's engravings of John White's watercolor drawings of Roanoke in 1585. The later historical text is accompanied by illustrations of Oneidas, Mohawks, and Delawares conferring or warring with Europeans. There are also sketches of petroglyphs, pottery, wampum, and headgear. Illustrators and engravers include Vernier, Branche, and Milbert. Some images have been digitized.
Collection:Etats-Unis d'amerique (Mss.917.3.R76)