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Seneca includes: Onöndowága
Oneida includes: Onyota'a:ka
Ojibwe includes: Ojibwa, Chippewa, Ojibway
Odawa includes: Ottawa
Nez Perce includes: Niimíipu
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Choctaw includes: Chahta
Dakota includes: Dakȟóta
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Contributor:Berkhofer, Robert F.
Subject:Missions | Religion | Moravians | Society of Friends | Methodists | Presbyterian Church | Baptists | Congregationalists
Genre:Microfilms | Dissertations
Extent:1 reel
Description: In this doctoral dissertation (Cornell University, 1960), Berkhofer compares and contrasts the differing missionary activities of Quakers, Moravians, Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Baptists, and Methodists, to reactions among the Oneida, Seneca, Cherokee, Choctaw, Ojibwa [Ojibwe], Sioux [Dakota], Ottawa [Odawa], and Nez Perce.
Collection:Protestant missionaries to the American Indians, 1787 to 1862 (Mss.Film.1157)
Nez Perce includes: Niimíipu
Date:1891-1938; 1966
Contributor:Crawford, Mary M., 1861-1946 | Crawford, Elizabeth | In-go-nom-pa-shi | Jonas, Levi W. | Axtell, Juliet L. | Cooper, Carrie S. | Rumsey, Minnie M. | Ellinwood, Frank F. (Frank Field), 1826-1908
Subject:Sign language | Missions | Idaho--History | Presbyterian Church | Linguistics | Religion
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Microfilms | Correspondence | Newspaper clippings | Photographs | Hymns
Extent:1 microfilm reel (121 pages, 9 photographs)
Description: This collection of materials on American Sign language is based on the work of Presbyterian missionaries in Idaho in the nineteenth century. Includes a Nez Perce hymnal; discussion and illustrations on the meaning of symbols and on the use of sign seven published works; miscellaneous clippings; photographs; and correspondence of sisters Mary and Elizabeth Crawford. The published works include the history of the Idaho mission and sign language translations by Mr. Levi W. Jonas (native Nez Perce superintendent of the Kamiah church) and In-go-nom-pa-shi. Includes over 1,500 sign language hand symbols of the Nez Perce language with thirty portraits of missionaries and Nez Perce Indians of Idaho from 1891-1938. Illustrations from different published works such as Gospel hymns in the Nez Perce language (1897); The Sign language and the invention of Mr. Lewis F. Hadley (Chicago, 1891); and Sign language; talk by In-go-nom-pa-shi. Also, clippings from various Presbyterian publications. From materials in possession of Miss Jean Rumsey.
Collection:Nez Perce Sign Language materials, 1891-1938 (Mss.Film.1226)