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Achumawi includes: Pit River, Achomawi, Ajumawi
Date:circa 1910s-1930s
Contributor:Angulo, Jaime de | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Uldall, Hans Jørgen, 1907-1957
Description: This collection contains the bulk of correspondence between Franz Boas and his professional colleagues, though there are also other Boas collections in the library. The correspondents listed above contain some correspondence related to the culture or language listed in this entry. In the finding aid listings for some of these correspondents, the individual letters pertaining to this culture or language will be identified by a subject heading, though for some correspondents this indexing has not yet been completed. Some letters may contain only brief mentions of work being conducted in relation to the topic. Some additional correspondences in this collection that have not yet been indexed may also contain additional material.
Collection:Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61)
Atsugewi includes: Pit River
Contributor:Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960
Description: The Atsugewi materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers are limited to occassional information in A.M. Halpern's notebooks and A.L Kroeber's notebooks in Series I-A.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Contributor:Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Pitkin, Harvey
Genre:Maps | Vocabularies | Notes
Description: The Kato materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers include occassional information and notebooks by A.L. Kroeber in Series I-A, miscellaneous materials in Series III, Vocabularies in Series III-B, and a mimeographed hand-drawn map of language ranges for Athabasccan language groups in Subseries 5.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Date:1912, 1953
Contributor:Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960
Extent:1 folder
Description: The Chumash materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers comprise one folder in Subcollection 1, Series III-B: notes on geographical terms by A. L. Kroeber. The specific language has not been catalogued.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Date:1885; 1936-1981
Contributor:Axtell, James, 1944- | Brinton, Daniel G. (Daniel Garrison), 1837-1899 | Fenton, William N., (William Nelson), 1908-2005 | Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Hamell, George R. | Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Stocking, George W., 1928- | Tooker, Elisabeth, 1927-2004 | Lounsbury, Floyd Glenn
Subject:Astronomy | Religion | Linguistics | Place names | Art | Economics | Psychology | Genealogy | Archaeology | Ethnography
Type:Text | Cartographic
Genre:Vocabularies | Notebooks | Bibliographies | Songs | Essays | Maps | Newspaper clippings
Description: The General Linguistics material in the Lounsbury collection can be found in Series II. It includes a broad array works ranging from archeoastronomy to maps to lectures presented by Lounsbury on the history of linguistics. Many of the items are secondary sources.
Collection:Floyd G. Lounsbury Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.95)
Date:1917-1925, 1931
Subject:Caddoan languages | Coahuiltecan languages | Hokan languages | Language families | Linguistics | Muskogean languages | Siouan languages
Extent:1 page, circa 1,300 cards and slips
Description: The Hokan materials in the ACLS collection consist mainly of two items in the "Hokan" section of the finding aid. The main item is Sapir's "Hokan-Siouan comparisons" lexical file (item H.3). This consists of comparisons among various families of the proposed Hokan-Siouan phylum. Dividers separate sections as follows: Hokan-Siouan (Yuki; Muskogean: Caddoan; Siouan; Hokan-type Coahuiltecan-Butiaba); Washo-Hokan; Hokan-Coahuiltecan; Yana-Hokan. It is subdivided by stems, grammatical categories, and occasionally by meaning. There is an additional brief document by Kroeber, item H.4 "Hokan compared with various Middle and South American languages", with wordlists of 21 English items with equivalents in Yuman, Hokan, Subtiaba, Xinca, Lenca, Chibcha, Guayom, Chibchan, Zoque, and Mixe, taken from published and unpublished sources. In the "Achumawi" section of the finding aid, there are two items by Jaime de Angulo examining the relationship of Achumawi to the proposed Hokan language family (items H.1 and H.2).
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Kwakwaka'wakw includes: Kwakiutl
Contributor:Pitkin, Harvey | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952 | Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960
Subject:Linguistics | Folklore | Clans | Religion | British Columbia--History
Genre:Notes | Personal names | Vocabularies | Essays
Description: The Kwakwaka'wakw materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers include a box of card slips by Franz Boas including more than two thousand personal, myth, and clan names in Series III-B. There are also manuscripts by Edward Curtis, annotated by A.L. Kreober, on the Kwakwaka'wakw potlatch in Series III-C.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Luiseño includes: Payómkawichum
Contributor:Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Pitkin, Harvey
Description: The Luiseño material in the Harvey Pitkin Papers consists of a select but important collection of miscellaneous materials in Series III, notes by A.L. Kroeber, in Series III-B, and manuscripts and texts by Kroeber in Series III-C.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Mattole includes: Bear River
Extent:3 letters
Description: Currently, the only Mattole-related letters identified in this collection are 3 letters to and from Alfred Kroeber from July 23, December 4, and December 5, 1928. This collection contains the bulk of correspondence between Franz Boas and his professional colleagues, though there are also other Boas collections in the library. The correspondents listed above contain some correspondence related to the culture or language listed in this entry. The largest correspondence is that of George Hunt, which took place from 1894-1933 and runs around 1000 pages. A full index for this correspondence is available upon request, and includes cross references to the locations (in other APS collections) of fieldwork and other materials referred to in the letters. Other correspondences primarily about Kwakwaka'wakw matters are that of the Cadwalladers, Dan Cranmer, John Fillmore (concerning the transcription of Boas' cylinder recordings of Kwakiutl songs), Alfred I. Hall, and C. J. Nowell. In the finding aid listings for some of these correspondents, the individual letters pertaining to this culture or language will be identified by a subject heading, though for some correspondents this indexing has not yet been completed. Some letters may contain only brief mentions of work being conducted in relation to the topic. Some additional correspondences in this collection that have not yet been indexed may also contain additional material.
Collection:Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61)
Wichí includes: Mataco (pej.)
Zapotec includes: Zapoteco, Zapoteca
Úza includes: Chichimeca-Jonaz
Tohono O'odham includes: Papago
Tlapanec includes: Me'phaa, Tlapaneco
Popoluca includes: Nundajɨypappɨc, Soteapanec, Popoloca
Purépecha includes: Tarascan (pej.), P'urhépecha
Otomi includes: Hñahñu, Ñuhu, Ñhato, Ñuhmu
Pame includes: Xi'úi
Mazatec includes: Ha Shuta Enima, Mazateco
Mazahua includes: Hñatho
Matlatzinca includes: Matlatzinco
Huastec includes: Téenek, Wastek, Huasteco, Huaxtec, Wasteko
Cuitlatec includes: Cuitlateco
Cuicatec includes: Cuicateco
Chatino includes: Kitse Cha'tño
Chinantec includes: Chinanteco, Yolox, Yetla
Amuzgo includes: Amochco, Amoxco, Ñuuñama
Contributor:Brugge, David M. | Mason, John Alden, 1885-1967 | León, Nicolás, 1859-1929 | Weitlaner, Robert J., 1883-1968 | Howard, Agnes McClain | Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Vaillant, George Clapp, 1901-1945
Subject:Mexico--History | Archaeology | Mexico--Antiquities | Kinship | Linguistics | Architecture | Politics and government | Material culture | Architecture | Botany | Migrations | Pottery
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Reports | Essays | Notes | Photographs | Correspondence | Grammars | Vocabularies | Field notes
Extent:165 pages; Circa 300 items;
Description: The Mexico materials, John Alden Mason Papers include a log of a trip to Sonora, itinerary of pack trip from Yecora to Maicoba; lists of photographs; journal. Archaological materials: report on archaeological sites near Rancho Guiracoba, Sonora, Mexico with report on surface collections at six sites in southern Sonora. Notes on the Northern Extension of the Chalchihuites Culture, written for the Mexican Historical Congress, Zacatecas. Slayton Creek Excavation, regarding Mexico; the Papago [Tohono O'odham]; a dig at Slayton Creek, Delaware. Regarding archaeological, ethnological, and linguistic work in Mexico; genetic classification of languages of Central America and Mexico. Regarding internal strife in local (Durango) Indian tribe (including murders); archaeology in Durango; collection of specimens of material culture; work at Schroeder pyramid; cliff dwellings near Mezquital. Mentions Alex Krieger. Cave investigations in Durango and Coahuila, report on search conducted with Robert H. Merrill for traces of early man, particularly on the Folsom horizon. Written for Weitlaner volume. Includes description of three varieties of Cucurbita moschata; evidence in conflict with the theory that Cucurbita moschata was introduced into southern Arizona in late prehistoric or early historic times from the north and east. Regarding Maya pottery; Piedras Negras, Guatemala; archaeological work in Mexico and Guatemala; the University Museum (University of Pennsylvania); Vaillant's obituary. Includes correspondence between Mason and Sue Vaillant (Mrs. George C.) and between Mason and Charles Marius Barbeau. Linguistic materials: a list entitled, "Familias linguisticas de Mexico-idiomas y dialectos a ellas pertencientes," with the families with subdivisions: for Museo nacional de arqueologia, historia y etnologia, Anales. Includes lexical items in the various languages--Hokan, Oto-Manguren, Uto-Aztecan, and Maya-- arranged in columns; Spanish glosses. Regarding Mason's Subtiaba-Hokan-Caduveo-Mataco comparative vocabulary. Kroeber is not much impressed with the possible resemblances in Mason's list (included). Mexican linguistics, comparative vocabularies, etc., includes short comparative vocabularies for Comecrudo, Papago-Tepecano, Nahua, Huaxtec, Choctaw, Coahuiltec, Karankawa, Torkana, Atakapa, Chitimacha, Tunica; notes on Sapir's classification; other miscellaneous notes. Comparative vocabulary, includes letter from Frederick Johnson to John Alden Mason; comparative vocabulary which is number-keyed to a list of twenty-two languages and arranged in columns headed by Spanish glosses. Words lacking in some languages for almost all items. Languages include Otomi, Mazahua, Matlatzinca, Ocuiltec, Pame, Chichimeca, Cuitlateco, Mazatec, Popoluca, Chochotec (Tlapanec), Ichcateco, Trique, Chiapanec, Manque, Mixtec, Cuicatec, Amuzgo, Zapotec, Chatino, Chinantec, Tarasco, and Tlapanec. Scholarly materials: two versions of a paper, entitled, "Los Cuatro Grandes Filones Linguisticos de Mexico y Centroamerica," for the International Congress of Americanists, August 1939, Mexico. Photographs: Unidentified photographs showing people, dwellings, terrain, etc. Images of temples, excavations, crypts, jade work, etc. Includes a photograph of John Alden Mason and Burton W. Bascom from Palenque. Entire series of photographs from the Mason papers. The bulk of the images are from Mexico (Chihuahua, Durango, Sonora, etc.). Also 3 contact sheets of images from Peru. From the Durango expedition, a list of photographs; "Informes hacera de la Sierro de la Candela:" notes from Tarayre, pages 184-185; "Ruins of an agricultural colony near Zape"; possible routes of migration into Mexico; Everardo Gamiz "La Raza Pigmea," Durango, April 1934; an incomplete set of numbered photos enumerated in above list (all duplicates from museum set). A linguistic realignment north of Mexico, which gives six phyla, one "broken phylum," and two uncertain languages (for presentation at the meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, 1940) and a detailed outline of five phyla plus several unaffiliated languages.
Collection:John Alden Mason Papers (Mss.B.M384)