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Wenatchi includes: Wenatchee, Columbia-Wenatchi, šnp̓əšqʷáw̓šəxʷ
Language:Columbia-Wenatchi | English
Contributor:Bearcub, Matilda | Davis, Elizabeth | Mattina, Nancy | Smith, Norine
Subject:Folklore | Washington (State)--History | Linguistics
Type:Sound recording
Extent:4 sound tape reels (1 hr., 43 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Stories told in untranslated Nxa'amxcin, also known as Columbia-Wenatchi or Moses-Columbia. Recorded in Omak and Nespelem, Washington in 1997 and 1998. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Case Particles in Moses Columbia Salish (Nxa?amxcin) (Mss.Rec.250)
Yakama includes: Yakima
Wenatchi includes: Wenatchee, Columbia-Wenatchi, šnp̓əšqʷáw̓šəxʷ
Syilx includes: Okanagan, Okanogan
Séliš includes: Salish, Flathead
Nez Perce includes: Niimíipu
Kalispel includes: Pend d'Oreille
Ktunaxa includes: Kootenai, Kootenay, Kutenai, Tonaxa
Schitsu'umsh includes: Coeur d'Alene, Skitswish
Aaniiih includes: A'aninin, Atsina, Gros Ventre
Assiniboine includes: Assiniboin, Nakoda, Hohe, Nakota
Blackfeet includes: Blackfoot, Niitsítapi, Siksika, Siksikaitsitapi
Language:Assiniboine | Blackfoot | Columbia-Wenatchi | Coeur d'Alene | Okanagan (nsyilxcən) | Crow | Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille | Kutenai | Nez Perce | Yakama
Date:1976 and undated
Subject:Linguistics | Jesuits | Missions | Religion
Genre:Microfilms | Dictionaries | Vocabularies | Grammars
Extent:21 reels
Description: These language texts, produced in the late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries, include dictionaries, grammars, vocabularies, and religious materials (primarily Christian) of the Assiniboine, Blackfoot (including the Piegan dialect), Chelan (an Interior Salish group speaking Columbia-Wenatchi), Coeur d'Alene, Wenatchi (Columbian), Colville (Okanagan), Crow, Kalispel (including Gros Ventre), Kutenai (Ktunaxa), Nez Perce, and Yakama (Yakima) languages. From originals on deposit by the Oregon Province Archives of the Society of Jesus at the Pacific Northwest Indian Center, Spokane, Washington. Guide book included.
Collection:Indian language collection: the Pacific Northwest tribal languages (Mss.Film.1365)
Language:Umatilla | Walla Walla | Yakama | English | Tenino | Nez Perce | Cayuse | Columbia-Wenatchi | Molala
Date:ca. 1953-1969
Contributor:Jones, Vera | Spino, Inez | Williams, Joe | Barnhart, Alice | Slickpoo, Sam | Rigsby, Bruce | Elmendorf, William W. (William Welcome), 1912- | McKay, Charles | Pond, Walter | Saluskin, Alex | Joe, Annie | Williams, Charlie | Walsh, Ed (Edward Joseph) | Winishut, Linton | Winishut, Eva | Thompson, Flora | Sohappy, Frank | Yelkes, Fred | Nanamkin, George | Conner, Gilbert | Thompson, Henry | Spino, Lillian | Shawaway, Minnie | Joe, Susie | Mitchell, Louis | Peters, May | Tias, Oswald | Guyer, Philip | Sturgis, Sam | Andrews, Tom | George, Victor | Burke, Winnie | Minthorn, Mamie | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Umtuch, Donald
Subject:Personal names | Oregon--History | Washington (State)--History | Idaho--History | Animals | Plants | Botany | Place names | Biography | Kinship | Food
Genre:Microfilms | Biographies | Elicitation sessions | Field notes | Personal names | Place names | Vocabularies | Oral histories | Stories | Grammars
Extent:2 reels; 18 notebooks and ca. 380 loose pages
Description: Fieldnotes across the Plateau region, especially in Pendleton OR (near the Umatilla Reservation), Nespelem WA (in the Colville Reservation), and Toppenish WA (Yakama Reservation), between 1963 and 1969, supplemented by materials collected from other recent secondary sources. Copies held by the APS were privately microfilmed by Bruce Rigsby; the APS does not possess the originals. Notebooks 1-8 mostly represent work at and around the Umatilla Reservation in 1963, and notebooks 9-18 were recorded mostly near the Colville and Yakama reservations, 1964 onwards. The notebooks contain elicited lexica, with some texts, and details on the knowledge and use of languages by specific individuals. The loose notes at the end are mostly texts. A full inventory of the notebooks and notes, with individual contributor, place and language information, is in the collection finding aid.
Collection:Sahaptin field notes (Mss.Film.1261)
Language:Coeur d'Alene | English | Columbia-Wenatchi | Okanagan (nsyilxcən) | Spokane
Contributor:Bart, Agatha | Bessell, Nicola | Clark, Faustina | Flett, Pauline | Lasarte, Blanche | Marchand, Mary | Nicodemus, Lawrence | Quintasket, Charlie | Stensgar, Margaret
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Elicitation sessions | Vocabularies
Extent:8 sound tape reels (2 hr., 40 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Recordings of linguistic elicitations made with speakers of Spokane, Colville-Okanagan, Coeur d'Alene, and Moses-Columbia. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Salish language recordings (Mss.Rec.154)
Syilx includes: Okanagan, Okanogan
Language:Columbia-Wenatchi | English | Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille | Okanagan (nsyilxcən)
Date:Circa 1900, 1908, 1913, 1915-1921, 1930
Contributor:Commons, Rachel S., 1899-1936 | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Teit, James Alexander, 1864-1922 | Brooks, Cecile | Louis, Mrs. | Joy, Lucy | Tilson, Andrew | Louie, Johnny | Brooks, Michel | Louie, Emma | Joe, Lucy
Subject:Ethnography | Linguistics | Music | British Columbia--History
Type:Still Image | Text | Cartographic
Genre:Field notes | Maps | Songs | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:314+ pages, 40 slips, multiple map, notebooks
Description: The Syilx (Okanagon) materials in the APS collection consists mainly of items in the "Okanagan" section of the finding aid. Boas' "Okanagan materials" (item S1d.1) include vocabulary and texts with interlinear translation, and some corresponding Kalispel forms. Teit's "Vocabulary in Okanagon and related dialects" (item S1d.2) includes forms from Nkaus, Sanpoil, Colville, and Lake dialects, with some parallel forms in Kalispel and Columbia. Rachel Commons' field notes (item S1d.4) include word lists, ethnographic notes (including a map), and some linguistic text. In the "Salish" section of the finding aid, Teit's "Songs from the Salish area" (item S.6) include notes on 80 songs (some of which are Syilx) recorded for and sent to the National Museum of Canada (now the Canadian Museum of History). In this same section, Teit's "Field notes on Thompson and neighboring Salish languages" (item S1b.7) consists of numerous notebooks, which partially include some ethnographic notes on Syilx matters.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Wenatchi includes: Wenatchee, Columbia-Wenatchi, šnp̓əšqʷáw̓šəxʷ
Language:Columbia-Wenatchi | English | Okanagan (nsyilxcən)
Contributor:Kinkade, M. Dale (Marvin Dale), 1933-2004 | Miller, Agnes
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Elicitation sessions | Vocabularies
Extent:6 sound tape reels (7 hr., 44 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Linguistic field recordings of elicited vocabulary, pronunciation, and some grammar in the Columbia-Wenatchi language, often referred to on the recording as Moses. Includes occasional vocabulary in the Colville dialect of the Okanagan language. Recorded in the Methow Valley south of Carlton, Washington, in June - August 1965. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Wenathcee language recordings (Mss.Rec.53)
Wenatchi includes: Wenatchee, Columbia-Wenatchi, šnp̓əšqʷáw̓šəxʷ
Language:Columbia-Wenatchi | English
Date:1965-1966, 1987-1991, 1997-1998
Contributor:Bessell, Nicola | Kinkade, M. Dale (Marvin Dale), 1933-2004 | Miller, Agnes | Miller, Jerome
Subject:Linguistics | Washington (State)--History
Genre:Correspondence | Elicitation sessions | Essays | Field notes | Reports | Vocabularies
Extent:455 pages
Description: The Wenatchi materials in the Phillips Fund collection consist of 4 items. Materials in this collection are listed alphabetically by last name of author. See materials listed under Bessell and Kinkade.
Collection:Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection (Mss.497.3.Am4)