Displaying 1 - 10 of 198
Wolastoqiyik includes: Wəlastəkwewiyik, Malecite, Maliseet
Wabanaki includes: Wabenaki, Wobanaki
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Innu includes: Montagnais, Mountaineer
Atikamekw includes: Têtes-de-Boules, Têtes de Boules, Tete de Boule
Abenaki includes: Abnaki
Language:English | Abenaki, Western | French | Abenaki, Eastern
Contributor:Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974 | Day, Gordon M. | Laurent, Bernedette | Masta, Henry Lorne | Nolet, Beatrice | Obomsawin, Louis Napoleon | Panadis, Theophile | Reynolds, Beatrice | Ritzenthaler, Robert E. (Robert Eugene), 1911-1980 | Watso, William
Subject:Dance | Architecture | Ethnography | Clothing and dress | Hunting | Psychology | Agriculture | Animals | Personal names | Kinship | Music | Botany | Material culture | Folklore | Medicine | Religion | Genealogy | Economics | Linguistics | Québec (Province)--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Field notes | Photographs | Maps | Notes | Rorschach tests | Vocabularies | Drawings | Bibliographies | Biographies | Stories
Extent:1 linear foot
Description: The Abenaki materials in the Hallowell Papers are mostly located in Series V, Research Files, in folders labled "Abenaki" and Series VI, Photographs, Subseries E "St. Francis Abenaki Album." These include linguistic, ethnographic, ethnobotanical, ceremonial knowledge, information on political organization, and historical materials. Of particular interest are a sketch of Abenaki history from 1600-1930 accompanied by detailed notes from secondary sources on 17th century Abenaki history. The linguistic materials include an analysis of how the language changed after contact with Catholic missionaries, Abenaki vocabulary related to body parts, Abenaki phonetics, and religious, medical, and kinship terminology. The ethnobotanical materials include a manuscript labled "Identity of animals and plants," and information concerning herbal medicine and its practitioners. There is a wealth of ethnographic materials that include drawings of pipes, descriptions of games, basketry and birch bark mats. There are descriptions of Abenaki music and diagrams of dances, as well as detailed descriptions of hunting techniques. Some of the genealogical materials contain lists of community members names and descriptions of marriage. Interspersed throughout the folders labled "Abenaki" in the Research Files are interlinear translations of stories such as "Man who could Find Lost Objects," "Woman and Bear Lover" and numerous other stories. The materials on hunting include topics such as the use of snow shoes, preparation of moose hide, and techniques and drawings of trapping. The collections contain important information designation hunting territories and family names. Four folders contain detailed informaiton on kinship terms. Two folders on Measurements and Genealogical data contain lists of names. The folders labled "Linguistics" in Series V contain scattered information about Abenaki grammar. In Series VI, of 160 photographs taken at St. Francis, Odanak in the Centre-du-Québec region. The Abenaki people in the photographs are identified, in most cases, and also include depictions of traditional dress, buildings, clothing, baskets, and a wide variety of material culture. The correspondence, in Series I, includes letters from Théophile Panadis; Gordon Day describing his collection of stories, recordings, vocabularies, and hunting territories. Henry Lorne Masta, one of Hallowell's Abenaki consultants, writes about culture and language. Additional correspondents may contain other Abenaki-related information.
Collection:Alfred Irving Hallowell Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.26)
Achumawi includes: Pit River, Achomawi, Ajumawi
Date:1911-1915, 1936
Contributor:Halpern, Abraham M. (Abraham Meyer), 1914-1985 | Pitkin, Harvey | Harrington, J. P. (John P.), 1865-1939
Subject:Linguistics | Politics and government
Genre:Field notes | Notebooks
Description: The Achumawi materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers consist of miscellaneous materials in Series III, a political history of the tribe in III-A, and linguistic material collected by A.M. Halpern and J.P. Harrington also in III-A.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Alabama includes: Alibamu
Date:ca. 1941
Contributor:Lounsbury, Floyd Glenn
Subject:Linguistics | Oklahoma--History
Genre:Vocabularies | Field notes
Extent:1 folder
Description: The Alabama materials in the Floyd Lounsbury Papers comprise Alabama words in the folder "Notes in envelope", Series II, Iroquois - Cherokee subseries, within research by Lounsbury on Cherokee. They are found among a notebook set mostly documented in Eufaula, Oklahoma, though it is not known if these words were collected at the same time or place, and no consultant has been identified.
Collection:Floyd G. Lounsbury Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.95)
Contributor:Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Thomas, Joe | Thompson, Chief Charlie | Celestine, Eddie | Sylestine, Harry | Battiste, E. S. | Swanton, John Reed, 1873-1958
Subject:Linguistics | Ethnography
Genre:Vocabularies | Field notes | Notebooks | Dictionaries
Extent:0.5 linear feet
Description: Mary Haas worked for a short period to document Alabama with several speakers on in the 1930s. The field notebook is in Series 2 Subseries ‘Multiple Languages' and includes comparisons with Koasati and Choctaw. Around 585 lexical items were obtained from this fieldwork, from which lexical slip files (Series 9) are derived. Haas also utilized John R. Swanton's dictionary of Alabama, and Alabama forms part of extensive Muskogean language comparisons, mostly in Series 2. There is also brief correspondence.
Collection:Mary R. Haas Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.94)
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Omushkego includes: Cree, Swampy, Mushkegowuk, Omushkigowack
Naskapi includes: ᓇᔅᑲᐱ, Iyiyiw, Skoffie
Nipissing includes: Nbisiing
Ktunaxa includes: Kootenai, Kootenay, Kutenai, Tonaxa
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Cree includes: Nēhiyaw, Cri
Chibcha includes: Muysca, Muisca
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Date:1912-1941 and undated
Contributor:Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950 | Bailey, Alfred Goldsworthy | Weitzner, Bella
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Zoology | Divination | Population | Ethnography | Folklore | Basketry | Birch bark | Hunting | Archaeology | Ontario--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Correspondence | Notes | Field notes | Abstracts | Sketches | Notebooks | Photographs | Stories
Extent:7 items
Description: Materials relating to both Algonquin and related Algonquian peoples, cultures, and languages. Includes Speck's notes on artifacts found near Lake Abitibi and in the Nipissing district; his Seven Islands field notes, including texts with interlinear translations, house data, names of animals, and a letter in French from Marie Louise Ambroise; sketches and comments on shoulder blade divination (scapulimancy), including notes on deer drives (including an undated note from A. Irving Hallowell) and the distribution of artifacts among Algonquin, Naskapi, and Mistissini peoples; two field notebooks containing (1) linguistic notes and informant and population data for Waswanipi, Abitibi, Temiskaming [Timiskaming], Nipissing, Algonquian and (2) Temiskaming ethnography, Wisiledjak (Wiskyjack) [Wisakedjak, a manitou] text (in English), Temagami ethnology and texts (in English), and one Iroquois legend; general information on birch-bark containers, including 37 photographs and 40 pages of notes relating to Algonquin, Cree, Ojibwe and Ktunaxa specimens, and a letter from Bella Weitzner; and a letter from A. G. Bailey sending Speck a copy of his book on Algonquians.
Collection:Frank G. Speck Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.126)
Arapaho includes: Arapahoe
Date:1949-1952, 1962, 1967-1968, 1973-1974, 1976-1977, 1992, 1995-1996, 2000-2001
Contributor:C'Hair, William James | Cleveland, Edna | Cowell, Andrew | Goggles, John B. | Hatton, Orin T., 1953- | Hopper, Edward G. | Merrill, William Lewis | Moss, Alonzo | Powers, William K. | Roark-Calnek, Sue N., 1936- | Salzmann, Zdeněk | Shakespeare, William | Underwood, Merry Kate | Weigel, William F.
Subject:Linguistics | Montana--History | Music | Oklahoma--History | Religion
Genre:Correspondence | Field notes | Grammars | Interviews | Transcriptions | Vocabularies
Extent:814 pages
Description: The Arapaho materials in the Phillips Fund collection consist of 7 items. Materials in this collection are listed alphabetically by last name of author. See materials listed under Andrew Cowell, Orin T. Hatton, William Lewis Merrill, Willam K. Powers, Sue Roark-Calnek, Z. Salzmann, and William Weigel. These materials pertain to both Northern and Southern Arapaho. The materials by Cowell and Weigel relate to linguistic fieldwork for which there are accompnaying audio recordings, listed separately in this guide. Salzmann's material is also linguistic, containing a draft grammar of the language. The material by Hatton also relates to an extensive audio collection, "Ghost Dance-Era Songs of the Arapaho Crow Dance," also listed separately in this guide.
Collection:Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection (Mss.497.3.Am4)
Biloxi includes: Tanêks, Tanêksa
Date:1934-1994 (bulk: 1934, 1950s-1960s)
Contributor:Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Jackson, Emma | Dorsey, James Owen, 1848-1895 | Swanton, John Reed, 1873-1958
Genre:Field notes | Notebooks | Correspondence | Vocabularies
Extent:1.0 linear feet
Description: Haas' Biloxi file is mostly derived from John R. Swanton and James Owen Dorsey's published dictionaries, and often appears alongside the other Ohio Valley Siouan/Southeastern Siouan languages Tutelo and Ofo. The most notable original Biloxi material in the collection is an elicitation from Emma Jackson made in the 1930s, with comparisons to the lexica found in Swanton and Dorsey's published dictionaries, found in “Field Notebook: Koasati, Alabama, Biloxi” in Series 2: “Multiple Languages”. Haas also made many comparisons to other neighboring languages in Series 9, under many headings, observed possible Spanish loanwords (Series 2 Subseries "Tunica"), and alluded to Biloxi and neighbors in later correspondence.
Collection:Mary R. Haas Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.94)
Blackfeet includes: Blackfoot, Niitsítapi, Siksika, Siksikaitsitapi
Contributor:Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Taylor, Allan R. (Allan Ross), 1931- | Frantz, Donald G.
Subject:Linguistics | Games
Genre:Field notes | Correspondence | Vocabularies
Extent:0.25 linear feet
Description: Haas' Blackfeet file was produced concurrently with PhD student Allan Taylor's dissertation, a grammar of the language, and Taylor appears to have produced much of it as a result of fieldwork. The file includes reprints with marginalia, phonology, a field notebook containing 15 pages of basic vocabulary and paradigms in Series 2 Subseries ‘Multiple Languages', and lexica with Proto-Algonquian comparisons, in Series 9.
Collection:Mary R. Haas Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.94)
Blackfeet includes: Blackfoot, Niitsítapi, Siksika, Siksikaitsitapi
Date:1967-1968, 1995, 2005, 2012-2015
Contributor:Armoskaite, Solveiga | Powers, William K. | Spriggs, Lynne | Bliss, Heather | Kim, Kyumin | Miyashita, Mizuki
Subject:Linguistics | Montana--History
Type:Text | Sound recording
Genre:Essays | Reports | Elicitation sessions | Interviews | Field notes
Extent:345 pages, 4 CDs
Description: The Blackfeet materials in the Phillips Fund collection consist of 6 items. Materials in this collection are listed alphabetically by last name of author. See materials listed under Armoskaite, Powers, Spriggs, Bliss, Kim, and Miyashita.
Collection:Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection (Mss.497.3.Am4)
Date:1942, 1950
Genre:Correspondence | Field notes
Extent:6+ folders
Description: The Blackfeet material in the Fenton papers are found in Series I, including correspondence with Blackfeet Tribal Business Council, Felix Cohen, Paul L. Fickinger, and U.S. Dept. of Interior. See also Lucien M. Hanks in this same section for letter concerning field work among the Siksika (Northern Blackfoot) at Gleichen, Alberta in the 1940s. Series V contains Fenton's field notes from the Blackfeet Reservation in 1950.
Collection:William N. Fenton papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.20)