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Wabanaki includes: Wabenaki, Wobanaki
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Abenaki includes: Abnaki
Language:English | Abenaki, Western | French
Date:1884; 1959-1976; 1929
Contributor:Day, Gordon M. | Laurent, Joseph | Panadis, Theophile | Siebert, Frank T. (Frank Thomas), 1912-1998
Subject:Vermont--History | Linguistics | Place names | Geography | Population | Orthography and spelling
Genre:Bibliographies | Vocabularies | Dialogues | Grammars | Stories
Extent:1,300 pages; 1 microfilm reel
Description: The Abenaki materials in the Siebert Papers are located primarily in Series III and V. There are descriptions of wars with the Iroquois from the 17th century, linguistic materials, and stories. Series V includes 5 research notebooks containing historical notes and some linguistics materials.
Collection:Frank Siebert Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.97)
Language:French | Abenaki, Eastern | Abenaki, Western
Date:circa 1756-1760 and undated
Contributor:Aubéry, Joseph, 1673-1755
Subject:Linguistics | Algonquian languages | Missions | Religion | Canada--History--To 1763 (New France) | Jesuits | Séminaire de Québec
Genre:Microfilms | Catechisms | Canticles | Hymns | Grammars
Extent:3 items
Description: Part of a collection comprised of religious and linguistic materials in various Native American languages. Many were written by Jesuit missionaries of New France. These three items concern the Abenaki language and include linguistic and religious materials in French and Abenaki, including catechisms, hymns, canticles, parts of speech, etc. Originals in the archives of the Séminaire de Québec at the Université Laval [formerly the Séminaire de Québec] and the Archives de l'Archeveche de Quebec.
Collection:Selected materials, 1676-1930, on Indian linguistics (Mss.Film.453)
Date:1907, 1931-1935
Contributor:Angulo, Jaime de | Carmony, Willard | Freeland, L. S. (Lucy Shepard), 1890-1972 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Uldall, Hans Jørgen, 1907-1957
Subject:California--History | Ethnography | Folklore | Music | Linguistics | Boarding schools
Genre:Autobiographies | Grammars | Vocabularies | Stories
Extent:615 pages
Description: The Achumawi materials in the ACLS collection are primarily located in the "Achumawi" section of the finding aid, with some also in the "Atsugewi" section (specifically item H1a.2, "Parallel Achumawi and Atsugewi texts"). They include a word list from the Pit River area; autobiographies of Willard Carmony, an Achumawi speaker, whose stories refers to being sent to Fort Bidwell Indian Boarding School; linguistic analysis of Achumawi's relationship to the Hokan language family; conversational texts in the Achumawi language; free English translations; and grammars. Also included are notes on dialectical differences between Atwamdzini, Hammawi, and Adzumawi.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Wampanoag includes: Wôpanâak
Wolastoqiyik includes: Wəlastəkwewiyik, Malecite, Maliseet
Wabanaki includes: Wabenaki, Wobanaki
Passamaquoddy includes: Peskotomuhkati
Mi'kmaq includes: Micmac
Muscogee includes: Muskogee, Mvskoke, Muscogee Creek
Menominee includes: Menomini, Mamaceqtaw
Naskapi includes: ᓇᔅᑲᐱ, Iyiyiw, Skoffie
Mashpee includes: Mattachiest, Cummaquid
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Innu includes: Montagnais, Mountaineer
Atikamekw includes: Têtes-de-Boules, Têtes de Boules, Tete de Boule
Language:English | Abenaki, Eastern
Contributor:Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974
Subject:History | Folklore | Material culture | Basketry | Textiles | Marriage customs and rites | Kinship | Clothing and dress | Population | Hunting | Architecture | Hunting | Ethnography | Animals | Linguistics | Rites and ceremonies | Genealogy | Religion
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Vocabularies | Grammars | Notes | Bibliographies | Sketches | Charts | Reading notes | Stories | Vocabularies | Maps | Musical scores
Description: The materials from Algonquian speaking cultures is quite extensive, though scattered, in the A. Irving Hallowell Papers. One of the strengths is Hallowell's very fine black and white portraits of indigenous peoples located in Series VI, Subseries F, which includes images of Mashpee, Mohegan, Montagnais, Naskapi, Womponowag, Nipissing, Atikamekw, Series V contains some generalized materials such "Algoquian Cross Cousin Marriage," Speck's studies of northern Algoquian hunting territories, and Algonquin mythology and history. The folders entitled "Eastern Woodlands" in box 26 contain more culturally specific materials such as a Penobscot vocabulary list, Innu and Naswkapi material culture, and Delaware religions and ceremonies, although many of these are quite brief. The correspondence, in Series I, includes a letter from John Swanton discussing bear ceremonialism in Muscogee culture. George Herzog's correspondence includes Penobscot and Maliseet scores of war dance songs. There is also a letter from Jeffrey Zelitch, dated 1969, describing traditional ceremonies on the Lakota Rosebud reservation just before the American Indian Movement begins. George Spindler's lettter to describes a Medicine Lodge ceremony among the Menomini.
Collection:Alfred Irving Hallowell Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.26)
Zuni includes: A:shiwi
Yucatec includes: Yucateco
Yurok includes: Pueleekla’, Puliklah
Onondaga includes: Onöñda'gega'
Omaha includes: Umoⁿhoⁿ
Pawnee includes: Chaticks si Chaticks, Chatiks si Chatiks
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Mohawk includes: Kanienʼkehá꞉ka
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Crow includes: Apsáalooke, Absaroka
Cree includes: Nēhiyaw, Cri
Language:English | French | Algonquian
Contributor:DeBlois, Albert D.. | Hockett, Charles Francis | Goddard, Ives, 1941- | Wolfart, H. Christoph | Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Schilling, Carol S. | Schneider, David Murray, 1918-
Subject:Linguistics | Place names | Ethnography
Genre:Essays | Bibliographies | Grammars | Wampum
Description: The Algonquian materials in the Lounsbury Papers include information about Indigenous place names, Delaware kinship terminology in Series II. Series III includes work on comparative linguistics, phonology, dialects. The correspondence in Series I contains letters on kinship systems from a diverse array of tribes.
Collection:Floyd G. Lounsbury Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.95)
Language:English | Abenaki, Western | Abenaki, Eastern
Contributor:Aubin, George F. | Goddard, Ives, 1941- | MacDougall, Pauleena | Siebert, Frank T. (Frank Thomas), 1912-1998 | Wolfart, H. Christoph
Subject:Linguistics | Folklore
Type:Text | Cartographic
Genre:Maps | Grammars | Vocabularies | Censuses
Description: The Algonquian materials in the Siebert papers consists almost entirely of Algonquian language materials. Of interest are the materials on Proto-Algonquian in Series III and V. There are also numerous secondary sources in Series VII.
Collection:Frank Siebert Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.97)
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Date:1661-1819 and undated
Contributor:Depéret, Élie, 1691-1757 | Chaumonot, Pierre Joseph Marie, 1611-1693 | Mathevet, Jean Claude, 1717-1781 | Cuoq, J. A. (Jean André), 1821-1898 | Gay (Guay), Robert-Michel, 1663-1725 | Quéré de Tréguron, Maurice, 1663-1754 | Guichart, Vincent-Fleuri, 1729-1793
Subject:Missions | Linguistics | Algonquian languages | Iroquoian languages | Canada--History--To 1763 (New France) | Sulpicians | Religion
Genre:Microfilms | Dictionaries | Grammars | Catechisms | Canticles | Prayers | Hymns | Translations
Extent:10 items
Description: These manuscripts include dictionaries, grammars, catechisms, prayers, canticles, hymns, and Bible tales prepared by French Sulpician missionaries in New France in Algonquin, the Nipissing dialect of Algonquin, and some Iroquoian languages. From originals at the Seminaire de Montreal, les Pretres de Saint-Sulpice.
Collection:Indian manuscripts, 1661-1879 (Mss.Film.1109)
Date:1900, 1918
Contributor:Frachtenberg, Leo Joachim, 1883-1930 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Dorsey, James Owen, 1848-1895 | Farrand, Livingston, 1867-1939 | Villard, Henry | Villard, Henry, Mrs. | Smith, William | Jackson, Tom
Subject:Linguistics | Oregon--History
Genre:Grammars | Vocabularies | Stories
Extent:428 pages
Description: The Alsea materials in the ACLS collection are located in the "Alsea" section of the finding aid. They consist of 2 items, the largest of which is Frachtenberg's "Yakonan (Alsea) grammar" (item Pn2c.1) intended for publication in Handbook of American Indian Languages, but never printed. Based on field work of J. Owen Dorsey (1884-Siletz, Oregon: vocabularies), Livingston Farrand (1900-Siletz reservation) and the author (1910). Table of contents, grammar, and texts with interlinear and free translations and grammatical notes. The collection also includes 6 pages of linguistic notes recorded by Edward Sapir in 1900 (item Pn2c.2).
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Apache includes: Inde
Date:1938 and undated
Contributor:Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Reichard, Gladys Amanda, 1893-1955 | Hoijer, Harry, 1904-1976 | Tschopik, Harry, 1915-1956
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Dene languages | Folklore
Extent:4 folders
Description: Three items relating to Apache languages have been identified in the C. F. Voegelin Papers. All are in Subcollection II. They include Apache material in a folder labeled "Athabascan (Chipewyan)" as well as a separate "Apachean" folder in Series II. Research Notes, Subseries II. Na-Dene. The "Apachean" folder contains a typescript version of "The Word" by Gladys Reichard (with a note from Reichard), a draft typescript with annotation of "The Apachean Verb, Part I: Verb Structure and Pronomial Prefixes," by Harry Hoijer, and Voegelin's notes on Hoijer's articles on Apachean. Finally, there is a Chiricahua Apache story ("Child-of-the-Water Kills Four Monsters") as well as a Taos story about an Apache youth ("An Apache Boy Takes a Redhead Scalp") in the Southwestern Indian Tales section of Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries II: American Indian Tales for Children. Apache languages (Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Mescalero, and Jano) are also represented on Harry Tschopik's map of "Indian Languages in New Mexico, A.D. 1600" (1938) in Subseries V: American Indian Languages. This item has been digitized and is available through the APS's Digital Library.
Collection:C. F. Voegelin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.68)
Arapaho includes: Arapahoe
Date:1949-1952, 1962, 1967-1968, 1973-1974, 1976-1977, 1992, 1995-1996, 2000-2001
Contributor:C'Hair, William James | Cleveland, Edna | Cowell, Andrew | Goggles, John B. | Hatton, Orin T., 1953- | Hopper, Edward G. | Merrill, William Lewis | Moss, Alonzo | Powers, William K. | Roark-Calnek, Sue N., 1936- | Salzmann, Zdeněk | Shakespeare, William | Underwood, Merry Kate | Weigel, William F.
Subject:Linguistics | Montana--History | Music | Oklahoma--History | Religion
Genre:Correspondence | Field notes | Grammars | Interviews | Transcriptions | Vocabularies
Extent:814 pages
Description: The Arapaho materials in the Phillips Fund collection consist of 7 items. Materials in this collection are listed alphabetically by last name of author. See materials listed under Andrew Cowell, Orin T. Hatton, William Lewis Merrill, Willam K. Powers, Sue Roark-Calnek, Z. Salzmann, and William Weigel. These materials pertain to both Northern and Southern Arapaho. The materials by Cowell and Weigel relate to linguistic fieldwork for which there are accompnaying audio recordings, listed separately in this guide. Salzmann's material is also linguistic, containing a draft grammar of the language. The material by Hatton also relates to an extensive audio collection, "Ghost Dance-Era Songs of the Arapaho Crow Dance," also listed separately in this guide.
Collection:Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection (Mss.497.3.Am4)