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Wolastoqiyik includes: Wəlastəkwewiyik, Malecite, Maliseet
Wabanaki includes: Wabenaki, Wobanaki
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Innu includes: Montagnais, Mountaineer
Atikamekw includes: Têtes-de-Boules, Têtes de Boules, Tete de Boule
Abenaki includes: Abnaki
Language:English | Abenaki, Western | French | Abenaki, Eastern
Contributor:Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974 | Day, Gordon M. | Laurent, Bernedette | Masta, Henry Lorne | Nolet, Beatrice | Obomsawin, Louis Napoleon | Panadis, Theophile | Reynolds, Beatrice | Ritzenthaler, Robert E. (Robert Eugene), 1911-1980 | Watso, William
Subject:Dance | Architecture | Ethnography | Clothing and dress | Hunting | Psychology | Agriculture | Animals | Personal names | Kinship | Music | Botany | Material culture | Folklore | Medicine | Religion | Genealogy | Economics | Linguistics | Québec (Province)--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Field notes | Photographs | Maps | Notes | Rorschach tests | Vocabularies | Drawings | Bibliographies | Biographies | Stories
Extent:1 linear foot
Description: The Abenaki materials in the Hallowell Papers are mostly located in Series V, Research Files, in folders labled "Abenaki" and Series VI, Photographs, Subseries E "St. Francis Abenaki Album." These include linguistic, ethnographic, ethnobotanical, ceremonial knowledge, information on political organization, and historical materials. Of particular interest are a sketch of Abenaki history from 1600-1930 accompanied by detailed notes from secondary sources on 17th century Abenaki history. The linguistic materials include an analysis of how the language changed after contact with Catholic missionaries, Abenaki vocabulary related to body parts, Abenaki phonetics, and religious, medical, and kinship terminology. The ethnobotanical materials include a manuscript labled "Identity of animals and plants," and information concerning herbal medicine and its practitioners. There is a wealth of ethnographic materials that include drawings of pipes, descriptions of games, basketry and birch bark mats. There are descriptions of Abenaki music and diagrams of dances, as well as detailed descriptions of hunting techniques. Some of the genealogical materials contain lists of community members names and descriptions of marriage. Interspersed throughout the folders labled "Abenaki" in the Research Files are interlinear translations of stories such as "Man who could Find Lost Objects," "Woman and Bear Lover" and numerous other stories. The materials on hunting include topics such as the use of snow shoes, preparation of moose hide, and techniques and drawings of trapping. The collections contain important information designation hunting territories and family names. Four folders contain detailed informaiton on kinship terms. Two folders on Measurements and Genealogical data contain lists of names. The folders labled "Linguistics" in Series V contain scattered information about Abenaki grammar. In Series VI, of 160 photographs taken at St. Francis, Odanak in the Centre-du-Québec region. The Abenaki people in the photographs are identified, in most cases, and also include depictions of traditional dress, buildings, clothing, baskets, and a wide variety of material culture. The correspondence, in Series I, includes letters from Théophile Panadis; Gordon Day describing his collection of stories, recordings, vocabularies, and hunting territories. Henry Lorne Masta, one of Hallowell's Abenaki consultants, writes about culture and language. Additional correspondents may contain other Abenaki-related information.
Collection:Alfred Irving Hallowell Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.26)
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Contributor:Weer, Paul | Rafinesque, C. S. (Constantine Samuel), 1783-1840 | Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888 | Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison), 1837-1899
Subject:Anthropology | Folklore
Genre:Microfilms | Bibliographies | Biographies
Extent:24 pages
Description: This bibliography is a guide to writings about a chronicle of the Lenape, first studied by Constantine S. Rafinesque, and subsequently by Ephraim G. Squier and Daniel G. Brinton. It is divided into four sections: Rafinesque, with four sources on the man; Walam Olum, listing all known Anthropological Studies; and References, to the Walam Olum. [Note that the Walam Olum has since been discredited as a fraud perpetuated by Rafinesque. See, for instance, David M. Oestreicher, "Unmasking the Walam Olum: A 19th-Century Hoax," Archaeological Society of New Jersey, Bulletin, no. 49 (1994, 1-44); and Oestreicher, "Unraveling the Walam Olum," Natural History, October 1996, 14-21.] From original loaned by Paul A. W. Wallace, 1952.
Collection:Bibliography, of the Walam Olum (Mss.Film.585)
Genre:Drafts | Correspondence | Biographies
Extent:1 folder
Description: Haas appears to have been preparing in the 1930s for a fieldtrip to Alaska that never materialized. She collected information on Eyak phonology and on several speakers of Eyak in Cordova, Alaska, details of which can be found in Series 2 Subseries ‘Eyak' and possibly also Series 1 correspondence with Frederica de Laguna. There are also comparisons with Tlingit and other Dene languages in Series 9.
Collection:Mary R. Haas Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.94)
Contributor:Stevens, Harry R., (Harry Robert), 1914-
Subject:Biography | Economic conditions | Ethnography | Ohio--History | Linguistics | Physical anthropology | Politics and government | Religion | Social life and customs | Warfare
Type:Sound recording | Still Image | Text
Genre:Biographies | Censuses | Essays | Government documents | Grammars | Vocabularies
Extent:40 linear feet
Description: This collection consists almost entirely of photocopies of secondary and primary materials relating to Shawnee history and culture, and the history of the Ohio River region. The majority of the materials are copies of published sources, from the 18th to 20th century, with Stevens' notes on them. The collection is organized according to the topics by which Stevens kept his copies and notes, covering a very broad range of subject matter. The audio recordings are copies of recordings (Shawnee only) housed at the Library of Congress.
Collection:Harry Stevens Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.99)
Koasati includes: Coushatta
Contributor:Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Langley, Jackson | Carr, Willie | Carr, Sima | Kimball, Geoffrey D., 1954-
Subject:Linguistics | Genealogy
Genre:Vocabularies | Correspondence | Drafts | Field notes | Notebooks | Biographies
Extent:1.75 linear feet
Description: Mary Haas' Koasati file is quite extensive. Field notes from the 1930s can be found in Series 2 Subseries ‘Multiple Languages' and ‘Koasati', and include several interlinear texts, notably a transcription of a handwritten letter in the language between Jackson Langley and Louisa Carson. Notes on Haas' Oklahoma consultants also feature in Series 2. There are several versions of a 124-page typeset dictionary with no attribution, also in Series 2. A great many lexical slips can be found in Series 9, as well as a 575+ item wordlist in Series 2, with frequent comparison to Muskogean and “Gulf” languages as part of Haas' historical linguistics efforts. In addition there are many works by others on Koasati, in Series 8.
Collection:Mary R. Haas Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.94)
Tuscarora includes: Ska:rù:rę'
Seneca includes: Onöndowága
Mohawk includes: Kanienʼkehá꞉ka
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Contributor:Parish, Jasper, 1767-1836 | Newton, Dorothy May Fairbank | Pickering, Timothy, 1745-1829
Subject:Indian agents | New York (State)--History | Government relations | Diplomacy | Treaties | Missions | Land tenure | Politics and government | Land claims | Land grants | United States--History--War of 1812 | Warfare
Genre:Microfilms | Biographies | Theses | Correspondence | Maps | Transcriptions | Reports | Instructions | Government Documents and Records
Extent:1 reel
Description: "Letters and documents relating to the government service of Jasper Parrish among the Indians of New York State," compiled and edited by Mrs. Dorothy May Fairbanks Newton, 1940. This Vassar College student thesis contains text written by Newton, transcriptions of letters to and from Parrish [aka Parish, an Indian agent and interpreter] and other documents, and 54 letters and 5 maps pertaining to Indian affairs in New York State. Newton used primary documents found in Vassar College's Jasper Parrish Papers Collection. Originals of both thesis and the primary documents it is based on are at Vassar College.
Collection:Letters and documents relating to the government service of Jasper Parrish among the Indians of New York state, 1790-1831 (Mss.Film.650)
Mi'kmaq includes: Micmac
Date:circa 1816-1820 and undated
Subject:Linguistics | Algonquian languages | Missions | Religion | Canada--History--To 1763 (New France) | Jesuits | Séminaire de Québec
Genre:Microfilms | Catechisms | Grammars | Sermons | Instructions | Notes | Pictographs | Tables (documents) | Biographies | Dictionaries
Extent:5 items
Description: Part of a collection comprised of religious and linguistic materials in various Native American languages. Many were written by Jesuit missionaries of New France. These particular items include a catechism for Mi'kmaq children; a Mi'kmaq grammar copied by Rev. M. G. P. Cote, cure de Ste. Croix, and given by him to the Seminaire de Quebec in 1907; missionary Joseph-Marie Bellenger's book of Sunday sermons, including instructions and notes about the Mi'kmaq language (with Bellenger's observation that his notes are based on Maillard but that he has often had to supply endings), as well as a page of pictographs; Pierre-Antoine-Simon Maillard's manuscript containing religious doctrine and exercises, a table of deaths, notes on the principles of the French languages, and a table of contents, with a biographical note by Bellenger added in 1816 and 10 pages of pictographs with their meanings in Mi'kmaq; and Maillard's 1820 volume on the Mi'kmaq language, copied by Bellenger. Originals in the Archives de l'Archeveche de Quebec and at the Universite Laval, Seminaire de Quebec.
Collection:Selected materials, 1676-1930, on Indian linguistics (Mss.Film.453)
Miami includes: Myaamiaki
Language:Miami-Illinois | English
Date:1930s, 1960s, undated
Contributor:Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Old Lady Walker
Genre:Vocabularies | Biographies
Extent:0.1 linear feet
Description: Mary Haas' small Miami-Illinois file consists of a 275-550 card lexical slip file, with some comparison to Algonquian languages (Series 9), a shorter set of index cards in Series 2 among Proto-Central-Algonquian manuscripts, and a biographical note on Old Lady Walker, in a field notebook of various languages in Oklahoma, 1930s (Series 2).
Collection:Mary R. Haas Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.94)
Mohican includes: Mahican, Muhhekunneuw
Language:Mahican | English | Nuu-chah-nulth
Date:1795; 1937-1944
Contributor:Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Prince, John Dyneley, 1868-1945
Subject:Linguistics | Wisconsin--History | New York (State)--History | Religion | Ethnography
Genre:Vocabularies | Prayers | Catechisms | Field notes | Biographies | Stories
Extent:1 notebook, 286 loose pages, and approx. 6100 slips
Description: The Mohican materials in the ACLS Collection consists of 4 sets of material in the "Mahican" section of the collection. These materials were recorded by Morris Swadesh at the Stockbridge-Munsee community in Wisconsin and are predominantly focused on linguistic matters. A set of original field notes ("Mohican field notes", item A1k.4) contains lexical items obtained from Wisconsin Stockbridge community; a folder of miscellaneous historical material; lexical lists, and a narrative biography in English. "Mohican lexical file" (item A1k.2) consists of approximately 6100 slips arranged phonetically, derived from items from liturgical literature as well as books used in the translation of the same (some are Nuu-chah-nulth and have not been separated out). "Mohican lexical materials" (item A1k.1), based on Swadesh's field work, contains a discussion of historical sources, phonetics, morphophonology, historical phonology, as well as vocabulary of letter "W" in Mohican compiled from printed and field sources. "Interlinear translations of Mohican liturgical literature" (item A1k.3) includes catechism, prayers, and copies of printed material on Stockbridge and Hudson River Indians published in 1903 and 1905 by J. Dyneley Prince.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Subject:Place names | Linguistics
Genre:Biographies | Correspondence | Maps | Translations
Extent:1 volume
Description: Place names (taken from deeds of conveyance, maps, and narrated by Indians), for Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, together with names and biographies of chiefs and famous men. Translations.
Collection:Names which the Lenni Lenape...had given to rivers, streams, places, etc. (Mss.497.3.H35n)