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Wampanoag includes: Wôpanâak
Wolastoqiyik includes: Wəlastəkwewiyik, Malecite, Maliseet
Wabanaki includes: Wabenaki, Wobanaki
Passamaquoddy includes: Peskotomuhkati
Mashpee includes: Mattachiest, Cummaquid
Mi'kmaq includes: Micmac
Muscogee includes: Muskogee, Mvskoke, Muscogee Creek
Menominee includes: Menomini, Mamaceqtaw
Naskapi includes: ᓇᔅᑲᐱ, Iyiyiw, Skoffie
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Innu includes: Montagnais, Mountaineer
Atikamekw includes: Têtes-de-Boules, Têtes de Boules, Tete de Boule
Language:English | Abenaki, Eastern
Contributor:Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974
Subject:History | Folklore | Material culture | Basketry | Textiles | Marriage customs and rites | Kinship | Clothing and dress | Population | Hunting | Architecture | Hunting | Ethnography | Animals | Linguistics | Rites and ceremonies | Genealogy | Religion
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Vocabularies | Grammars | Notes | Bibliographies | Sketches | Charts | Reading notes | Stories | Vocabularies | Maps | Musical scores
Description: The materials from Algonquian speaking cultures is quite extensive, though scattered, in the A. Irving Hallowell Papers. One of the strengths is Hallowell's very fine black and white portraits of indigenous peoples located in Series VI, Subseries F, which includes images of Mashpee, Mohegan, Montagnais, Naskapi, Womponowag, Nipissing, Atikamekw, Series V contains some generalized materials such "Algoquian Cross Cousin Marriage," Speck's studies of northern Algoquian hunting territories, and Algonquin mythology and history. The folders entitled "Eastern Woodlands" in box 26 contain more culturally specific materials such as a Penobscot vocabulary list, Innu and Naswkapi material culture, and Delaware religions and ceremonies, although many of these are quite brief. The correspondence, in Series I, includes a letter from John Swanton discussing bear ceremonialism in Muscogee culture. George Herzog's correspondence includes Penobscot and Maliseet scores of war dance songs. There is also a letter from Jeffrey Zelitch, dated 1969, describing traditional ceremonies on the Lakota Rosebud reservation just before the American Indian Movement begins. George Spindler's lettter to describes a Medicine Lodge ceremony among the Menomini.
Collection:Alfred Irving Hallowell Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.26)
Contributor:Reynolds, Henry Lee | Horsford, Eben Norton, 1818-1893 | Tooker, William Wallace, 1848-1917 | Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844
Subject:Labrador--History | Linguistics | Place names | Material culture
Genre:Correspondence | Minutes
Extent:8 items
Description: Materials relating to Alonguian languages and cultures, as well as to the publication of pieces on those subjects. Topics include an essay submitted by Reynolds on Algonquian metalsmiths; Tooker's request for a copy of Heckewelder's comparative Algonquian vocabularies for his work on Long Island place names; two letters revolving around Horsford's efforts to publish the American Philosophical Society manuscript of Heckewelder's comparative Algonquian vocabulary with his edition of Zeisberger's Onondaga dictionary; Du Ponceau on Native languages described as Huron, Delaware, Minsi, Mohicon, Natick, Chippeway, Shawanoe and Nanticoke; and two items relating to a manuscript found on the coast of Labrador which Du Ponceau presented to the APS in facsimile and which he believed to be Algonquian.
Collection:American Philosophical Society Archives (APS.Archives)
Wampanoag includes: Wôpanâak
Massachusett includes: Massachuseuk
Natick includes: Massachusett, Nipmuc
Date:circa 1820s and undated
Contributor:Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844
Extent:11 pages
Description: The Massachusett materials in this collection consist of manuscript Vocabularies listed in the finding aid as 20, 21, 22a, 22b, and 38. The first four of these item refer to the language as "Natick" and the final one as "Massachusett."
Collection:American Philosophical Society Historical and Literary Committee, American Indian Vocabulary Collection (Mss.497.V85)
Wampanoag includes: Wôpanâak
Omaha includes: Umoⁿhoⁿ
Massachusett includes: Massachuseuk
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Language:English | Narragansett
Date:1770-1784; 1879
Contributor:Gatschet, Albert S. (Albert Samuel), 1832-1907 | Siebert, Frank T. (Frank Thomas), 1912-1998
Subject:Linguistics | Massachusetts--History
Genre:Vocabularies | Notes
Description: The Narragansett materials in the Siebert Papers consist on very early materials including vocabulary lists from the 18th and 19th centuries in Series IV. Siebert's notes on the Narragansett can be found in Series V.
Collection:Frank Siebert Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.97)
Wampanoag includes: Wôpanâak
Contributor:Wild Horse | Day, Gordon M.
Subject:New England--History | Massachusetts--History | Religion
Genre:Microfilms | Prayers
Extent:1 reel
Description: Wampanoag material supplied by Chief Wild Horse, compiled by Gordon M. Day. Chief Wild Horse claimed to be the last speaker of the Wampanoag dialect, and was a medicine man of the Mashpee Division, Sagamore of the New England Federation of Indians, and a representative of the League of North American Indians. See also Mss.Rec.40, a recording of the Lord's Prayer by Chief Wild Horse.
Collection:Wampanoag material supplied by Chief Wild Horse (Mss.Film.1104)
Wampanoag includes: Wôpanâak
Contributor:Wild Horse | Day, Gordon M.
Subject:New England--History | Massachusetts--History | Religion
Type:Sound recording
Extent:1 sound tape reel (4 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Recording the Lord's Prayer by Chief Wild Horse, the last speaker of Wampanoag dialect, a medicine man of the Mashpee Division, Sagamore of the New England Federation of Indians, and a representative of the League of North American Indians. Recorded in New Bedford, Massachusetts, 3 May 1961. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Wampanoag material supplied by Chief Wild Horse (Mss.Film.1104)
Wampanoag includes: Wôpanâak
Contributor:Jeffers, Lucina | Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1874-1941
Subject:Folklore | Massachusetts--History | Social life and customs
Genre:Field notes | Stories | Genealogies
Extent:12 pages
Description: The Wampanoag materials in the Elsie Clews Parsons papers consist of one set of loose notes labelled "Martha's Vineyard - Notes," found in Subcollection II, Series IV, "Research Notes." These notes were recorded in 1919 from Lucina Jeffers (Wampanoag) of Aquinnah ("Gay Head"), who was aged 85 at the time. The notes concern folklore and customs on Martha's Vineyard and some genealogical information.
Collection:Elsie Clews Parsons papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.29)
Date:1923-1928 and undated
Contributor:Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950 | Bever, Marion G. | Perry, Leroy C. | Hammett, Frederick S. (Frederick Simonds), 1885- | Tantaquidgeon, Gladys
Subject:New England--History | Massachusetts--History | Archaeology | Social life and customs | Politics and government
Genre:Notes | Bibliographies | Correspondence | Maps | Photographs | Lantern slides
Extent:2 folders
Description: Materials relating to Speck's study of the peoples now often known collectively as Wampanoag, but who once comprised several tribal entities living in eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, including Cape Cod (the Nauset) and islands such as Martha's Vineyard (the Aquinnah or Gay Head Indians). In Subcollection I, Series I, see item II(4B9c), "Mistassini Band -- c. Field Notes," which contains notes, some by Gladys Tantaquidgeon concerning "Gay Head Indians." In this same series, see item III(14D11) "Wampanoag miscellaneous notes," which includes one postal card from Uncle Al to Speck, concerning an island; a letter from Rachelle T. Ryan to Speck reserving a cottage at Gay Head; Frederick S. Hammett (Wistar Institute) to Speck concerning his archaeological find at North Truro, Massachusetts; and a four-page letter from Chief Leroy C. Perry (Ousamequin or Yellow Feather, Wampanoag) concerning tribal and intertribal social activities. Item III(14D17), "Pennacook miscellaneous notes" contains a notebook with information on Wampanoag of Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod areas, incuding genealogical and population notes. In Series I, Series II, see correspondence with Marion G. Bever. Finally, see the "Wampanoag" folder in Subcollection I, Series III, which contains 6 photographs. In Subcollection I, Series IV, there is one lantern slide of Mashpee Indians. In Series V, see the map "Maine, New England, Eastern Canada."
Collection:Frank G. Speck Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.126)
Wampanoag includes: Wôpanâak
Massachusett includes: Massachuseuk
Date:1634-1879, 1983, 1999-2000
Contributor:Bragdon, Kathleen Joan | Bruening, Benjamin | Simmons, William S.
Subject:Linguistics | Massachusetts--History
Genre:Bibliographies | Databases | Reports | Stories | Disks
Extent:4 pages, 1 CD
Description: The Wampanoag materials in the Phillips Fund collection consist of 4 items. Materials in this collection are listed alphabetically by last name of author. See materials listed under Bragdon, Bruening, and Simmons.
Collection:Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection (Mss.497.3.Am4)