Hopi and Tewa recordings

Tarahumara includes: Rarámuri
Huichol includes: Wixáritari
English | Hopi | Tewa
Capella, Frank | Chapella, Grace | Charlie, Ralph | Cochise, George | Kewanwytewa, Jim | Mahkewa, Donald | Masayumptewa, Nettie | Mason, Lynn | Nequatewa, Edmund | Pavatea, Garnet | Sahmea, Frank | Sheldon, Henry | Silas, Annette | Sinquah, Albert | Tawameiniwa, David | Tevenyouma, Joe | Whiting, Alfred F. | Wright, Barton | Wright, Margaret
Arizona--History | Botany | Kinship | Linguistics | Medicine | Place names | Pottery | Social life and customs
Sound recording
Interviews | Stories
14 sound tape reels (28 hr.)
The recordings include names of plants, birds, reptiles, and other animals (including domesticated); costumes (including Kachina); Migration legend; place-names; kinship terms; numerals; weaving; pottery; Hopi, Huichol, and Tarahumara belts; medicine man; etc. Informants include: Frank Capella (Hopi and Tewa), Grace Chapella (Tewa), Ralph Charlie (Hopi?), George Cochase (Hopi and Tewa), Jim Kewanwytewa (Hopi), Donald Mahkewa (Tewa), Nettie Masayumptewa (Hopi?), Edmund Nequatewa (Hopi), Garnet Pavatea (Hopi?), Frank Sehma (Hopi), Henry Sheldon (Hopi), Annette Silas (Hopi), Albert Sinquah (Hopi), Dennis Sinquah (Hopi and Tewa), David Tawameiniwa (Hopi?), Joe Tevenyouma (Hopi?), Barton Wright (Hopi?), and Margaret Wright (Hopi?). Some materials in this collection may be designated as culturally sensitive and not reproducible.
Hopi and Tewa recordings Mss.Rec.104