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Date:circa 1955-1958
Contributor:Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Kane, Michal Lowenfels
Subject:Land tenure | Land claims | United States. Indian Claims Commission | Anthropology | Minnesota--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Legal documents | Notes | Essays | Outlines | Correspondence | Postcards
Extent:22 folders
Description: The Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers are a vast collection of materials relating to Wallace's work at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, and history. See the finding aid for a detailed discussion of Wallace's long and varied career, and for an itemized list of the collection's contents. Though further research might yield more results, approximately 22 items directly relating to Dakota peoples (also called Sioux by Wallace) have been identifed. All of these materials relate to land claims by the Sisseton-Wahpeton, Mdewakanton, and Wapakoota Sioux, with whom the Yankton Sioux consolidated their claim in 1958, based on the 1851 treaty line in Minnesota. Materials include research and writings by Wallace and by his assistant Michal Kane and Wallace's correspondence with the legal representatives of the Dakota claimants. There are some relevant materials in Series I. Correspondence filed under New Directions, Seymour Parker, Pauline Shortridge, and John Wozniak. However, most of these folders reside in the alphabetically-organized Seriex IX. Indian Claims, and are as follows: "Dakota Indians--Notes," "Dakota Indians--Wallace, Anthony F.C.-- Eastern Dakota: Outline of Locations, Population, Culture and History, 1800-1862" (1957), "Kane, Michal--Dakota (Eastern Dakota): Notes," "Kane, Michal--Safi-Sioux Conflict: Notes and Explanation for Map," "Kane, Michal--Sioux Claims: Calendar of Selections from Senate and House Documents," "Kane, Michal--Sioux's Eye View of Minnesota History," "Marest, Gabriel, 1662-1714--Letter in Neill, N.D., History of Minnesota (extract)," "Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections--Historical Societies--Minnesota," "Sioux--Correspondence," Sioux--Correspondence: Cragun, John W.," "Siouan Indians--Correspondence: Sonosky, Marvin (Finances)," "Sioux Exhibits--Exhibits: Sac and Fox Cases, Bureau of Indian Affairs," "Sioux--Maps," "Sioux--Notes by AFCW #1," "Sioux--Notes by AFCW #2," "Sioux--Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands or Tribes, etc. et. al. vs. the United States of America, Docket Nos. 142, 359-363: Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief in Support Thereof, in Behalf of Mississippi Sioux, Petitioners" (2 folders, volume 1 and 2), and "Sioux--Swanton, John Reed, 1873-1958 Early History of Eastern Siouan Tribes (notes)." Note that much of Wallace's Dakota (Sioux) material incorporated his earlier research on the Meskwaki (Sac and Fox) and other neighboring peoples, and there is a great deal of overlap among these entries.
Collection:Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.64a)
Potawatomi includes: Pottawotomi, Neshnabé, Bodéwadmi
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Miami includes: Myaamiaki
Meskwaki includes: Mesquakie, Musquakie, Sac, Sauk, Fox, Sac-and-Fox
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Iowa includes: Ioway, Báxoje, Bah-Kho-Je
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Date:circa 1949-1956
Contributor:Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Kane, Michal Lowenfels | Rochmes, Louis
Subject:Land tenure | Land claims | United States. Indian Claims Commission | Anthropology | Treaties | Government relations
Genre:Legal documents | Notes | Essays | Outlines | Correspondence | Memoranda
Extent:16 folders; 1 box
Description: The Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers are a vast collection of materials relating to Wallace's work at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, and history. Though further research might yield more results, approximately 17 items directly pertaining to the related Algonquian peoples known as the Illinois have been identified. Most of these materials are located in Series IX. Indian Claims, and relate to Wallace's work as a researcher and expert witness on behalf of Native American land claims. They include research note cards (located in Series III. Notecards), research notes and write-ups, copies and extracts of primary sources, court dockets, trial memoranda, tribal histories, and correspondence with historical societies and legal representives of the claimants. There are also materials relating specifically to the Peoria and Kaskaskia peoples of the Illinois, including dockets naming them as claimants, trial memoranda, and research notes. Note that much of Wallace's material on the Illinois also mentions the Miami, Iowa, Sac and Fox (Meskwaki), and other neighboring peoples, and that there is a great deal of overlap in these entries. See also the Louis Rochmes file in Series I. Correspondence. See the finding aid for a detailed discussion of Wallace's long and varied career, and for an itemized list of the collection's contents.
Collection:Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.64a)
Date:circa 1816-1957, bulk 1951-1957
Contributor:Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Kane, Michal Lowenfels | Tax, Sol, 1907-1995 | Pletsch, George
Subject:Land tenure | Land claims | United States. Indian Claims Commission | Anthropology | Government relations | Politics and government | Warfare | Diplomacy | Treaties | Iowa--History
Genre:Notes | Essays | Drafts | Essays | Correspondence | Legal documents | Memoranda | Reports
Extent:105 folders, 2 boxes
Description: The Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers are a vast collection of materials relating to Wallace's work at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, and history. Though further research might yield more results, approximately 105 folders and 2 boxes of materials directly pertaining to the Iowa have been identified. These materials include the George Pletsch and Sol Tax files in Series I. Correspondence; copies of secondary materials in Series II. Research Notes and Drafts B. Revitalization and Culture; two boxes of research notecards in Series III. Notecards; and Wallace's own written work in Series IV. Works by Wallace A. Professional. The bulk of Iowa material, however, relates to Wallace's work as an expert witness for Native American land claims and can be found in Series IX. Indian Claims. Often labeled under "Fox Indians" because of inter-related research and land claims, these items include research materials, tribal histories, dockets, trial memoranda, briefs, notes, reports, correspondence, etc., relating to the cases called "Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America" and "Iowa Tribe or Nation of Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America." Among the research materials, there are folders devoted to the Black Hawk War, Bureau of Indian Affairs Records, treaties, ethnographic accounts, the history of the Territory of Iowa, and extracts from or copies of a variety of primary and secondary sources. Iowa materials can be difficult to disentangle from the materials relating to the closely related Meskwaki (Sac and Fox. Researchers are advised to also see the entry for that group and to view the finding aid for a detailed discussion of Wallace's long and varied career and an itemized list of the collection's contents.
Collection:Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.64a)
Date:circa 1804-1990, bulk 1953-1956
Contributor:Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Kane, Michal Lowenfels | Lurie, Nancy Oestreich | Tax, Sol, 1907-1995 | Pletsch, George | Rochmes, Louis
Subject:Land tenure | Land claims | United States. Indian Claims Commission | Anthropology | Government relations | Politics and government | Warfare | Diplomacy | Treaties | Iowa--History
Genre:Notes | Essays | Drafts | Essays | Correspondence | Legal documents | Memoranda | Reports
Extent:159 folders, 2 boxes
Description: The Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers are a vast collection of materials relating to Wallace's work at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, and history. Though further research might yield more results, approximately 159 folders and 2 boxes of materials directly pertaining to the Meskwaki (called the Fox, the Sac and Fox, and the Sauk and Fox in the finding aid) have been identified. These materials include the Nancy Lurie, George Pletsch, Louis Rocmes, and Sol Tax files in Series I. Correspondence; copies of secondary materials in Series II. Research Notes and Drafts B. Revitalization and Culture; two boxes of research notecards in Series III. Notecards; and Wallace's own written work (particularly for his 1990 publication "Prelude to Disaster: The Black Hawk War of 1832," and associated essays) in Series IV. Works by Wallace A. Professional. The bulk of Meskwaki material, however, relates to Wallace's work as an expert witness for Native American land claims and can be found in Series IX. Indian Claims under the labels "Fox Indians" and "Iowa Indians." These dual headings are due to inter-related research and land claims, and there is some overlap in the materials as Wallace used the same sources and notes to prepare for different land claims trials. These items include research materials, tribal histories, dockets, trial memoranda, briefs, notes, reports, testimonies, rebuttals, correspondence, etc., relating to the cases called "Iowa of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America," "Iowa Tribe or Nation of Indians, et. al. vs. the United States of America," and "Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, et. al. vs. the United States of America." Among the research materials, there are folders devoted to the Black Hawk War, Bureau of Indian Affairs Records, treaties, ethnographic accounts, the history of the Territory of Iowa, and extracts from or copies of a variety of primary and secondary sources. Researchers are advised to also see the Iowa entry and to view the finding aid for a detailed discussion of Wallace's long and varied career and an itemized list of the collection's contents.
Collection:Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.64a)
Piankashaw includes: Piankeshaw, Pianguichia, Peeyankihšiaki
Miami includes: Myaamiaki
Meskwaki includes: Mesquakie, Musquakie, Sac, Sauk, Fox, Sac-and-Fox
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Iowa includes: Ioway, Báxoje, Bah-Kho-Je
Date:circa 1951
Contributor:Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Kane, Michal Lowenfels
Subject:Land tenure | Land claims | United States. Indian Claims Commission | Anthropology | Treaties | Government relations
Extent:14 folders; 1 box
Description: The Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers are a vast collection of materials relating to Wallace's work at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, and history. Though further research might yield more results, approximately 15 items directly pertaining to the related Algonquian peoples known as the Miami have been identified. Most of these materials are located in Series IX. Indian Claims, and relate to Wallace's work as a researcher and expert witness on behalf of Native American land claims. They include research note cards (located in Series III. Notecards), research notes and write-ups, court dockets, trial memoranda, copies of treaties, and tribal histories. There are also materials relating to the Wea and Piankashaw peoples of the Miami, including Michal Kane's bibliographic survey of Wea and Piankeshaw locations and the fur trade in Cession 151, her Wea notes, another folder of Wea notes, a folder of Piankashaw (Piankeshaw) notes, and two dockets that include the Piankasaw as claimants, along with the Delaware and Peoria (Illinois). Note that much of Wallace's material on the Miami also mentions the Illinois, Iowa, Sac and Fox (Meskwaki), and other neighboring peoples, and that there is a great deal of overlap in these entries. See the finding aid for a detailed discussion of Wallace's long and varied career, and for an itemized list of the collection's contents.
Collection:Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.64a)
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Date:circa 1947-1951
Contributor:Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Kane, Michal Lowenfels | Lurie, Nancy Oestreich | Stewart, Omer Call, 1908-1991 | Parker, Seymour, 1922- | Wolf, Adam
Subject:Land tenure | Land claims | United States. Indian Claims Commission | Anthropology | Education | Minnesota--History | Government relations
Genre:Legal documents | Notes
Extent:7 folders
Description: The Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers are a vast collection of materials relating to Wallace's pioneering work at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, and history. See the finding aid for a detailed discussion of Wallace's long and varied career, and for an itemized list of the collection's contents. Though further research might yield more results, seven items directly relating to the Ojibwe (called the Chippewa or Ojibwa by Wallace) have been identified. In Series I. Correspondence, there are relevant materials in folders for Nancy Lurie, Seymour Parker, Omer Call Stewart, and Adam Wolf. Two other folders of which relate to Wallace's work as a researcher and expert witness on behalf of Native American land claims. In Series IX. Indian Claims, there is a folder labeled "Chippewa Indians--Red Lake, Pembina and White Earth Bands, and Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, et. al. v. the United States of America" (1951); and an undated folder labeled "Kane, Michal--Chippewa Notes" (Michal Lowenfels Kane was Wallace's research assistant). In Series VIII. University of Pennsylvania, A. Courses, there is a folder titled "Courses Taken--Ojibwa."
Collection:Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.64a)
Odawa includes: Ottawa
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Date:circa 1951-1952
Contributor:Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Bauman, Robert F. | Kane, Michal Lowenfels | Stewart, Omer Call, 1908-1991
Subject:Land tenure | Land claims | United States. Indian Claims Commission | Anthropology | Government relations
Genre:Legal documents | Memoranda | Notes | Essays
Extent:9 folders
Description: The Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers are a vast collection of materials relating to Wallace's work at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, and history. Though further research might yield more results, approximately nine items directly pertaining to the Odawa (called Ottawa by Wallace) have been identified. Most of these materials are located in Series IX. Indian Claims, and relate to Wallace's work as a researcher and expert witness on behalf of Native American land claims. They include research notes, tribal histories, court dockets, trial memoranda, and a copy of Robert F. Bauman's "Ottawa, the Huron-Wyandot, and the Land" with several pages of handwritten notes [Robert F. Bauman was a lawyer and historian who specialized for a time as a research historian on Indian claims for a Cleveland law firm and was also briefly director of the Dearborn Historical Museum in the early 1950s.] See also the Omer Call Stewart file in Series I. Correspondence. See the finding aid for a detailed discussion of Wallace's long and varied career, and for an itemized list of the collection's contents.
Collection:Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.64a)
Potawatomi includes: Pottawotomi, Neshnabé, Bodéwadmi
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Date:circa 1950-1956
Contributor:Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Quimby, George I. (George Irving), 1913-2003 | Kane, Michal Lowenfels | Stewart, Omer Call, 1908-1991
Subject:Land tenure | Land claims | United States. Indian Claims Commission | Anthropology | Government relations
Genre:Legal documents | Notes | Essays | Correspondence | Memoranda | Reports | Transcripts
Extent:24 folders; 1 box
Description: The Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers are a vast collection of materials relating to Wallace's work at the intersection of anthropology, psychology, and history. Though further research might yield more results, approximately 25 items directly pertaining to the Potawatomi have been identified. The majority of these materials are located in Series IX. Indian Claims, and relate to Wallace's work as a researcher and expert witness on behalf of Native American land claims. Research materials include notes on Potawatomi locations, political organization, and treaty signers by Wallace's assistant Michal Kane, two folders of Wallace's notes, a folder containing an ethnohistorical research paper by anthropologist and museum curator George Quimby, and "Regulations Books" containing reports on tribal history and treaties. Court materials include several dockets, trial memoranda, court findings and briefs, and hearing transcripts. There is also an essay by Wallace titled "Potawatomi Political System and Tribal Membership" and a folder relating to the financial aspect of Wallace's service. See also the Omer Call Stewart file in Series I. Correspondence and the research notecards in Series III. Notecards. See the finding aid for a detailed discussion of Wallace's long and varied career, and for an itemized list of the collection's contents.
Collection:Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.64a)
Wyandot includes: Huron, Wendat, Wyandotte, Huron-Wyandot
Unangax̂ includes: Aleut, Unangas, Unangan, Алеу́ты, Унаӈан, Унаӈас
Tlingit includes: Lingit, Łingit, Tlinkit
Tuscarora includes: Ska:rù:rę'
Seneca includes: Onöndowága
Otoe includes: Oto, Jiwére
Pawnee includes: Chaticks si Chaticks, Chatiks si Chatiks
Onondaga includes: Onöñda'gega'
Oneida includes: Onyota'a:ka
Meskwaki includes: Mesquakie, Musquakie, Sac, Sauk, Fox, Sac-and-Fox
Miami includes: Myaamiaki
Muckleshoot includes: bəqəlšuł
Muckleshoot includes: bəqəlšuł
Nez Perce includes: Niimíipu
Mohawk includes: Kanienʼkehá꞉ka
Kickapoo includes: Kikapú, Kiikaapoa
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Iowa includes: Ioway, Báxoje, Bah-Kho-Je
Inuit includes: Inuk, Eskimo (pej.), ᐃᓄᐃᑦ
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Cayuga includes: Gayogohó:no
Date:circa 1937-1999
Contributor:Wallace, Anthony F. C., 1923-2015 | Kane, Michal Lowenfels | Smith, Mina Brayley | Akweks, Aren | Ka-Hon-Hes | Gansworth, Nellie | Cornplanter, Jesse J. | Wallace, Paul A. W. | Speck, Frank G. (Frank Gouldsmith), 1881-1950 | Spotted Elk, Molly, 1903-1977
Subject:Land tenure | Land claims | United States. Indian Claims Commission | Government relations | Anthropology | Ethnography | Psychology | Psychiatry | Personality | Religion | Politics and government | Warfare | Treaties | Diplomacy
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Notes | Essays | Drafts | Essays | Correspondence | Legal documents | Memoranda | Reports | Maps | Photographs | Field notes | Transcripts
Description: This entry covers materials not otherwise covered by other entries relating to the Anthony Wallace Papers. Researchers are advised to see also the other entries devoted to specific cultural groups, Of particular interest will be Series II. Research Notes and Drafts, particularly Subseries A. Indian Research, which contains correspondence, notes and drafts from Wallace's research among the Seneca and Tuscarora. Some overlapping Native American material is in Subseries B. Revitalization and Culture. Also of particular interest will be Series IX. Indian Claims, which contains Wallace's work (with his research assistant Michal Lowenfels Kane) as an expert witness for several Native American land claims, including those of Creek, Dakota (Sioux), Delaware, Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), Iowa, Kickapoo, Meskwaki (Fox, Sac and Fox, or Sauk and Fox), Miami, Muckleshoot, Oto-Missouri, Pawnee, Shawnee, and Wyandot peoples. Another concentration of materials can be found in Series VII. Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute and pertain to Wallace's study of "arctic hysteria" (piblokto) among Greenland Inuit. Subseries B. U.S.-Soviet Commission on Anthropology of Series VI. Consulting and Committee Work also contains items on arctic populations. Materials related to Wallace's research on Native American and Indigenous topics can also be throughout Series I. Correspondence (several of Wallace's correspondents were anthropologists, historians, Native individuals, and other interested parties), Series III. Notecards, Series IV. Works by Wallace, Series V. Works by Others, Series VI. Consulting and Committee Work, Series VIII. University of Pennsylvania (to a lesser extent), Series XI. Maps, and Series XII. Graphics. Relevant correspondence files include those of the American Philosophical Society, James Axtell, Molly Nelson Archambaud (Molly Spotted Elk, Penobscot) Whitfield Bell, Robert F. Berkhofer, Carl Bridenbaugh, Edward C. Carter, Raymond Fogelson, Robert Grumet, Jeannette Henry, Stephen N. Kane, George F. Kearney, David H. Kelley, Nancy Lurie, J. T. S. McCabe, D'Arcy McNickle, Chief C. O. Nelson, Stanley Pargellis, Robert Prall, John E. Roth, Claude E. Schaefer, Donald Smith, John Tabor, Norman Tait, Morton I. Teicher, Ronald Thomas, and Katharine Young. The graphics series is also significant, containing images of pictographs, watercolor paintings by Ray Fadden's (Mohawk, aka Aren Akweks) son John (Mohawk, aka Ka-Hon-Hes), original drawings by Seneca Jesse Cornplanter and Tuscarora Nellie Gansworth, and photographs associated with Paul A.W. Wallace's fieldwork among the Indians of Pennsylvania, New York State, and Ontario as well as Anthony F.C. Wallace's research (1947-1985) on American Indians. Specific items not mentioned elsewhere include a folder on "Muckleshoot Tribe vs. the United States, Docket No. 98" and "Tee-Hit-Ton Indians vs. the United States" [the Tee-Hit-Ton are Tlingit] in Series IX. Indian Claims; a folder containing Frank Speck material on the Nanticoke in Series IV. Works by Wallace A. Professional; and a paper on the Nez Perce in Subseries 5. Student Seminar Papers of Series II. Research Notes and Drafts D. Rockdale.
Collection:Anthony F. C. Wallace Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.64a)