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Contributor:Capella, Frank | Chapella, Grace | Charlie, Ralph | Cochise, George | Kewanwytewa, Jim | Mahkewa, Donald | Masayumptewa, Nettie | Mason, Lynn | Nequatewa, Edmund | Pavatea, Garnet | Sahmea, Frank | Sheldon, Henry | Silas, Annette | Sinquah, Albert | Tawameiniwa, David | Tevenyouma, Joe | Whiting, Alfred F. | Wright, Barton | Wright, Margaret
Subject:Arizona--History | Botany | Kinship | Linguistics | Medicine | Place names | Pottery | Social life and customs
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Interviews | Stories
Extent:14 sound tape reels (28 hr.)
Description: The recordings include names of plants, birds, reptiles, and other animals (including domesticated); costumes (including Kachina); Migration legend; place-names; kinship terms; numerals; weaving; pottery; Hopi, Huichol, and Tarahumara belts; medicine man; etc. Informants include: Frank Capella (Hopi and Tewa), Grace Chapella (Tewa), Ralph Charlie (Hopi?), George Cochase (Hopi and Tewa), Jim Kewanwytewa (Hopi), Donald Mahkewa (Tewa), Nettie Masayumptewa (Hopi?), Edmund Nequatewa (Hopi), Garnet Pavatea (Hopi?), Frank Sehma (Hopi), Henry Sheldon (Hopi), Annette Silas (Hopi), Albert Sinquah (Hopi), Dennis Sinquah (Hopi and Tewa), David Tawameiniwa (Hopi?), Joe Tevenyouma (Hopi?), Barton Wright (Hopi?), and Margaret Wright (Hopi?). Some materials in this collection may be designated as culturally sensitive and not reproducible.
Collection:Hopi and Tewa recordings (Mss.Rec.104)
Contributor:Sekiastewa, Willard | Swanson, Richard Alan, 1947-
Subject:Arizona--History | Medicine | Social life and customs
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Autobiographies | Elicitation sessions | Interviews | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:5 sound tape reels (10 hr., 36 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Field recordings made in 1972 at New Oraibi, Arizona, by Richard A. Swanson. Discussion of Hopi terms and concepts relating to anatomy and medicine. Includes elicitation of sentences using anatomical terms and occasional miscellaneous autobiographical anecdotes and discussion of other aspects of Hopi life. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Hopi ethnoanatomy (Mss.Rec.95)
Contributor:Albert, Earl | Black, Robert A., 1927- | James, Alice | Nash, Sylvin | Talawepi, Charlie | Talayeseva, Don
Subject:Arizona--History | Music | Rites and ceremonies | Social life and customs
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Interviews | Songs
Extent:4 sound tape reels (5 hr., 17 min.)
Description: Field recordings made in Arizona in 1965. Hopi songs of a wide variety, including kachinas, clown, and corn-grinding songs, many with translation and commentary. Also includes Pan-Indian English-language "pachala" songs and discussions of different types of songs, dances, ceremonies, and subsistence activities. Portions of this collection may be restricted due to potential cultural sensitivity and privacy concerns.
Collection:Hopi Indian Songs (Mss.Rec.56)
Date:1915; 1933-1941
Subject:Ethnography | Linguistics | Marriage customs and rites | Religion | Rites and ceremonies
Genre:Correspondence | Grammars | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:2 slips; 300+ pages
Description: The Hopi materials in the ACLS collection consist of materials primarily in the "Hopi" section of the finding aid. The earliest item is a brief word list recorded in 1915 by Edward Sapir (item U3a.4). The remaining items in this section are all by Benjamin Lee Whorf, including an initial linguistic report sent to Sapir, a grammatical sketch, an interlinear text on marriage customs, and a brief discussion of verb classes. In the "Bella Bella (Heiltsuk)" section of the finding aid, Boas' "Bella Bella suffix list" (item W1b.4) includes Hopi ethnographic materials on ceremony and religion written on the reverse side of sheets.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Language:English | Hopi | Tohono O'odham | Nahuatl, Tetelcingo
Date:1975-1977 and undated
Contributor:Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Gipper, Helmut | Voegelin, F. M. (Florence Marie), 1927-1989 | Maring, Joel M. | Grollig, Francis Xavier, 1922- | Malotki, Ekkehart | McDavid, Raven Ioor | Schlegel, Alice | Witherspoon, Gary | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Kennard, Edward A. (Edward Allan), 1907-1989 | Hale, Kenneth L. (Kenneth Locke), 1934-2001 | Tedlock, Dennis, 1939-2016
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Humor | Ethnography
Genre:Correspondence | Notes | Essays
Extent:25 folders
Description: There are several items relating to the Hopi language in the C. F. Voegelin Papers. Items are located in both Subcollection I and Subcollection II. In Subcollection I, there is relevant correspondence with Kenneth L. Hale (regarding passivity, clowning, and comparisons to Papago [Tohono O'odham] and Walbiri) and Dennis Tedlock (regarding Tedlock's Zuni consultants' dealings with Hopi) in Series I. Correspondence; a "Papago and Hopi" file in Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries III-B: Works Authored by Voegelin; and 6 folders of Hopi material (mostly consisting of handwritten linguistic notes in pencil) in Series V. Research Notes, Subseries V-A: Language Notes. In Subcollection II, there is Hopi-related correspondence with Francis X. Grolling, S.J. (brief note mentioning two-hearted people and kachinas), Kenneth Hale (regarding Voegelin's Hopi research), Jerome Kirk (Voegelin mentions that his Hopi consultants prefer to use English directional terms), Ekkehart Malotki (regarding Hopi fieldwork and language), Joel M. Maring (regarding Eastern and Western Keresan and Hopi parallels), Raven I. McDavid, Jr. (brief note mentioning his enjoyment of Hopi fieldwork), Alice Schlegel (regarding teasing/humor), Morris Swadesh (mentions Charles Loloma), Unidentified (miscellaneous Hopi linguistic notes), and Gary Witherspoon (the world view problem, work of LaVerne Masayesva at MIT) in Series I. Correspondence. Also in Subcollection II, there is Hopi-Tewa material in Series II. Research Notes, Subseries VII. Kiowa-Tanoan; and two Hopi-related files in Subseries IX. Uto-Aztecan, except Hopi. These include a general "Hopi" folder and another folder of Edward A. Kennard's Hopi Texts, consisting of 5 typewritten texts in Hopi and English accompanied by two letters, Kennard to Voegelin, 1976-1977. There is also a copy of C. F. and F. M. Voegelin's "Hopi Number in Respect to Idiosyncracy" in Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries I: General works; Helmut Gipper's "The conception of time and space in Hopi: Some necessary corrections to the views of B.L. Whorf" in Series IV. Works by Others; and a file for Tetelcingo Nahuatl (with Hopi comparison) in Series V. Card Files.
Collection:C. F. Voegelin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.68)
Contributor:Beesley, Ken | Kendall, Daythal
Extent:1 folder
Description: Correspondence with Ken Beesley concerns attempts to access J. W. Powell's Hopi Vocabularies (Series 1).
Collection:Daythal L. Kendall Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.148)
Date:1883-1892, 1920-1924, 1929-1932, 1936, 1938-1940
Contributor:Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Bunzel, Ruth Leah, 1898-1990 | Cochise, George | Crow-wing | Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935 | Forde, C. Daryll | Lowie, Robert Harry, 1883-1957 | Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews, 1874-1941 | Stephen, Alexander M. | White, Leslie A. | Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 1897-1941
Subject:Arizona--History | Folklore | Kinship | Material culture | Museums | Religion | Rites and ceremonies | Social life and customs
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Correspondence | Diaries | Notebooks | Photographs | Stories
Extent:24 notebooks, 300+ pages
Description: The Hopi materials in the Elsie Clews Parsons papers consist of a large amount of material found in several different section of the collection. In Subcollection I, Series II, "Notes, manuscripts, etc.", item 18 includes the notebooks of Alexander Stephen from 1885-1892; item 51 includes a significant number of photographs from Hopi communities from the period of 1918-1926; and items 46 and 61 also contain briefer manuscript materials relating to Hopi ceremonies. In Subcollection II, Series I, "Professional Correspondence", a number of Correspondences pertain to Hopi matters, particularly Parsons' correspondence with Franz Boas, Ruth Bunzel, Frederick Dellenbaugh, C. Daryll Forde, Robert H. Lowie, Leslie White, and Benjamin Whorf. In Subcollection II, Series III, "Lectures and Manuscripts", there are proofs and drafts related to Parsons' publication of Alexander Stephen's "Hopi Journal." In Subcollection II, Series IV, "Research Notes" there is a large number of Parsons' field notebooks from multiple visits to different Hopi communities. Some portion of this material may be restricted due to cultural sensitivity or privacy concerns.
Collection:Elsie Clews Parsons papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.29)
Contributor:Brandt, Richard B. | Coin, Willie | Diehl, H. C. | Ekstrom, J. | John, Zonnie | Kewanwytewa, Jim | Nuvanisa, Bennie | Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Yava, Albert
Subject:Arizona--History | Linguistics | Language study and teaching
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:20 sound tape reels (42 hr., 8 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Hopi words, phrases, texts, counting, and grammar (particles), some with English equivalents. Includes duplicates of Hopi recordings made by Carl F. Voegelin. Recorded with Hopi consultants including Willie Coin, Jimmy Kewanwaytiwa, Bennie Nuvanisa, and Albert Yava. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Hopi and Navajo Recordings (Mss.Rec.103)
Date:1960, 1963, 1965-1970, 1973, 1976-1978, 1988-1989, 1994, 2006
Contributor:Black, Robert A., 1927- | Cameron, Catherine M. | Hodge, C. T. (Carleton Taylor), 1917-1998 | Jeanne, LaVerne M. | Kealiinohomoku, Joann W. | Masayesva, LaVerne | McChesney, Lea S. | Roark-Calnek, Sue N., 1936- | Schepers, E. M. | Seaman, P. David | Swanson, Richard Alan, 1947- | Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Wheeler-Voegelin, Erminie, 1903-1988
Subject:Arizona--History | Dance | Folklore | Linguistics | Material culture | Music | Pottery | Religion | Rites and ceremonies | Social life and customs | Stories
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Bibliographies | Dictionaries | Dissertations | Essays | Interviews | Photographs | Reports | Stories | Transcriptions
Extent:1286 pages, 11 photographs
Description: The Hopi materials in the Phillips Fund collection consist of 18 items. Materials in this collection are listed alphabetically by last name of author. See materials listed under Black, Cameron, Hodge, Jeanne, Kealiinohomoku, Masayesva, McChesney, Schepers, Seaman, Swanson, and Voegelin. Some of these materials may be restricted due to cultural sensitvity or privacy considerations.
Collection:Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection (Mss.497.3.Am4)
Contributor:Fenton, William N., (William Nelson), 1908-2005
Subject:Music | New Mexico--History | Powwows | Rites and ceremonies | Social life and customs
Type:Sound recording
Extent:16 min. : DIGITIZED
Description: The Hopi materials in the William Fenton audio collection consists of one recording, "Hopi Buffalo Dance of Keames Cañon," located in "Series 10: Indian Summer School Dance Program." (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:William Fenton audio collection (Mss.Rec.138)