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Wyandot includes: Huron, Wendat, Wyandotte, Huron-Wyandot
Yuchi includes: Euchee
Tuscarora includes: Ska:rù:rę'
Seminole includes: Yat'siminoli
Seneca includes: Onöndowága
Onondaga includes: Onöñda'gega'
Omaha includes: Umoⁿhoⁿ
Oneida includes: Onyota'a:ka
Pawnee includes: Chaticks si Chaticks, Chatiks si Chatiks
Otomi includes: Hñahñu, Ñuhu, Ñhato, Ñuhmu
Quapaw includes: Arkansas, Ugahxpa
Osage includes: 𐓁𐒻 𐓂𐒼𐒰𐓇𐒼𐒰͘
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Nottoway includes: Cheroenhaka
Miami includes: Myaamiaki
Mi'kmaq includes: Micmac
Mohican includes: Mahican, Muhhekunneuw
Mohawk includes: Kanienʼkehá꞉ka
Kaw includes: Kansa, Kanza
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Cayuga includes: Gayogohó:no
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Choctaw includes: Chahta
Aaniiih includes: A'aninin, Atsina, Gros Ventre
Atakapa includes: Atacapa
Language:English | German | Otomi, Mezquital | Chitimacha | Atakapa | Cherokee | Osage | Chickasaw | Choctaw | Nottoway | Kansa | Omaha-Ponca | Dakota | Pawnee | Nanticoke | Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille | Miami-Illinois | Mi'kmaq | Mikasuki | Quapaw | Yuchi | Delaware | Ojibwe | Shawnee | Seneca | Mohawk | Onondaga | Cayuga | Oneida | Tuscarora | Natchez | Wyandot | Muscogee | Mohegan-Pequot
Subject:Linguistics | Algonquian languages | Iroquoian languages | Siouan languages | Muskogean languages
Genre:Newspaper clippings | Vocabularies
Extent:219 pages
Description: This volume contains extracts of Benjamin Smith Barton's "New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America" (Philadelphia, 1797), with additions by Peter S. Du Ponceau. The bulk of the volume is comprised of word list of 54 words with equivalents listed in a range of 50-70 languages. While Barton listed no authority, Du Ponceau cited sources. Languages with words listed include Chitimacha, Atakapa, Cherokee, Osage, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Nottoway, Kansa, Omaha, Dakota, Pawnee, Nanticoke, Gros Ventres, Miami, Mi'kmaq, Seminole, Quapaw, Yuchi, Delaware, Ojibwe, Shawnee, Seneca, Mohawk, Onondaga, Cayuga, Oneida, Tuscarora, Natches, Wyandot, Creek, Mahican, Mohegan, and many others. The word list includes the terms for God, heaven, and sky, as well as various terms relating to kinship, parts of the body, weather, and more. The volume also includes notes on sounds of the Otomi (Othomi) observations on declension; observations about the Omaha, Kansa, Oto, Arkansas, and Missouri languages; and notes on symbol and sound. Also includes a newspaper clipping of a review (in German) of Barton's "New Views" that appeared in "Göttingische Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen," June 17, 1799.
Collection:A comparative vocabulary of Indian languages (Mss.497.B28)
Subject:Linguistics | Siouan languages | Muskogean languages | Anthropology | Ethnography | Florida--History
Genre:Notes | Correspondence | Essays
Extent:1 folder
Description: This folder, Section IV(15J2a), "Seminole--Notes on Calusa," contains 9 items relating to the Calusa people of Florida. Materials include an account of the Seminoles and their mixed past; a discussion of the Siouan origin of South Carolina native Francisco de Chicora's terms [Francisco de Chicora was the baptismal name given to an indigenous man captured by Spaniards near the Pee Dee River in 1521. Swanton argued that the man was Catawba, which is a Siouan language.]; a letter from H. Knotts concerning Muscogee and letters from John R. Swanton concerning Speck's trip to Florida with Fewkes, Cusabo-Muskhogean-Siouan boundaries, and Speck as aid to Fewkes in locating Calusa remnants among the Seminoles.
Collection:Frank G. Speck Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.126)
Hidatsa includes: Hiratsa, Hiraacá, Gros Ventre, Minnetaree
Contributor:Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Siouan languages
Extent:1 folder
Description: One item relating directly to the Hidatsa language has been identified in the C. F. Voegelin Papers. It is located in Subcollection II, Series II. Research Notes, Subseries IV. Macro-Siouan, and consists of a "Hidatsa" file. Researchers might also be interested in viewing the entries for the Siouan language family and other specific Siouan languages.
Collection:C. F. Voegelin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.68)
Ho-Chunk includes: Winnebago, Hoocąk
Date:1908-1930 and undated
Contributor:Radin, Paul, 1883-1959 | Blowsnake, Sam
Subject:Linguistics | Siouan languages | Anthropology | Medicine | Religion | Social life and customs | Folklore | Dance | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Warfare | Personal names | Clans | Rites and ceremonies | Peyote | Origin | Wisconsin--History
Genre:Field notes | Notebooks | Notes | Drafts | Essays | Stories | Dictionaries | Autobiographies | Speeches
Extent:49 items
Description: Materials relating to Radin's study of Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) history, culture, and language. Some items are written in Ho-Chunk, with and without English translations. This large collection includes 34 original field notebooks; numerous short and long stories (Hare cycle, Aleck Linetree [probably Alec Lone Tree], the origin of the Buffalo clan, the story of the holy one, the boy who wished to be immortal, etc.); several longer pieces, such as a typed manuscript titled "The legend of Mother-of-all-the-Earth," speeches of Charlie Houghton, multiple versions of "How Blowsnake joined the medicine dance," "Origin myth of the medicine dance," etc.; several published secondary sources; over 3,000 slips for an English-Winnebago [i.e. Ho-Chunk] dictionary and other items relating to Ho-Chunk phonetics, lexicon, linguistics, etc.; several phonetic texts, some with English translation; and a variety of other items with ethnographic, historical, and linguistic data pertaining to ceremonies, tales, clans, medicine, origins, dance, burial, peyote, names, and sweat-baths. Individuals mentioned (some as ) include: Jacob Russell, Charlie Houghton, Oliver LaMere, Sam Blowsnake, John Rave, Thomas Clay, Robert Lincoln, James Smith, Tom Big Bear, and George Ricehill.
Collection:Paul Radin papers (Mss.497.3.R114)
Date:1917-1925, 1931
Subject:Caddoan languages | Coahuiltecan languages | Hokan languages | Language families | Linguistics | Muskogean languages | Siouan languages
Extent:1 page, circa 1,300 cards and slips
Description: The Hokan materials in the ACLS collection consist mainly of two items in the "Hokan" section of the finding aid. The main item is Sapir's "Hokan-Siouan comparisons" lexical file (item H.3). This consists of comparisons among various families of the proposed Hokan-Siouan phylum. Dividers separate sections as follows: Hokan-Siouan (Yuki; Muskogean: Caddoan; Siouan; Hokan-type Coahuiltecan-Butiaba); Washo-Hokan; Hokan-Coahuiltecan; Yana-Hokan. It is subdivided by stems, grammatical categories, and occasionally by meaning. There is an additional brief document by Kroeber, item H.4 "Hokan compared with various Middle and South American languages", with wordlists of 21 English items with equivalents in Yuman, Hokan, Subtiaba, Xinca, Lenca, Chibcha, Guayom, Chibchan, Zoque, and Mixe, taken from published and unpublished sources. In the "Achumawi" section of the finding aid, there are two items by Jaime de Angulo examining the relationship of Achumawi to the proposed Hokan language family (items H.1 and H.2).
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Language:English | Hokan | Achumawi | Esselen | Karuk | Piipaash | Chimariko | Salinan | Cocopa | Havasupai-Walapai-Yavapai | Mojave
Date:circa 1970-1975
Contributor:Crawford, James M. (James Mack), 1925-1989
Subject:Linguistics | Hokan languages | Siouan languages | California--History | Arizona--History
Extent:3 folders
Description: Materials relating to James M. Crawford's interest in and study of Hokan languages. Items include 2 folders on "Hokan and Siouan Words for Mouth" [1970-1971] in Series III-D. Works by Crawford--Other. Folder 1 contains a brief handwritten explanation of the research project, which revolved around the phonological sequence "ya" in words pertaining to the mouth; over 100 sheets of paper titled "Mouth," each containing lingustic examples for a different lists of languages considered, some with examples; a chart of Crawford's data, organized by language and with words (when available) for "mouth," "swallow," "be hungry," "chin," and "throat, neck,"; and miscellaneous notes. Folder 2 contains a first draft of the article, with endnotes and bibliography, dated to March 1970, and several subsequent drafts, including a clean copy. Draft pages are numbered but some appear to be out of order. Crawford culled examples from many languages outside of the Hokan and Siouan language families. See also related material in "The Phonological Sequence ya in Words Pertaining to the Mouth in Southeastern and Other Indian Languages" [1975] in the same series. There is also a folder of undated notes on Hokan Numerals in Series IV-D. Research Notes & Notebooks--Other, containing three slips and six sheets of linguistic data from languages including Yana, Achomawi, Esselen, Pomo, Karuk, Maricopa, Chimariko, Salinan, San Miguel, Cocopah, Yavapai, Havasupai, and Mojave languages.
Collection:James M. Crawford Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.66)
Contributor:Marsh, Gordon H. | Small, Julia | Small, Robert | Whitman, William | Small, Jack | Small, David | Durand, Venie | Barnes, Gertrude | Small, Ed (Elwood) | Bassett, Anna | Springer, Wiley | Green, Rachel
Subject:Dhegihan languages | Ethnography | Iowa--History | Language families | Linguistics | Siouan languages
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Grammars | Photographs | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:1,000+ pages, 18 photographs, 4,000 cards, 75 bluebooks (4-8 pages each)
Description: The Iowa materials in the ACLS collection consist primarily of materials collected by Gordon Marsh in the late 1930s, all located in the "Iowa" section of the finding aid. Marsh's materials (item X4a.2, "Materials for a study of the Iowa Indian language"), recorded with the assistance of Iowa speakers, especially Robert Small and Julia Small, include numerous texts on a variety of subjects, which are in the manuscripts in both initial handwritten form (in bluebooks) and in later typescript form, with both interlinear translations and free translations, of which some of the latter were made by Robert Small. This material is divided into 22 parts. This material also includes a draft version of a grammar of the Iowa extensive lexical files including Iowa-English, English-Iowa, and comparisons to related languages (Osage, Dakota, Lakota, Omaha-Ponca, Kansa, and Ho-chunk); and other linguistic notes, with related correspondence. There are also 18 photographs of Iowa people with whom Marsh worked. In this same section, there is also a brief descriptive grammar by William Whitman (item X4a.1) based on field work with an Iowa speaker and an Oto speaker.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Mandan includes: Nueta
Contributor:Radin, Paul, 1883-1959
Subject:Linguistics | Ethnography | Siouan languages
Extent:24 pages
Description: Mandan ethnographic texts. Texts I-VII [includes typed carbon copy, I-V; typed original II-V; manuscripts VI and VII]. Interlinear translation.
Collection:Paul Radin papers (Mss.497.3.R114)
Pawnee includes: Chaticks si Chaticks, Chatiks si Chatiks
Contributor:Crawford, James M. (James Mack), 1925-1989
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Siouan languages | Caddoan languages
Extent:1 folder
Description: This item consists of drafts, page proofs, and a tear sheet of James M. Crawford's joint review in "American Anthropologist" of "The Caddoan, Iroquoian, and Siouan Languages" by Wallace L. Chafe; "A Grammar of Biloxi" by Paula Ferris Einaudi; "A Grammar of Pawnee" by Douglas R. Parks; and "Wichita Grammar" by David S. Rood. Located in Series III-D. Works by Crawford--Other.
Collection:James M. Crawford Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.66)
Date:circa 1925-1967
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Siouan languages
Genre:Correspondence | Notes
Extent:7 folders
Description: There are some materials relating to Siouan languages in the C. F. Voegelin Papers. This entry is intended as a catch-all for materials labeled as Siouan or Macro-Siouan. Researchers should also search for entries for specific Siouan languages and culture groups. Siouan materials are located in both Subcollection I and Subcollection II. In Subcollection I, there is a folder containing a list of of Siouan-Iroquois words in Series V. Research Notes, Subseries V-A: Language Notes. In Subcollection II, correspondence with Hans Wolff concerns work on comparative Siouan and can be found in Series I. Correspondence; there are notes on Siouan in the "Miscellaneous languages" file in Series II. Research Notes, Subseries I. Eskimo-Aleutian; and there is a subseries on Macro-Siouan in the the same series (Research Notes). Subseries IV. Macro-Siouan contains files on Cherokee, Iroquoian, Oneida, and Yuchi grammatical notes.
Collection:C. F. Voegelin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.68)