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Language:English | Susquehannock | Tuscarora | Mohawk | Seneca
Date:1757, 1764-1771
Contributor:Sack, William | Tāyāhaōndeate ("Indian Peter")
Subject:Pennsylvania--History | Linguistics | Seven Years' War, 1756-1763 | Trade
Genre:Notebooks | Vocabularies
Extent:1 vol., 8 p. (vocabulary); 58 p. (memorandum book)
Description: Notebook with memorandum book, Fort Augusta, 1757-1771. Reference is made to Edward Shippen, Jr.; includes 6 pages of vocabulary identified as "Mingo", which may be Susquehannock or Seneca, then 1 page each of Tuscarora and Mohawk numerals; all copied in Indian vocabularies (Mss.497.In2). Memorandum book carries list of obligations, November 1764 - May 4, 1771. The vocabulary was taken from William Sack, a Conestoga Indian, in January 1757 at Fort Augusta in the midst of the Seven Years' War. Sack would later become a controversial figure in Pennsylvania history. The Paxton Boys claimed he was a murderer and used his presence in the Conestoga's camp as pretext for their assault on the Conestoga Indians. The manuscript then changes to the financial transactions of an unknown individual running from 1764 to 1771, although some evidence suggests that Edward Burd kept this memorandum book and vocabulary. This section runs 58 pages. It does not appear to containing any information on Indigenous languages, but may potentially contain information relevant to research Indigenous and settler interactions during this period.
Collection:A vocabulary in the Mingo tongue taken from the mouth of William Sack, a Canistogo Indian. . . and memorandum book (Mss.497.3.V852m)
Achumawi includes: Pit River, Achomawi, Ajumawi
Date:1911-1915, 1936
Contributor:Halpern, Abraham M. (Abraham Meyer), 1914-1985 | Pitkin, Harvey | Harrington, J. P. (John P.), 1865-1939
Subject:Linguistics | Politics and government
Genre:Field notes | Notebooks
Description: The Achumawi materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers consist of miscellaneous materials in Series III, a political history of the tribe in III-A, and linguistic material collected by A.M. Halpern and J.P. Harrington also in III-A.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Acoma includes: Áakʾùumʾé, Keres
Language:English | Keres, Western
Date:1915-1917, 1932-1941
Contributor:Adair, John | Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1874-1941 | Stirling, Matthew Williams, 1896-1975 | White, Leslie A.
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Autobiographies | Correspondence | Drafts | Drawings | Notebooks | Photographs | Stories
Extent:2 notebooks, 1 photograph, 1500 loose pages,
Description: The Acoma materials in the Elsie Clews Parsons papers consist of 1 photograph in item No. 26 of Subcollection I, Series II, "Notes, manuscripts, etc." and "No. 64. Acoma material"; and in Subcollection II, Series IV, "Research Notes" there are 2 Acoma field notebooks. Some of this material may be restricted due to cultural sensitivity or privacy concerns. Additional relevant material may appear in correspondence folders.
Collection:Elsie Clews Parsons papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.29)
Akimel O'odham includes: Pima
Language:English | Tohono O'odham
Contributor:Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1874-1941
Subject:Arizona--History | Religion | Rites and ceremonies | Social life and customs
Extent:1 notebook
Description: The Akimel O'odham materials in the Elsie Clews Parsons papers consist of 1 "Pima" notebook found in The Subcollection II, Series IV, "Research Notes." Some of this material may be restricted due to cultural sensitivity or privacy concerns. Additional relevant material may appear in correspondence folders.
Collection:Elsie Clews Parsons papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.29)
Date:circa 1970-1971
Contributor:Crawford, James M. (James Mack), 1925-1989 | McCall, Mary
Subject:Linguistics | Botany | Anthropology | Ethnography | Texas--History
Type:Text | Three-dimensional object
Genre:Botanical specimens | Notes | Notebooks | Vocabularies | Specimens
Extent:2 folders, 1 box
Description: Materials relating to James M. Crawford's interest in and study of the Alabama language. Items include card-sized paper slips, English-Alabama and Alabama-English, with pencilled notes in Series V. and a folder labelled "Alabama Vocabulary (Mary McCall)" containing 5 pages of Alabama vocabulary (typed English words with handwritten Alabama equivalents) for comparing with Mobilian, apparently collected by University of Georgia student Mary McCall and dated Oct. 1971, located in Series IV-D. Research Notes & Notebooks--Other. There is also an unidentified botanical specimen described as "Plant Collected at Maggie Poncho's Alabama-Coushatta Reservation, Texas, August 1970" in Series II. Subject Files.
Collection:James M. Crawford Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.66)
Contributor:Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Thomas, Joe | Thompson, Chief Charlie | Celestine, Eddie | Sylestine, Harry | Battiste, E. S. | Swanton, John Reed, 1873-1958
Subject:Linguistics | Ethnography
Genre:Vocabularies | Field notes | Notebooks | Dictionaries
Extent:0.5 linear feet
Description: Mary Haas worked for a short period to document Alabama with several speakers on in the 1930s. The field notebook is in Series 2 Subseries ‘Multiple Languages' and includes comparisons with Koasati and Choctaw. Around 585 lexical items were obtained from this fieldwork, from which lexical slip files (Series 9) are derived. Haas also utilized John R. Swanton's dictionary of Alabama, and Alabama forms part of extensive Muskogean language comparisons, mostly in Series 2. There is also brief correspondence.
Collection:Mary R. Haas Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.94)
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Potawatomi includes: Pottawotomi, Neshnabé, Bodéwadmi
Mi'kmaq includes: Micmac
Meskwaki includes: Mesquakie, Musquakie, Sac, Sauk, Fox, Sac-and-Fox
Menominee includes: Menomini, Mamaceqtaw
Ktunaxa includes: Kootenai, Kootenay, Kutenai, Tonaxa
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Cree includes: Nēhiyaw, Cri
Blackfeet includes: Blackfoot, Niitsítapi, Siksika, Siksikaitsitapi
Language:English | Shawnee | Delaware | Potawatomi | Meskwaki | Menominee | Cree, Plains | Ojibwe | Blackfoot | Cheyenne | Kutenai | Abenaki, Eastern
Date:circa 1930s-1960s
Contributor:Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Bloomfield, Leonard, 1887-1949 | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Hockett, Charles Francis | Hamp, Eric P. | Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Algonquian languages | New England--History | Orthography and spelling
Type:Still Image | Text
Extent:25 folders, 1 box
Description: There are many materials relating to Algonquian languages in the C. F. Voegelin Papers. This entry is intended as a catch-all for materials labeled as Algonquian or Macro-Algonquian, or having to do with several Algonquian languages in a general way. Researchers should also view the entries for specific Algonquian languages and culture groups. Algonquian materials are located in both Subcollection I and Subcollection II. In Subcollection I, there is relevant correspondence with Leonard Bloomfield (regarding an inscription on a silver bracelet; Bloomfield's "Menomini Grammar"), Charles Hockett (with questions about Voegelin's article on Delaware and examples from other Algonquian languages), and Morris Swadesh (including a brief Stockbridge vocabulary and a slip of Moravian Delaware) in Series I. Correspondence; 1 box of comparative Algonquian vocabulary and grammar in Series II. and several linguistic maps (i.e., "Algonquian language text with illustrations" and "Linguistic classification of the Southern New England Algonquians"), particularly of the Potawatomi, Delaware, and Shawnee, to accompany the texts of Voegelin's work on Algonquian languages, in Series VII. Photographs. In Subcollection II, there is relevant correspondence from Eric Hamp (to Ives Goddard regarding preparation of Arapaho and Algonquian works) and Frank Speck (to Edward Sapir regarding his work on Mi'kmaq and other northern Algonquian languages and societies) in Series I. Correspondence. There is also an entire subseries devoted to Macro-Algonquian: Subseries III. Macro-Algonquian of Series II. Research Notes. This subseries contains a grammatical sketch of Algonquian by Leonard Bloomfield (135 pages of typescript with handwritten edits and 7 interleaved pages of notes by Voegelin); another "Sketch of Algonquian" by Bloomfield consisting of a notebook (approx. 45 pages) and handwritten notes (approx. 80 pages); 5 folders of notebooks focusing on beginning sounds ("Č and K," "L and M," "N and P," " Š and T," and "Θ and ?"), drawing from Pacific Coast Algonquian ("PCA"), Fox [Meskwaki], Plains Cree, Menominee, and Ojibwe; 3 folders of other comparative Algonquian notebooks organized by general nouns, body parts, kinship terms, numerals, and verbs; miscellaneous Algonquian notes; and specimens of Central Algonquian, including short texts in Fox [Meskwaki], Ojibwe, Menominee, and Plains Cree, with English translations. The rest of the material in the Macro-Algonquian folder is organized according to specific languages: Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Fox (Meskwaki), Kutenai [Ktunaxa culture], Ojibwe, Penobscot, and Shawnee. Finally, there is an article titled "Some Observations on Algonquian Phonology" in Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries I: General works; an incomplete typed draft of Bloomfield's "Sketch of Algonquian" in Series IV. Works by Others; and a "Linguistic map of Southern New England" in Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries V: American Indian Languages.
Collection:C. F. Voegelin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.68)
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Omushkego includes: Cree, Swampy, Mushkegowuk, Omushkigowack
Naskapi includes: ᓇᔅᑲᐱ, Iyiyiw, Skoffie
Nipissing includes: Nbisiing
Ktunaxa includes: Kootenai, Kootenay, Kutenai, Tonaxa
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Chibcha includes: Muysca, Muisca
Cree includes: Nēhiyaw, Cri
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Date:1912-1941 and undated
Contributor:Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950 | Bailey, Alfred Goldsworthy | Weitzner, Bella
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Zoology | Divination | Population | Ethnography | Folklore | Basketry | Birch bark | Hunting | Archaeology | Ontario--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Correspondence | Notes | Field notes | Abstracts | Sketches | Notebooks | Photographs | Stories
Extent:7 items
Description: Materials relating to both Algonquin and related Algonquian peoples, cultures, and languages. Includes Speck's notes on artifacts found near Lake Abitibi and in the Nipissing district; his Seven Islands field notes, including texts with interlinear translations, house data, names of animals, and a letter in French from Marie Louise Ambroise; sketches and comments on shoulder blade divination (scapulimancy), including notes on deer drives (including an undated note from A. Irving Hallowell) and the distribution of artifacts among Algonquin, Naskapi, and Mistissini peoples; two field notebooks containing (1) linguistic notes and informant and population data for Waswanipi, Abitibi, Temiskaming [Timiskaming], Nipissing, Algonquian and (2) Temiskaming ethnography, Wisiledjak (Wiskyjack) [Wisakedjak, a manitou] text (in English), Temagami ethnology and texts (in English), and one Iroquois legend; general information on birch-bark containers, including 37 photographs and 40 pages of notes relating to Algonquin, Cree, Ojibwe and Ktunaxa specimens, and a letter from Bella Weitzner; and a letter from A. G. Bailey sending Speck a copy of his book on Algonquians.
Collection:Frank G. Speck Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.126)
Lokono includes: Arawak
Contributor:Schultz, Theodor
Subject:Astronomy | Guyana--History | Linguistics | Moravians | Suriname--History
Genre:Dictionaries | Notebooks | Vocabularies
Extent:2 volumes, 795 p.
Description: Theodor Schultz was a Moravian missionary in British Guiana at the turn of the nineteenth century. This collection contains two items: "Aruwakkisch Deucthes Wörterbuch," a dictionary with German equivalents and examples, as well as alphabetical Arawak index, and "Grammatische Sätze von der Aruwakkischen Sprache," a grammatical treatise based upon a Latin model, with Latin terms used throughout, though most of the text is German.
Collection:Arawak manuscripts (Mss.498.3.Sch8)
Atsugewi includes: Pit River
Contributor:Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960
Description: The Atsugewi materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers are limited to occassional information in A.M. Halpern's notebooks and A.L Kroeber's notebooks in Series I-A.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)