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Language:English | French | Nahuatl, Classical | Nahuatl, Morelos | Spanish | Yaqui
Date:1912-1924, 1928, 1930, 1940, 1949-1950, 1953
Contributor:Barlow, R. H. (Robert Hayward), 1918-1951 | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Croft, Kenneth | Gonsales, Milesio | Haeberlin, Herman Karl, 1890-1918 | Jiménez Quispe, Luz | Leon, Adrian F. | Mason, John Alden, 1885-1967 | Ripley, June E. | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Siméon, Rémi, 1827- | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Tapia, Lucio | Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 1897-1941
Subject:Ethnography | Linguistics | Music | Orthography and spelling | Stories
Genre:Bibliographies | Essays | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:359 pages, Circa 750 slips, 1 notebook (314 pages), 1 volume (168 pages)
Description: The Nahua materials in the ACLS collection consist of numerous items in the "Nahuatl" section of the finding aid, which contains a full listing. Prominent materials include texts recorded by Boas from Milpa Alta speakers, including Doña Luz Jiménez, in 1912 (item U7b.4). There are also additional texts, recorded by Miguel Barrios Espinosa in 1950 San Juan Tlilhuacan, Delegacion de Azcapotzales, Mexico City (item U7b.9). Mason (and possibly also Boas') "Nahuatl vocabulary" (item U7b.3) contains 750+ word slips based upon work by Simeón and Mason. "Vocabularies Nawatl" (item U7b.12) by Leon and Swadesh consists of vocabulary of 3 Nahuatl dialects (identified as Telina, Ilamalan, and San Pedro [Atocpan?]) based on field work in 1939 with 4 speakers. There are additional grammatical studies and linguistic treatments by Whorf, Barlow, Croft, and Ripley. Some Nahuatl vocabulary can also be found in comparative Uto-Aztecan materials in the "Uto-Aztecan" section of the finding aid.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Language:English | Nahuatl, Morelos | Totonac, Highland | Yaqui
Contributor:Barlow, R. H. (Robert Hayward), 1918-1951
Subject:Folklore | Music | Social life and customs
Type:Sound recording
Extent:1 sound tape reel (42 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Nahuatl Texts, recorded on phonograph discs by Robert Barlow circa 1949, in Milpa Alta, Mexico. Stories given entirely in untranslated Nahuatl, with the exception of two stories given in Spanish. Almost all stories are given by Luz Jimenez. The identifiable texts include a story about the Mexican Day of the Dead holiday and the mountain Popocatepetl. Also includes one Yaqui song and one text that may be in a Totonac language. There is occasional prominent cracking and hissing background noise on the recording. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Nahuatl texts (Mss.Rec.6)
Yaqui includes: Hiaki, Yoeme
Tepehuán includes: Tepehuanes, Tepehuano
Tohono O'odham includes: Papago
Rarámuri includes: Tarahumara
Mayo includes: Yoreme
Hupa includes: Natinixwe, Na:tinixwe, Natinook-wa, Na:tini-xwe, Hoopa
Huichol includes: Wixáritari
Cora includes: Naáyarite
Akimel O'odham includes: Pima
Language:English | Spanish | Cora, El Nayar | Huichol | Nahuatl (macrolanguage) | Opata | Tepecano | Tohono O'odham | Tubar | Yaqui | Mayo | Tarahumara, Central | Tepehuan, Southwestern | Tepehuan, Southeastern | Tepehuan, Northern
Contributor:Benedict, Ruth, 1887-1948 | Herzog, George, 1901-1983 | Kelley, David H. | Mason, John Alden, 1885-1967 | Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 1897-1941 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967
Subject:Linguistics | Uto-Aztecan languages | Anthropology | Orthography and spelling
Genre:Notes | Correspondence | Essays | Vocabularies
Extent:21 items
Description: Materials relating to John Alden Mason's interest and research in Uto-Aztecan languages and cultures. Items include notes and letters on Uto-Aztecan historical Mason's "Some initial phones and combinations in Utaztecan stems," an abstract and full text of a paper delivered at the Philadelphia meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1951); unattributed corresondence discussing that 1951 paper; Mason's correspondence with Edward Sapir regarding Mason's work on the Tepehuan, Papago [Tohono O'odham], Sonoran and Yaqui languages, Sapir's work on Paiute and Hupa, and mentioning Boas, Rivet, Speck, Spier, and Whorf; earlier correspondence with Sapir relaying Tepehuan, Tepecano, Papago [Tohono O'odham], and Nahua examples, data from Mason for Sapir's use in Uto-Aztecan comparative work, Sapir's comments on Mason's data and analysis, and Sapir's views on Uto-Aztecan historical Mason's corresondence with Ruth Benedict regarding work on Papago [Tohono O'odham], Pima, and Yaqui languages, an honorarium for Franz Boas, and Ruth Underhill's Papago Rites and ceremonies; correspondence with George Herzog regarding Tepehuan music and language, Pima-Papago language, and mentioning Franz Boas, Gene Weltfish, Edward Sapir, Ruth Underhill, Frank G. Speck, and others; correspondence with David H. Kelley regarding comparison of Polynesian and Uto-Aztecan languages (Kelly's dissertation); part of Kelley's Harvard University doctoral dissertation regarding the borrowing of Uto-Aztecan words into Polynesian; Benjamin Lee Whorf on Uto-Aztecan languages, including a table of relationships and a photo reproduction of Whorf's Azteco-Tanoan tree; correspondence with Whorf regarding Whorf's grant application to the Social Sciences Research Council to work on modern Nahuatl, and also touching on Uto-Aztecan phonology, Maya glyphs, Nahuatl, Papago [Tohono O'odham], Tepecano, Tepehuan, Yaqui, and subgrouping; and correspondence with Morris Swadesh regarding establishing an official Aztec alphabet, Swadesh's glotto-chronological work in Uto-Aztecan, disagreement between Mason and Swadesh over the number of stop series in Papago [Tohono O'odham], Swadesh's retraction (to be published in Word) of his criticisms of Mason's Papago [Tohono O'odham] grammar, and copies of letters from Swadesh to [Dean] Saxton and Andre Martinet. Undated linguistic materials include notes, Vocabularies, vocabularies, comparisons with notes about correspondences, comparative vocabularies, notes on numerical systems, cognates with English glosses, cognates with Spanish glosses, lexicostatistical compilations, etc. Languages represented (and not merely mentioned) include Huichol, El Nayar Cora, Nahuatl, Opata, Tarahumara, Tepecano, Tepehuan, Tohono O'odham, Tubar, Yaqui, and Mayo; it is unclear, however, which specific Tarahumara and Tepehuan languages are represented.
Collection:John Alden Mason Papers (Mss.B.M384)
Yaqui includes: Hiaki, Yoeme
Subject:Arizona--History | Religion | Rites and ceremonies | Social life and customs
Extent:1 notebook
Description: The Yaqui materials in the Elsie Clews Parsons papers consist of 1 notebook titled "Mayo - Yaqui" (item 20) found in Subcollection I, Series II, "Notes, manuscripts, etc." Some of this material may be restricted due to cultural sensitivity or privacy concerns. Additional relevant material may appear in correspondence folders, such as those with Ralph Beals.
Collection:Elsie Clews Parsons papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.29)
Yaqui includes: Hiaki, Yoeme
Date:1954 and undated
Contributor:Mason, John Alden, 1885-1967 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939
Subject:Linguistics | Music | Uto-Aztecan languages | Folklore | Sonora (Mexico : State)--History | Anthropology
Extent:3 items
Description: Materials relating to John Alden Mason's interest in Yaqui language and culture. Items include Yaqui Texts #1 (1954) a collection of Yaqui texts and songs taken at Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; Yaqui Texts #2 (undated), two short texts with interlinear Spanish translation and numerals one through ten; and Mason's undated manuscript titled "Preliminary sketch of the Yaqui language," along with a note from Edward Sapir regarding the manuscript and Uto-Aztecan linguistics.
Collection:John Alden Mason Papers (Mss.B.M384)
Yaqui includes: Hiaki, Yoeme
Date:1982, 2013-2014
Contributor:Jung, Hyung Kyoung | Santa Ana-A., Otto
Extent:100 pages
Description: The Yaqui materials in the Phillips Fund collection consist of 2 items. Materials in this collection are listed alphabetically by last name of author. See materials listed under Jung and Santa Ana.
Collection:Phillips Fund for Native American Research Collection (Mss.497.3.Am4)
Date:1971, 1990
Contributor:Painter, Muriel Thayer | Evers, Larry | Molina, Felipe S.
Subject:Rites and ceremonies | Music | Ethnography | Folklore | Coyote tales
Genre:Musical scores | Books | Songs
Extent:2 volumes
Description: William Bright possessed two books on the Yaqui Easter ceremonies and Coyote songs, both in Series 2.
Collection:William O. Bright Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.142)
Yaqui includes: Hiaki, Yoeme
Contributor:Mason, John Alden, 1885-1967 | Valencia, Miguel
Subject:Folklore | Music | Sonora (Mexico : State)--History
Type:Sound recording
Extent:1 sound tape reel (28 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Yaqui songs, stories, and historical narrative. Recorded by John Alden Mason in January 1954 in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Yaqui texts (Mss.Rec.286)