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Wyandot includes: Huron, Wendat, Wyandotte, Huron-Wyandot
Yuchi includes: Euchee
Tuscarora includes: Ska:rù:rę'
Seneca includes: Onöndowága
Seminole includes: Yat'siminoli
Osage includes: 𐓁𐒻 𐓂𐒼𐒰𐓇𐒼𐒰͘
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Nottoway includes: Cheroenhaka
Onondaga includes: Onöñda'gega'
Omaha includes: Umoⁿhoⁿ
Oneida includes: Onyota'a:ka
Pawnee includes: Chaticks si Chaticks, Chatiks si Chatiks
Otomi includes: Hñahñu, Ñuhu, Ñhato, Ñuhmu
Quapaw includes: Arkansas, Ugahxpa
Mohawk includes: Kanienʼkehá꞉ka
Miami includes: Myaamiaki
Mi'kmaq includes: Micmac
Mohican includes: Mahican, Muhhekunneuw
Kaw includes: Kansa, Kanza
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Choctaw includes: Chahta
Cayuga includes: Gayogohó:no
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Aaniiih includes: A'aninin, Atsina, Gros Ventre
Atakapa includes: Atacapa
Language:English | German | Otomi, Mezquital | Chitimacha | Atakapa | Cherokee | Osage | Chickasaw | Choctaw | Nottoway | Kansa | Omaha-Ponca | Dakota | Pawnee | Nanticoke | Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille | Miami-Illinois | Mi'kmaq | Mikasuki | Quapaw | Yuchi | Delaware | Ojibwe | Shawnee | Seneca | Mohawk | Onondaga | Cayuga | Oneida | Tuscarora | Natchez | Wyandot | Muscogee | Mohegan-Pequot
Subject:Linguistics | Algonquian languages | Iroquoian languages | Siouan languages | Muskogean languages
Genre:Newspaper clippings | Vocabularies
Extent:219 pages
Description: This volume contains extracts of Benjamin Smith Barton's "New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America" (Philadelphia, 1797), with additions by Peter S. Du Ponceau. The bulk of the volume is comprised of word list of 54 words with equivalents listed in a range of 50-70 languages. While Barton listed no authority, Du Ponceau cited sources. Languages with words listed include Chitimacha, Atakapa, Cherokee, Osage, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Nottoway, Kansa, Omaha, Dakota, Pawnee, Nanticoke, Gros Ventres, Miami, Mi'kmaq, Seminole, Quapaw, Yuchi, Delaware, Ojibwe, Shawnee, Seneca, Mohawk, Onondaga, Cayuga, Oneida, Tuscarora, Natches, Wyandot, Creek, Mahican, Mohegan, and many others. The word list includes the terms for God, heaven, and sky, as well as various terms relating to kinship, parts of the body, weather, and more. The volume also includes notes on sounds of the Otomi (Othomi) observations on declension; observations about the Omaha, Kansa, Oto, Arkansas, and Missouri languages; and notes on symbol and sound. Also includes a newspaper clipping of a review (in German) of Barton's "New Views" that appeared in "Göttingische Anzeigen von gelehrten Sachen," June 17, 1799.
Collection:A comparative vocabulary of Indian languages (Mss.497.B28)
Yupik, Siberian includes: Yupighyt, Юиты, Eskimo (pej.)
Yukaghir includes: юкаги́ры, одул, деткиль
Sakha includes: Саха, Yakuts
Koryak includes: Коряки, нымыланы, чавчувены, алюторцы
Evenki includes: Эвэнкил
Itelmen includes: Итәнмән, Ительмены
Chukchi includes: Chukchee, Чукчи, ԓыгъоравэтԓьат
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Date:undated; 1905-1928
Subject:Ethnography | Linguistics | Kinship | Education | Russia--History | Alaska--History
Genre:Autobiographies | Vocabularies | Notebooks | Catalogs | Stories
Extent:3 notebooks; 64 pages; over 2000 index cards
Description: The Chukchi materials in the ACLS collection consist of 10 items. These materials relate to the Northern Siberian section of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition of 1897-1902, and appear to be mostly or entirely secondary sources. Some of what Waldemar Bogoras described as "Chukchee" is in fact the Itelmen language, so it is likely the case that some of the Chukchi materials here are actually Itelmen. The majority of the Chukchi materials are in the "Non-American and non-linguistic material" section. Waldemar Jochelson's "My Life" (item 8) includes a Chukchi autobiographical story with ethnographic notes and some Chukchi language. Items ASCh.1, ASCh.2 and ASCh.3 ("Chukchi and Lakota notebook", "Chukchi word list" and "Chukchi word lists and texts") are three notebooks by Franz Boas, derived from work by Waldemar Bogoras, including some lexica and interlinear texts. Item ASCh.4 "Chukchi Lexicon" is around 2000 index cards written by Waldemar Bogoras. "The Study of Paleoasiatic and Tunguse languages in the USSR for the last ten years (1918-1928)" (item ASPa.1) summarises work on various Indigenous languages of the USSR, including descriptions of education programs at the Great Eastern Institute of Leningrad, Leningrad University, and the Khabarovsk Committee. "Catalogue of phonograph records from the Jesup North Pacific Expedition" (item ASPa.2) describes phonograph recordings obtained by Waldemar Jochelson and Waldemar Bogoras in various locations in Chukotka, Kamchatka and along the Kolyma River. In the "Eskimo (Inuit and Iñupiat)" section, Boas' "Comparative word list of Alaskan Eskimo [Iñupiat], Siberian Eskimo [Yupik], and Chukchee" (item E1.1) consists of a 1200-word comparative vocabulary that includes Chukchi. Finally, in the "Kutenai" section, Boas' "Kutenai lexicon" includes "a few" Chukchi word slips, according to Morris Swadesh.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Date:1838-1938 (bulk 1930s)
Contributor:Deloria, Ella Cara | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Burlin, Natalie Curtis, 1875-1921 | Bushotter, George, 1860-1892 | Densmore, Frances, 1867-1957 | Dorsey, James Owen, 1848-1895 | Herzog, George, 1901-1983 | Pond, Gideon H. (Gideon Hollister), 1810-1878 | Pond, Samuel W. (Samuel William), 1808-1891 | Riggs, Stephen Return, 1812-1883 | Walker, Luke C. | Tiger, Annie | Deloria, Vine, Sr., 1901-1990 | Schmidt, George | Standing Bull | Heḣákawį (Mrs. Andrew Knife) | Rabbit, White, Mrs. | Vlandry, Emma | White Face, Mrs. | Long Wolf | Fire Thunder, Angelique | Fire Thunder, Edgar | Ten Fingers, Asa | Eagle, Johnson | Robertson, W. M. | Bad Wound, Robert | Bissonette, Fred | Station, Philip | Day, David | LastHorse, Joe | Sword, George | Amos | Frazier, Joseph | Paints-Yellow, Joseph | Standing Holy | Old Bull | Ghost Bear | Robinson, Philip | Matthews, G. Hubert | Seytter, Emil
Subject:Education | Ethnography | Games | Hunting | Humor | Linguistics | Minnesota--History | Missions | Music | North Dakota--History | Personal names | Politics and government | Religion | Social life and customs | South Dakota--History | Warfare
Genre:Autobiographies | Calendars | Censuses | Correspondence | Dictionaries | Drawings | Speeches | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:7500+ pages, 3300+ slips; 2 notebooks
Description: The Dakota and Lakota materials in the ACLS collection consist of a very large and diverse set of materials, and are located in the "Dakota" section of the finding aid, which provides a detailed listing of all contents. The vast majority of these materials were composed and assembled by Ella Deloria during the 1930s, both recorded from contemporary speakers and from various historical manuscript sources, which were sent to Franz Boas. The bulk of Deloria's materials are stories and speeches in typewritten manuscript form, with a transcription in the original language, followed by a literal word-for-word translation, then a free translation in English, and a section of footnotes commenting upon the original text and translation decisions. Some of her manuscripts occasionally lack one or more of these sections. These texts cover a wide range of topics, from traditional narratives, historical accounts, autobiographical stories, descriptions of games, customs, ceremonies, etc., and speeches, often concerning political affairs and economic conditions from the late-19th century to the 1930s. Names of numerous speakers are also given in the manuscripts themselves. Some of these materials were published, but most were not. Note that Deloria identifies the language recorded by using the terms "Teton" for Lakota language, and "Santee" and "Yankton" to indicate Eastern and Western dialects of Dakota language. The collection also includes a much smaller amount of material by Boas and others, primarily consisting of linguistics notes and musical analysis. A full list of places where the material was recorded has not yet been assembled.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Date:circa 1930s
Contributor:Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Deloria, Ella Cara
Subject:Economic conditions | Folklore | Linguistics | North Dakota--History | South Dakota--History
Genre:Grammars | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:8 folders
Description: The Dakota and Lakota materials in the Franz Boas Professional Papers consist of 8 items in Series III. Research materials & notebooks. Six of these items are listed under "Boas, Franz--Dakota" and pertain to various linguistic features, including an incomplete glossary. See also "The story of the beginning as told in the Wakan Wacipi of Dakota" (author unidentified) and "Deloria, Ella - Report for Dr. Boas, re: Capitalism and the Dakota-Sioux."
Collection:Franz Boas Personal and Professional Papers (Mss.B.B61p)
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Contributor:Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950
Subject:Linguistics | Minnesota--History | Museums | Material culture
Genre:Notes | Correspondence
Extent:19 pages
Description: Materials relating to Speck's study of Dakota history, language, and culture. Includes 4 pages of Santee utterances with translations and ethnographic and linguistic notes; 1 page containing the name of Santee shield; 11 pages, circa 1934, with names and addresses of Dakota Indian; museum specimens; phonetic names of material culture objects. Mrs. A. L. Haines and Richard Night Chase (a Dakota) to Speck, January 2, 1927, autograph letter signed, 3 pages, concerning possible specimens.
Collection:Frank G. Speck Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.126)
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Date:1883; 1953
Contributor:Hale, Horatio, 1817-1896 | Jacobs, Reuben | Matthews, G. Hubert
Subject:Linguistics | Music | Ethnography | Personal names
Type:Text | Sound recording
Genre:Vocabularies | Personal names
Extent:1 folder; 2 reel-to-reel tapes
Description: The Dakota materials in the Siebert Papers consist of one item by Horatio Hale in Series VII, and sound recordings of Reuben Jacobs made by G. Hubert Matthews found in Series XII.
Collection:Frank Siebert Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.97)
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Contributor:Sky Eagle
Subject:Games | Music | Social life and customs
Type:Sound recording
Extent:12 min. : DIGITIZED
Description: The Dakota materials in the Frank Speck recording collection consist of 5 recordings of moccasin game songs and war songs. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Recordings of Cherokee, Creek, Naskapi, Penobscot, Sioux, Santee, Tutelo, and Winnebago (Mss.Rec.49)
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Date:1964-1965, 1969-1970, 1976, 1996-1998
Contributor:Anderson, Carolyn R. | Clemmons, Linda M. | Garner, Beatrice Medicine | Harbeck, Warren A. | Merrill, William Lewis | Powers, William K.
Subject:Botany | Linguistics | Medicine | South Dakota--History
Genre:Essays | Field notes | Reports
Extent:162 pages
Description: The Dakota materials in the Phillips Fund collection consist of 7 items. Materials in this collection are listed alphabetically by last name of author. See materials listed under Anderson, Carter, Clemmons, Garner, Harbeck, Merrill, Powers.
Collection:Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection (Mss.497.3.Am4)
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Contributor:Koontz, John E. | Bright, William, 1928-2006
Genre:Correspondence | Drafts
Extent:1 folder
Description: William Bright corresponded with John E. Koontz on the etymology of “Dakota”, including a 4-page manuscript draft from Koontz on the topic (Series 1).
Collection:William O. Bright Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.142)
Contributor:Marsh, Gordon H. | Small, Julia | Small, Robert | Whitman, William | Small, Jack | Small, David | Durand, Venie | Barnes, Gertrude | Small, Ed (Elwood) | Bassett, Anna | Springer, Wiley | Green, Rachel
Subject:Dhegihan languages | Ethnography | Iowa--History | Language families | Linguistics | Siouan languages
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Grammars | Photographs | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:1,000+ pages, 18 photographs, 4,000 cards, 75 bluebooks (4-8 pages each)
Description: The Iowa materials in the ACLS collection consist primarily of materials collected by Gordon Marsh in the late 1930s, all located in the "Iowa" section of the finding aid. Marsh's materials (item X4a.2, "Materials for a study of the Iowa Indian language"), recorded with the assistance of Iowa speakers, especially Robert Small and Julia Small, include numerous texts on a variety of subjects, which are in the manuscripts in both initial handwritten form (in bluebooks) and in later typescript form, with both interlinear translations and free translations, of which some of the latter were made by Robert Small. This material is divided into 22 parts. This material also includes a draft version of a grammar of the Iowa extensive lexical files including Iowa-English, English-Iowa, and comparisons to related languages (Osage, Dakota, Lakota, Omaha-Ponca, Kansa, and Ho-chunk); and other linguistic notes, with related correspondence. There are also 18 photographs of Iowa people with whom Marsh worked. In this same section, there is also a brief descriptive grammar by William Whitman (item X4a.1) based on field work with an Iowa speaker and an Oto speaker.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)