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Wolastoqiyik includes: Wəlastəkwewiyik, Malecite, Maliseet
Wabanaki includes: Wabenaki, Wobanaki
Innu includes: Montagnais, Mountaineer
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Abenaki includes: Abnaki
Atikamekw includes: Têtes-de-Boules, Têtes de Boules, Tete de Boule
Language:English | Abenaki, Western | French | Abenaki, Eastern
Contributor:Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974 | Day, Gordon M. | Laurent, Bernedette | Masta, Henry Lorne | Nolet, Beatrice | Obomsawin, Louis Napoleon | Panadis, Theophile | Reynolds, Beatrice | Ritzenthaler, Robert E. (Robert Eugene), 1911-1980 | Watso, William
Subject:Dance | Architecture | Ethnography | Clothing and dress | Hunting | Psychology | Agriculture | Animals | Personal names | Kinship | Music | Botany | Material culture | Folklore | Medicine | Religion | Genealogy | Economics | Linguistics | Québec (Province)--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Field notes | Photographs | Maps | Notes | Rorschach tests | Vocabularies | Drawings | Bibliographies | Biographies | Stories
Extent:1 linear foot
Description: The Abenaki materials in the Hallowell Papers are mostly located in Series V, Research Files, in folders labled "Abenaki" and Series VI, Photographs, Subseries E "St. Francis Abenaki Album." These include linguistic, ethnographic, ethnobotanical, ceremonial knowledge, information on political organization, and historical materials. Of particular interest are a sketch of Abenaki history from 1600-1930 accompanied by detailed notes from secondary sources on 17th century Abenaki history. The linguistic materials include an analysis of how the language changed after contact with Catholic missionaries, Abenaki vocabulary related to body parts, Abenaki phonetics, and religious, medical, and kinship terminology. The ethnobotanical materials include a manuscript labled "Identity of animals and plants," and information concerning herbal medicine and its practitioners. There is a wealth of ethnographic materials that include drawings of pipes, descriptions of games, basketry and birch bark mats. There are descriptions of Abenaki music and diagrams of dances, as well as detailed descriptions of hunting techniques. Some of the genealogical materials contain lists of community members names and descriptions of marriage. Interspersed throughout the folders labled "Abenaki" in the Research Files are interlinear translations of stories such as "Man who could Find Lost Objects," "Woman and Bear Lover" and numerous other stories. The materials on hunting include topics such as the use of snow shoes, preparation of moose hide, and techniques and drawings of trapping. The collections contain important information designation hunting territories and family names. Four folders contain detailed informaiton on kinship terms. Two folders on Measurements and Genealogical data contain lists of names. The folders labled "Linguistics" in Series V contain scattered information about Abenaki grammar. In Series VI, of 160 photographs taken at St. Francis, Odanak in the Centre-du-Québec region. The Abenaki people in the photographs are identified, in most cases, and also include depictions of traditional dress, buildings, clothing, baskets, and a wide variety of material culture. The correspondence, in Series I, includes letters from Théophile Panadis; Gordon Day describing his collection of stories, recordings, vocabularies, and hunting territories. Henry Lorne Masta, one of Hallowell's Abenaki consultants, writes about culture and language. Additional correspondents may contain other Abenaki-related information.
Collection:Alfred Irving Hallowell Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.26)
Language:English | Abenaki, Western | Abenaki, Eastern
Date:1914-1947 and undated
Contributor:Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950 | Day, Gordon M. | Adney, Edwin Tappan | Dickson, Frederick Stoever, 1850-1925
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Ethnography | Folklore | Rites and ceremonies | Religion | Population | Quebec--History | Maine--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Correspondence | Notes | Photographs | Poems | Stories
Extent:5 items
Description: Materials relating to Abenaki language and culture. Includes notes on a St. Francis Abenaki [Western Abenaki] conjuring lodge; miscellaneous notes about the St. Francis Abenaki including two cards of reading notes, a typed copy of an Indian poem in English from John Reade (1887), a letter from Frederick S. Dickson regarding Abenaki vocabulary, a letter from Edwin Tappan Adney concerning place names and Maine Indian shamans, and a photomechanical print of Montagnais [aka Innu] in camp; Wawenock [or Wawanoc, Eastern Abenaki] texts taken from Neptune, with interlinear translations [See also Speck (1928b).]; miscellaneous Wawenock notes on vocabulary, folklore, and population, along with a letter from J. P. Ranger about canoes, and three letters from W. C. Kendall, owner of Camp Wawenock, Lake Sebago, Maine, with information about Wawenock and his memories of Wawenock and Penobscot Indians of Maine; and a letter from Gordon M. Day seeking a bibliography and Speck's help in learning Abenaki.
Collection:Frank G. Speck Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.126)
Language:Abenaki, Eastern | Abenaki, Western | Mi'kmaq | English
Date:1965-1966, undated
Contributor:Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Day, Gordon M.
Extent:0.1 linear feet
Description: Mary Haas' Abenaki materials consist mostly of comparisons with other languages, particularly Proto-Algonquian and other languages of the eastern US. These can be found in Series 2 and Series 9, including a brief (ca.50-100 slip) lexical file of Abenaki. There is also correspondence in Series 1 and 9 with Gordon M. Day that includes Mi'kmaq comparisons.
Collection:Mary R. Haas Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.94)
Language:French | Abenaki, Eastern | Abenaki, Western
Date:circa 1756-1760 and undated
Contributor:Aubéry, Joseph, 1673-1755
Subject:Linguistics | Algonquian languages | Missions | Religion | Canada--History--To 1763 (New France) | Jesuits | Séminaire de Québec
Genre:Microfilms | Catechisms | Canticles | Hymns | Grammars
Extent:3 items
Description: Part of a collection comprised of religious and linguistic materials in various Native American languages. Many were written by Jesuit missionaries of New France. These three items concern the Abenaki language and include linguistic and religious materials in French and Abenaki, including catechisms, hymns, canticles, parts of speech, etc. Originals in the archives of the Séminaire de Québec at the Université Laval [formerly the Séminaire de Québec] and the Archives de l'Archeveche de Quebec.
Collection:Selected materials, 1676-1930, on Indian linguistics (Mss.Film.453)
Wampanoag includes: Wôpanâak
Wolastoqiyik includes: Wəlastəkwewiyik, Malecite, Maliseet
Wabanaki includes: Wabenaki, Wobanaki
Passamaquoddy includes: Peskotomuhkati
Naskapi includes: ᓇᔅᑲᐱ, Iyiyiw, Skoffie
Mashpee includes: Mattachiest, Cummaquid
Mi'kmaq includes: Micmac
Muscogee includes: Muskogee, Mvskoke, Muscogee Creek
Menominee includes: Menomini, Mamaceqtaw
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Innu includes: Montagnais, Mountaineer
Atikamekw includes: Têtes-de-Boules, Têtes de Boules, Tete de Boule
Language:English | Abenaki, Eastern
Contributor:Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974
Subject:History | Folklore | Material culture | Basketry | Textiles | Marriage customs and rites | Kinship | Clothing and dress | Population | Hunting | Architecture | Hunting | Ethnography | Animals | Linguistics | Rites and ceremonies | Genealogy | Religion
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Vocabularies | Grammars | Notes | Bibliographies | Sketches | Charts | Reading notes | Stories | Vocabularies | Maps | Musical scores
Description: The materials from Algonquian speaking cultures is quite extensive, though scattered, in the A. Irving Hallowell Papers. One of the strengths is Hallowell's very fine black and white portraits of indigenous peoples located in Series VI, Subseries F, which includes images of Mashpee, Mohegan, Montagnais, Naskapi, Womponowag, Nipissing, Atikamekw, Series V contains some generalized materials such "Algoquian Cross Cousin Marriage," Speck's studies of northern Algoquian hunting territories, and Algonquin mythology and history. The folders entitled "Eastern Woodlands" in box 26 contain more culturally specific materials such as a Penobscot vocabulary list, Innu and Naswkapi material culture, and Delaware religions and ceremonies, although many of these are quite brief. The correspondence, in Series I, includes a letter from John Swanton discussing bear ceremonialism in Muscogee culture. George Herzog's correspondence includes Penobscot and Maliseet scores of war dance songs. There is also a letter from Jeffrey Zelitch, dated 1969, describing traditional ceremonies on the Lakota Rosebud reservation just before the American Indian Movement begins. George Spindler's lettter to describes a Medicine Lodge ceremony among the Menomini.
Collection:Alfred Irving Hallowell Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.26)
Potawatomi includes: Pottawotomi, Neshnabé, Bodéwadmi
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Meskwaki includes: Mesquakie, Musquakie, Sac, Sauk, Fox, Sac-and-Fox
Menominee includes: Menomini, Mamaceqtaw
Mi'kmaq includes: Micmac
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Ktunaxa includes: Kootenai, Kootenay, Kutenai, Tonaxa
Cree includes: Nēhiyaw, Cri
Blackfeet includes: Blackfoot, Niitsítapi, Siksika, Siksikaitsitapi
Language:English | Shawnee | Delaware | Potawatomi | Meskwaki | Menominee | Cree, Plains | Ojibwe | Blackfoot | Cheyenne | Kutenai | Abenaki, Eastern
Date:circa 1930s-1960s
Contributor:Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Bloomfield, Leonard, 1887-1949 | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Hockett, Charles Francis | Hamp, Eric P. | Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Algonquian languages | New England--History | Orthography and spelling
Type:Still Image | Text
Extent:25 folders, 1 box
Description: There are many materials relating to Algonquian languages in the C. F. Voegelin Papers. This entry is intended as a catch-all for materials labeled as Algonquian or Macro-Algonquian, or having to do with several Algonquian languages in a general way. Researchers should also view the entries for specific Algonquian languages and culture groups. Algonquian materials are located in both Subcollection I and Subcollection II. In Subcollection I, there is relevant correspondence with Leonard Bloomfield (regarding an inscription on a silver bracelet; Bloomfield's "Menomini Grammar"), Charles Hockett (with questions about Voegelin's article on Delaware and examples from other Algonquian languages), and Morris Swadesh (including a brief Stockbridge vocabulary and a slip of Moravian Delaware) in Series I. Correspondence; 1 box of comparative Algonquian vocabulary and grammar in Series II. and several linguistic maps (i.e., "Algonquian language text with illustrations" and "Linguistic classification of the Southern New England Algonquians"), particularly of the Potawatomi, Delaware, and Shawnee, to accompany the texts of Voegelin's work on Algonquian languages, in Series VII. Photographs. In Subcollection II, there is relevant correspondence from Eric Hamp (to Ives Goddard regarding preparation of Arapaho and Algonquian works) and Frank Speck (to Edward Sapir regarding his work on Mi'kmaq and other northern Algonquian languages and societies) in Series I. Correspondence. There is also an entire subseries devoted to Macro-Algonquian: Subseries III. Macro-Algonquian of Series II. Research Notes. This subseries contains a grammatical sketch of Algonquian by Leonard Bloomfield (135 pages of typescript with handwritten edits and 7 interleaved pages of notes by Voegelin); another "Sketch of Algonquian" by Bloomfield consisting of a notebook (approx. 45 pages) and handwritten notes (approx. 80 pages); 5 folders of notebooks focusing on beginning sounds ("Č and K," "L and M," "N and P," " Š and T," and "Θ and ?"), drawing from Pacific Coast Algonquian ("PCA"), Fox [Meskwaki], Plains Cree, Menominee, and Ojibwe; 3 folders of other comparative Algonquian notebooks organized by general nouns, body parts, kinship terms, numerals, and verbs; miscellaneous Algonquian notes; and specimens of Central Algonquian, including short texts in Fox [Meskwaki], Ojibwe, Menominee, and Plains Cree, with English translations. The rest of the material in the Macro-Algonquian folder is organized according to specific languages: Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Fox (Meskwaki), Kutenai [Ktunaxa culture], Ojibwe, Penobscot, and Shawnee. Finally, there is an article titled "Some Observations on Algonquian Phonology" in Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries I: General works; an incomplete typed draft of Bloomfield's "Sketch of Algonquian" in Series IV. Works by Others; and a "Linguistic map of Southern New England" in Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries V: American Indian Languages.
Collection:C. F. Voegelin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.68)
Language:English | Abenaki, Western | Abenaki, Eastern
Contributor:Aubin, George F. | Goddard, Ives, 1941- | MacDougall, Pauleena | Siebert, Frank T. (Frank Thomas), 1912-1998 | Wolfart, H. Christoph
Subject:Linguistics | Folklore
Type:Text | Cartographic
Genre:Maps | Grammars | Vocabularies | Censuses
Description: The Algonquian materials in the Siebert papers consists almost entirely of Algonquian language materials. Of interest are the materials on Proto-Algonquian in Series III and V. There are also numerous secondary sources in Series VII.
Collection:Frank Siebert Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.97)
Language:Beothuk | English | Mi'kmaq | Ojibwe | Abenaki, Eastern | Abenaki, Western
Contributor:Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939
Subject:Linguistics | Newfoundland--History
Extent:5 pages
Description: The Beothuk materials in the ACLS collection consist of one item in the "Algonkian" section of the finding aid, entitled "Beothuk-Algonkian comparisons" (item Be.1). This document was prepared for Sapir, copied from Rev. John Leigh's transcription of John Peyton's vocabulary. It compares 45 Beothuk items with Montagnais and Penobscot as well as isolated Micmac, Ojibwe, and Abenaki equivalents.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Wolastoqiyik includes: Wəlastəkwewiyik, Malecite, Maliseet
Wabanaki includes: Wabenaki, Wobanaki
Language:Abenaki, Eastern | English | Maliseet-Passamaquoddy
Contributor:Attean, Mitchell | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967
Subject:Linguistics | Orthography and spelling
Genre:Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:50 pages
Description: The Maliseet materials in the ACLS collection consist of a single item in the "Malecite" section of the finding aid. Sapir and Swadesh's "Notes on Penobscot and Malecite" (item A1n.1) primarily consists of Penobscot, with additional Maliseet vocabulary. It contains a Penobscot alphabet, text, and carbon copy of texts from records with interlinear translations, and lexical items on slips. It was recorded in part with speaker Mitchell Attean.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Wolastoqiyik includes: Wəlastəkwewiyik, Malecite, Maliseet
Wabanaki includes: Wabenaki, Wobanaki
Language:Abenaki, Eastern | Delaware | English | Maliseet-Passamaquoddy
Date:1916-1949 (bulk 1916, 1945‐1948)
Contributor:Adney, Edwin Tappan | Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950 | Webster, J. Clarence
Subject:Dance | Botany | Ethnography | Folklore | Hunting | Linguistics | New Brunswick--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Bibliographies | Correspondence | Drafts | Maps | Photographs | Musical scores | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:0.25 linear feet
Description: Maliseet materials in the Frank Speck Papers include vocabulary lists, unpublished notes from Speck's work on hunting territories, a comparative analysis between Maliseet and Lenape ("Delaware") conceptions of the Celestial Bear, and notes on Maliseet dance and songs. Of particular value is a map depicting Maliseet villages along the St. John's River. This material is found primarily in the “Malecite” section of Subcollection I, Series I, Research Material, section III: Northeast, with additional materials in correspondence series, photographs, and maps. Some Maliseet information may be located among Passamaquoddy, Penobscot, or other materials from the same region. Note: most entries in this collection use the spelling "Malecite."
Collection:Frank G. Speck Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.126)