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Ahtna includes: Atna, Ahtena
Date:November 17, 1901; Undated (circa 1958)
Contributor:Davidson, George, 1825-1911 | De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004
Subject:Place names | Alaska--History | Anthropology | Ethnography
Genre:Correspondence | Reports
Extent:2 items
Description: See George Davidson letter from 1901 to Newell Wardle regarding the Copper River and the name "Atna" given to it by local native peoples. In undated section, see 8-page document by de Laguna, "Atna Indians, Copper River, Alaska," which includes names of consultants, contents of reels, and comments for the recordings cataloged as Mss.Rec.31.
Collection:Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection (Mss.Ms.Coll.200)
Language:Ahtna | English | Eyak | Tanana, Lower | Tanana, Upper
Contributor:Billum, Douglas | Billum, Mary Anne | De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004 | George, Bacille | Jackson, Martha | Joe, Bill | Joe, Maggie | McClellan, Catharine | McKinley, Jim | Sanford, Kate | Sanford, Ralph | Stanfield, Fanny
Subject:Alaska--History | Music | Social life and customs
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Conversations | Interviews | Songs | Stories | Vocabularies
Extent:8 sound tape reels (7 hr., 31 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Ahtna songs and stories recorded in Copper Center, Alaska by Frederica de Laguna in 1958. Includes numerous interviews on autobiographical topics, explanations of Ahtna songs, sleep doctors, and traditional narratives. Also includes vocabulary related to kinship terms. Songs include potlatch songs, love songs, drinking songs, and songs of Tlingit origin. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Ahtna Songs and Texts Recorded at Copper Center, Alaska (Mss.Rec.31)
Language:Ahtna | English | Tanana, Upper | Tutchone, Southern | Tanacross
Date:1966, 1968
Contributor:Brown, Andy | Charley, Tenas | De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004 | David, Jessie | Ewan, Annie | George, Bacille | George, Nancy | Jackson, Arthur | Jackson, Martha | Joe, Bill | John, Lucy | McKinley, Jim | Pete, Elizabeth | Pete, Mentasta | Peters, Jenny | Sanford, Kate | Sinyone, Jim | Stanfield, Fanny | Tanzy, Jake | Tanzy, Lily
Subject:Alaska--History | Folklore | Medicine | Music | Social life and customs
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Interviews | Songs | Stories
Extent:27 sound tape reels (14 hr., 55 min.)
Description: Ahtna songs and stories recorded in 1968 by Frederica de Laguna at Copper Center, with additional ones also recorded at Cantwell, Chistochina, Gulkana, and Upper Tanana material recorded at Tetlin. Includes dance songs, sorry songs, potlatch songs, sleep doctor songs, and others. Includes "Gulkana Potlatch Given by Bill Joe and Kate Sanford for Recovery of Maggie Joe from Illness." Some songs are Tlingit, Upper Tanana, or Tanacross in origin. Includes Ahtna stories, autobiographical accounts, vocabularies, and interviews, as well as a few Southern Tutchone songs recorded at Burwash Landing, Yukon Territory. Also includes Tetlin potlatch songs recorded in 1966.
Collection:Ahtna and Southern Tutchone recordings (Mss.Rec.68)
Language:English | Ahtna | Tutchone, Southern | Tanana, Upper
Contributor:De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004 | Guédon, Marie Françoise
Subject:Alaska--History | Botany | Social life and customs | Yukon--History
Genre:Interviews | Microfilms
Extent:2 reels
Description: These reels contain materials relating to Ahtna, Upper Tanana, and Southern Tutchone communities. Included are lists of plants, and transcripts of interviews. Detailed table of contents pending.
Collection:Atna of the Copper River Valley (Mss.Film.1278)
Contributor:De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004 | McClellan, Catharine
Subject:Alaska--History | Archaeology | Botany | Social life and customs | Yukon--History
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Interviews | Microfilms | Sketches
Extent:6 reels
Description: These field notes, compiled by de Laguna and Catherine McClellan, include archaeological investigations, transcripts of interviews with community members and sketches. Tlingit material recorded at Yakutat, Angoon, Carcross, and Teslin, with small amount at Atlin; Ahtna material recorded at Chitina, Copper Center, and Chistochina.
Collection:Field notes on the ethnology of the Tlingit and Copper River Atna (Mss.Film.1127)
Tlingit includes: Lingit, Łingit, Tlinkit
Tanacross includes: Koxt'een
Tanana, Upper includes: Kohtʼiin
Ahtna includes: Atna, Ahtena
Language:Ahtna | English | Tanacross | Tlingit | Tutchone, Northern | Tanana, Upper
Contributor:Charley, Tenas | De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004 | Sanford, Frieda | Sanford, Mary | Sinyone, Jim
Subject:Alaska--History | Dance | Music | Social life and customs
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Conversations | Songs | Vocabularies
Extent:9 sound tape reels (6 hr., 22 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Field recordings made in Chistochina and Copper Center, Alaska in 1960. Includes potlatch songs, love songs, Christmas tree songs, sorry songs, dance songs, and others. Some songs Yakutat Tlingit, Upper Tanana, or Tanacross. Also includes some Ahtna vocabulary. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Materials Recorded at Copper Center and Chistochina, Alaska (Mss.Rec.41)
Language:English | Tlingit | Ahtna | Tutchone, Southern | Tsimshian | Tanacross | Tanana, Upper
Contributor:Abraham, Olaf | Bremner, Helen | De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004 | Dick, Frank | Ellis, John | George, Annie | Italio, Frank | James, Sheldon | Johnson, Chester, Mrs. | Johnson, Minnie | McClellan, Catharine | Peterson, Clarence | Sampson, Blind | White, Charley | White, Maggy
Subject:Alaska--History | Music | Social life and customs | Yukon--History
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Conversations | Songs
Extent:10 sound tape reels (9 hr., 3 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Tlingit recordings made in Yakutat, Alaska (Tapes 1-7); Ahtna recordings made at Chitina, Tazlina, and Chistochina (Tape 8 - Tape 10, track 22); Southern Tutchone recordings made at Klukshu, Yukon Territory (Tape 10, tracks 23-31). Includes personal songs, mourning songs, drinking songs, love songs, shaman songs, and children's songs. Recordings from Yakutat called "Aleut" are of Sugpiaq Chugachmiut origin. Collection formerly titled "Tlingit and Yakutat songs." Renamed in October 2019 to clarify presence of recordings from other communities. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Tlingit, Ahtna, and Southern Tutchone recordings (Mss.Rec.30)
Date:1950, 1952, 1958, 1960
Contributor:De Laguna, Frederica, 1906-2004
Subject:Alaska--History | Music | Social life and customs
Genre:Interviews | Microfilms | Transcripts
Description: Microfilmed field notes of Frederica de Laguna. Primarily consists of notes on recordings made with Ahtna people at Copper Center, Alaska and nearby communities in 1958 and 1960, and Tlingit recordings made in 1950 at Angoon, and 1952 at Yakutat.
Collection:Transcriptions and notes for Ahtna and Tlingit recordings (Mss.Film.1119)