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Seminole includes: Yat'siminoli
Contributor:Young, Hugh, -1822
Subject:Social life and customs | African Americans | Florida--History | Florida--History | Boundaries | Government relations | Population | Trade | Marriage customs and rites | Politics and government | Agriculture | Warfare | Seminole War, 1st, 1817-1818 | Treaties | Diplomacy | Surveying
Genre:Microfilms | Memoirs | Itineraries | Travel narratives
Extent:125 pages
Description: Hugh Young was an army officer and topographical engineer accompanying General Andrew Jackson's army in its operations against the Seminoles. This memoir includes sections on East Florida's boundaries, physical characteristics, navigation, Native customs, Spanish settlements, African Americans, agricultural products, and climate. Also included are itineraries for East and West Florida. One chapter is devoted to the Seminole and other aboriginal inhabitants of Florida, and includes names, numbers, settlements, war and treaties, councils, marriage, trade, amusement, etc. (pages 48-73). Printed, Boyd (1934). Original document owned by Francis W. Rawle, Albany, circa 1954. Also found on this reel is Benjamin Hawkins' Journal of occurrences in the Creek agency from January to the conclusion of the conference and treaty at Fort Williamson, 1802 (Film 692a).
Collection:A topographic memoir on East and West Florida, 1818 (Mss.Film.692b)
Seminole includes: Yat'siminoli
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Osage includes: 𐓁𐒻 𐓂𐒼𐒰𐓇𐒼𐒰͘
Pawnee includes: Chaticks si Chaticks, Chatiks si Chatiks
Potawatomi includes: Pottawotomi, Neshnabé, Bodéwadmi
Meskwaki includes: Mesquakie, Musquakie, Sac, Sauk, Fox, Sac-and-Fox
Choctaw includes: Chahta
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Contributor:Shindler, A. Zeno (Antonio Zeno), 1823-1899
Subject:Ethnography | Diplomacy | Government relations | Portraits | Clothing and dress | Clothing and dress | Material culture
Type:Still Image | Text
Extent:0.5 linear feet, 96 photographs
Description: Artist Antonio Zeno Shindler worked at the Smithsonian Institution from after the Civil War until the turn of the 20th century, specializing in ethnographic subjects. He was responsible for printing or taking a large number of photographs of American Indians exhibited there in 1869. The 95 studio portraits in the Shindler Collection were part of a suite of 301 images that comprised the first photographic exhibition at the Smithsonian, and that are documented in the catalogue Photographic Portraits of North American Indians in the Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution (1867). The individuals depicted were members of delegations sent to Washington during the years 1852, 1857-1858, and 1867-1869 from the following nations: Cherokee, Cheyenne, Chippewa (Ojibwe), Choctaw, Dakota Sioux (Brule, Miniconjou, Sans Arc, Santee, Sisseton, Two-Kettle, Yankton), Osage, Pawnee, Ponca, Potawatomi, Sac and Fox, Seminole, and Ute. Shindler printed the earlier photographs (mostly taken by the McClees Gallery) and was photographer for the later delegations. See the finding aid for more information. All of the photographs in this collection have been digitized and are in the APS Digital Library.
Collection:A. Zeno Shindler American Indian Photograph Collection (Mss.970.1.Sh6)
Contributor:Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816
Subject:Indian agents | Government relations | Diplomacy | Land claims | Land tenure | Politics and government | Agriculture | Social life and customs | Economic conditions | Surveying
Genre:Microfilms | Correspondence | Speeches | Memoranda
Extent:285 pages
Description: Original in possession of Independence National Historical Park. Letter book kept by Hawkins at the Creek Agency relating to Indian affairs, including outgoing letters, memoranda, and speeches to and from the Creeks and Choctaws. Topics include an attempt to survey the St. Mary's River and Spanish-U.S. relations. Includes a "sketch" of the Indians at the Creek Agency discussing political organization, agriculture, manufacture, public establishments, and justice. Materials written variously at Fort Wilkinson, Tukabatchee, and Coweta.
Collection:Benjamin Hawkins letterbook, 1798-1810 (Mss.Film.680)
Contributor:Bull, William, 1683-1755 | Gooch, William, Sir, 1681-1751 | Lee, Thomas, 1690-1750 | Logan, James, 1674-1751 | Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775 | Thomas, George, 1695?-1774 | Catawba chiefs | Weiser, Conrad, 1696-1760 | Glen, James, 1701-1777
Subject:Warfare | Diplomacy | Pennsylvania--History | South Carolina--History | United States--History--King George's War, 1744-1748 | Canada--History--To 1763 (New France)
Genre:Correspondence | Instructions
Extent:19 items
Description: Correspondence between James Logan, other royal and propriety officials, and various Native groups regarding Native affairs. Topics include Catawba relations with Cherokees, Haudenosaunee, and other Native groups; Catawba relations with various colonies; efforts to preserve peace among Britain's Native allies; fears about effect of inter-Native warfare during King George's War; and efforts to arrange a peace treaty between the Catawbas and the Haudenosaunee. Individuals mentioned include Schermerhorn and Conrad Weiser.
Collection:Selections from the correspondence of the Honourable James Logan, 1699-1750 (Mss.B.L82)
Contributor:Shippen, Edward, approximately 1703-1781
Subject:Warfare | Diplomacy | Fort Augusta | United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763 | Pennsylvania--History
Extent:2 items
Description: Two letters to Joseph Shippen. One (1758) mentions twelve Cherokees and one Mohawk en route to Philadelphia and then to Colonel Johnson. Cites cost of keeping them. The second (1763) discusses Indian attacks; mentions Cherokees and Creeks. Note on Indian movements near Fort Augusta and a copy of letter of James Irvine to Caleb Carnault, 15 June 1763, discussing strength of Fort Augusta.
Collection:Edward Shippen letters and papers (Mss.B.Sh62)
Date:circa 1787
Subject:Pennsylvania--History | Politics and government | Diplomacy
Extent:1 Letter
Description: Describes dinner with Benjamin Franklin and visiting Indians. Indians include a "clever" young Cherokee; the "old King" and his wife. Amused at their "civilized" dress. Behaved well; Council also at banquet.
Collection:Hewson Family Papers (Mss.B.H492.h, .br, .b1, .b)
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Date:January 22, 1737
Contributor:Logan, James, 1674-1751
Subject:Diplomacy | Virginia--History | Pennsylvania--History
Extent:2 pages
Description: Letter to Conrad Weiser regarding letters from Governor William Gooch of Virginia regarding persuading Cherokees to meet with the Haudenosaunee. Weiser should help get them to agree to meet.
Collection:Selections from the correspondence of the Honourable James Logan, 1699-1750 (Mss.B.L82)
Date:1787; 1777
Contributor:Sevier, John, 1745-1815
Extent:2 items
Description: Letter from John Sevier regarding Creek raids and a murder in Chickasaw territory. Second item titled "Talk from Indians to George Golphin, one of the commissioners of Indian affairs" in which the King of Talesy (probably the Creek town of Tálisi) speaks of trade with Pensacola; relations with Chickasaws and Choctaws. In a second speech the King of the Ocksuskeys (probably the Creek town of Okfuski) speaks of Cupitaws (possibly either the Creek town Kasíhta or Kawíta) and Ockjoys (probably Creek town Oktcháyi); describes a belt of wampum.
Collection:Benjamin Franklin Papers (Mss.B.F85)
Contributor:Tobocah | Tobocah's wife | Chickasaw Captain
Extent:4 pages
Description: Letter to Franklin from the Choctaw chief Tobacah, his wife, and "Chickasaw Captain." Present compliments. Seek directions as to how to proceed on their business.
Collection:Benjamin Franklin Papers (Mss.B.F85)
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Date:1714-1747, bulk 1745-1747
Subject:Diplomacy | Treaties | Government relations | Politics and government | New York (State)--History
Genre:Microfilms | Correspondence | Minutes | Petitions | Speeches | Stories | Government documents | Reports
Extent:1 reel, 200 pages
Description: These papers include 140 pages of letters, council minutes of Indian conferences, petitions, and speeches, concerning the activities of the New York Assembly and the Haudenosaunee, principally for 1745-1747. Also contains a 200-page addendum of papers of the Van Shack (Van Schaak) family, pertaining to the same subjects. Table of contents included. From originals at the New York Historical Society.
Collection:Daniel Horsmanden selected papers, 1714-1747, relating to the Six Nations (Mss.Film.640)