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Contributor:Barbeau, Marius, 1883-1969 | Walsh, Michael J.
Subject:Captivity narratives | Indian captivities
Genre:Bibliographies | Transcriptions | Catalogs
Extent:3 items
Description: The Deering Collection of Indian Captivities is comprised of a bibliography, together with ethnographic and historical summaries and extracts, of the collection of Indian captivities of the late Frank Cutter Deering of Saco, Maine, in the keeping of Joseph G. Deering of Biddeford, Maine, prepared under grants from the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the American Philosophical Society. Pages 1-1037 describe the books of Deering; works in the libraries of Harvard, Yale, Laval, the National Museum of Canada, the Collection de Luc Lacourciere, Quebec, and McGill University. Transcriptions and extracts from manuscripts by Frank C. Deering, captivities of Mary Storer (compiled by Jacques Rousseau, 1942), 1703, with letters; Nathaniel Segar, manuscript in the Seminaire de Quebec, Toronto Public Library; and of Edmund S. Carpenter. Summaries, too, of standard printed series, such as Thwaites, etc. Relates to northeastern, plains, western, and Canadian Indians in particular. Omitted are those 40 works found in the Greenwood collection. An important set of summaries because of the inaccessibility of the collection. Reference to both the Walsh and the Ayer lists. [N.B., duplicate numbering, 1351-1362, of different material.] This collection also includes a brief catalogue prepared by Michael J. Walsh of Goodspeed's, Boston, at death of Frank C. Deering, which includes texts omitted in the longer bibliography, as well as a corrected corrected version of Walsh's catalogue by Charles Marius Barbeau, 1950.
Collection:Indian narratives and captivities (Mss.016.9701.D365b)
Yupik, Siberian includes: Yupighyt, Юиты, Eskimo (pej.)
Yukaghir includes: юкаги́ры, одул, деткиль
Sakha includes: Саха, Yakuts
Koryak includes: Коряки, нымыланы, чавчувены, алюторцы
Evenki includes: Эвэнкил
Itelmen includes: Итәнмән, Ительмены
Chukchi includes: Chukchee, Чукчи, ԓыгъоравэтԓьат
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Date:undated; 1905-1928
Subject:Ethnography | Linguistics | Kinship | Education | Russia--History | Alaska--History
Genre:Autobiographies | Vocabularies | Notebooks | Catalogs | Stories
Extent:3 notebooks; 64 pages; over 2000 index cards
Description: The Chukchi materials in the ACLS collection consist of 10 items. These materials relate to the Northern Siberian section of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition of 1897-1902, and appear to be mostly or entirely secondary sources. Some of what Waldemar Bogoras described as "Chukchee" is in fact the Itelmen language, so it is likely the case that some of the Chukchi materials here are actually Itelmen. The majority of the Chukchi materials are in the "Non-American and non-linguistic material" section. Waldemar Jochelson's "My Life" (item 8) includes a Chukchi autobiographical story with ethnographic notes and some Chukchi language. Items ASCh.1, ASCh.2 and ASCh.3 ("Chukchi and Lakota notebook", "Chukchi word list" and "Chukchi word lists and texts") are three notebooks by Franz Boas, derived from work by Waldemar Bogoras, including some lexica and interlinear texts. Item ASCh.4 "Chukchi Lexicon" is around 2000 index cards written by Waldemar Bogoras. "The Study of Paleoasiatic and Tunguse languages in the USSR for the last ten years (1918-1928)" (item ASPa.1) summarises work on various Indigenous languages of the USSR, including descriptions of education programs at the Great Eastern Institute of Leningrad, Leningrad University, and the Khabarovsk Committee. "Catalogue of phonograph records from the Jesup North Pacific Expedition" (item ASPa.2) describes phonograph recordings obtained by Waldemar Jochelson and Waldemar Bogoras in various locations in Chukotka, Kamchatka and along the Kolyma River. In the "Eskimo (Inuit and Iñupiat)" section, Boas' "Comparative word list of Alaskan Eskimo [Iñupiat], Siberian Eskimo [Yupik], and Chukchee" (item E1.1) consists of a 1200-word comparative vocabulary that includes Chukchi. Finally, in the "Kutenai" section, Boas' "Kutenai lexicon" includes "a few" Chukchi word slips, according to Morris Swadesh.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Contributor:Fiske, Moses | Peale, Franklin, 1795-1870 | Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827 | Sellers, George Escol
Subject:Human remains | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Mounds | Mississippian culture | Adena culture | Hopewell culture | Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) | Antiquities | Material culture | Pottery | Peale's Museum (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Museums
Genre:Correspondence | Catalogs
Extent:4 items
Description: 1) Moses Fiske's description of skeletal remains found in basket burial in Warren County, Tennessee, in 1810. 2) Charles Willson Peale's catalogue of museum contents: "Indian curiosities, dresses, ornaments. Implements of agriculture, war, etc. of various nations. In the upper Room." Artifacts and articles of dress of western Indians (Lewis and Clark); ornaments from Ohio mounds; unidentified belts, pouches, and arrowheads. 3) Benjamin Franklin Peale's description of his collection of Material culture; thinks pottery fragments sent to him by Sellers are those of Mound Builders. 4) George Escol Seller's letter describing his artifacts from mounds in Ohio, 60 specimens of tools and cloth. Argues that Franklin Peale collected specimens to show the unity of mankind, while Sellers collects to find the variety of tools. Discusses Mound Builders at some length.
Collection:Peale-Sellers Family Collection (Mss.B.P31)
Subject:Folklore | Linguistics | Music
Extent:1 volume, 34 p.
Description: Inventory of collections in the Archives of the Languages of the World at Indiana University.
Collection:Indiana University. Archives of Traditional Music (Mss.016.4.In2)
Onondaga includes: Onöñda'gega'
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Contributor:Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844 | Mitchill, Samuel L. (Samuel Latham), 1764-1831 | Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison), 1837-1899 | Barbour, James, 1775-1842 | Collin, Nicholas, 1746-1831
Subject:Linguistics | Social life and customs | Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) | United States Exploring Expedition (1838-1842)
Genre:Correspondence | Reports | Catalogs
Extent:34 items
Description: Items relating to linguists and languages of the Americas. Bulk is the correspondence of Peter S. du Ponceau with Thomas Jefferson, Friedrich von Adelung, John Quincy Adams, John Vaughan, Johann S. Vater, John G. E. Heckewelder, Albert Gallatin, George Ord, and others regarding topics such as linguistics; Native languages and customs; acquiring publications for the American Philosophical Society Library; forwarding publications to others; philological essays; legal essays; Europeans' study of American Indian languages; the efforts of the Historical and Literary Committee and its pursuit of languages, especially comparative grammars; his own collection of Vocabularies; his work as an editor and linguist, including his addition to Barton (1797); Long's expedition and western vocabularies now in print; the origin of the American Indian; Byrd's manuscript of the North Carolina-Virginia boundary; the importance of comparative grammars instead of mere word-hunting; the Lewis and Clark journals; his search for Southern languages; Adelung's comment that Jefferson knew of a Mexican manuscript at New Orleans, and that Washington and others had supplied vocabularies to Catherine the Great; and plans for William Penn papers. Other items of interest include APS reports, including "Catalogue of historical manuscripts in the American Philosophical Society," Du Ponceau's "Report upon philology...and Report upon ethnography," and a letter to Mahlon Dickerson discussing objectives and scientific methods to be used on U. S. exploring expedition.
Collection:American Philosophical Society Archives (APS.Archives)
Yupik, Siberian includes: Yupighyt, Юиты, Eskimo (pej.)
Yukaghir includes: юкаги́ры, одул, деткиль
Tofa includes: Tofalar, Karagas, тофа
Soyot includes: сойоты
Sakha includes: Саха, Yakuts
Nivkh includes: Gilyak
Koryak includes: Коряки, нымыланы, чавчувены, алюторцы
Evenki includes: Эвэнкил
Chukchi includes: Chukchee, Чукчи, ԓыгъоравэтԓьат
Date:1924, ca. 1928
Contributor:Maniagit, Khoibo | Bogoras, Waldemar, 1865-1936 | Solovyev, D. K., 1886-1931 | Jochelson, Waldemar, 1855-1937 | Spiridonoff, N. V.
Subject:Religion | Clothing and dress | Russia--History | Railroads | Animals
Type:Text | Still Image
Genre:Essays | Inventories | Catalogs
Extent:27 p., 24 photographic prints, 2 sketches
Description: This guide entry only describes broad Siberian materials. Chukchi and Nivkh materials in the ACLS collection have their own dedicated guide entries. "Catalogue of phonograph records from the Jesup North Pacific Expedition" (item AsPa.2) briefly details Waldemar Jochelson and Waldemar Bogoras' documented phonograph recordings during the Jesup expedition, which may include those housed at the Archives of Traditional Music, Indiana. "The Study of Paleoasiatic and Tunguse languages in the USSR for the last ten years (1918-1928)" (item AsPa.1) describes programs of institutions in the USSR that included bringing students from various areas of Siberia to Leningrad. "Photographs and brief essays on "Paleoasiatic tribes of the hills of Uryankai" and "The Manegher"" (item 36) contains brief descriptions by Bogoras of Soyot, Karagass (Tofa?) and Manegher/манегры (Evenki) peoples, based on descriptions of expeditions by D. K. Solovyev in 1913 and 1915-1916 to the Amur River and the Sayan mountains. It includes several sets of photographs, assumed to be from these expeditions, and mentions the existence of hundreds of other photographs, artifacts and film reels.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)