Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Language:German | English | German, Walser
Contributor:Susman, Amelia, 1915- | Schultz, Elias | Amacher, Werner | Schild, Martha | Huggler, Viktor | Thoeni, Gertrude | Aman, Reinhold | Knetschke, E. | Moulton, William G. (William Gamwell), 1914-2000 | Statistisches Bureau des Kantons Bern
Subject:Linguistics | Switzerland--History | Economic conditions | Religion | Education | Childbirth | Marriage customs and rites
Type:Text | Sound recording
Genre:Field notes | Correspondence | Censuses | Government documents | Newspapers | Drafts
Extent:2.5 linear feet
Description: Between around 1948 and 1950, Amelia Susman did fieldwork in Brienz, Switzerland, documenting the local variety of Highest Allemanic German as well as the social and economic organization of the village and surrounding areas. This is all contained within Series I. Of particular note are a reel-to-reel tape and some associated transcriptions, a set of 13 field notebooks, a lexical file, topically-arranged ethnographic notes, some correspondence with consultants (scattered throughout), and preparatory materials for several publications.
Collection:Amelia Susman Schultz Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.171)
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Date:1714-1747, bulk 1745-1747
Subject:Diplomacy | Treaties | Government relations | Politics and government | New York (State)--History
Genre:Microfilms | Correspondence | Minutes | Petitions | Speeches | Stories | Government documents | Reports
Extent:1 reel, 200 pages
Description: These papers include 140 pages of letters, council minutes of Indian conferences, petitions, and speeches, concerning the activities of the New York Assembly and the Haudenosaunee, principally for 1745-1747. Also contains a 200-page addendum of papers of the Van Shack (Van Schaak) family, pertaining to the same subjects. Table of contents included. From originals at the New York Historical Society.
Collection:Daniel Horsmanden selected papers, 1714-1747, relating to the Six Nations (Mss.Film.640)
Odawa includes: Ottawa
Anishinaabe includes: Anishinaabeg, Anishinabe, Nishnaabe, Anishinabek
Subject:Trade | Michigan--History
Genre:Government documents
Extent:1 volume, 16 p.
Description: The full title of this manuscript is "Estimate of the Fur and Peltry Trade in the District of Michilimackinac, according to the bounds and limits, assign'd to it by the French, when under their government: together with an account of the situation and names of the several out-posts." Robert Rogers was commander of Fort Michilimackinac from 1766-1768. Rogers gave this manuscript to Jonathan Carver (the man he has sent on an expedition to find the Northwest Passage), who relayed it to Thomas Barton of Lancaster, Pa., who, in turn, sent it to the American Philosophical Society. It was received at the APS and referred to the Committee on Trade and Commerce on December 20, 1768. The manuscript may be the first separate manuscript collected by the American Philosophical Society.
Collection:Estimate of the Fur and Peltry Trade in the District of Michilimackinac (Mss.970.1.R63)
Contributor:Stevens, Harry R., (Harry Robert), 1914-
Subject:Biography | Economic conditions | Ethnography | Ohio--History | Linguistics | Physical anthropology | Politics and government | Religion | Social life and customs | Warfare
Type:Sound recording | Still Image | Text
Genre:Biographies | Censuses | Essays | Government documents | Grammars | Vocabularies
Extent:40 linear feet
Description: This collection consists almost entirely of photocopies of secondary and primary materials relating to Shawnee history and culture, and the history of the Ohio River region. The majority of the materials are copies of published sources, from the 18th to 20th century, with Stevens' notes on them. The collection is organized according to the topics by which Stevens kept his copies and notes, covering a very broad range of subject matter. The audio recordings are copies of recordings (Shawnee only) housed at the Library of Congress.
Collection:Harry Stevens Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.99)
Contributor:Denny, William, 1718- | Morris, Robert Hunter, approximately 1700-1764 | Gordon, Patrick, approximately 1664-1736
Subject:Pennsylvania--History | Military history | Warfare
Genre:Government documents | Petitions | Proclamations
Extent:6 documents
Description: One set of documents is related to Pennsylvania's land dispute with Connecticut. A second to tensions between Delaware Indians and white settlers in Wyoming prior to the Revolutionary War. Of particular interest is the debate within the Pennsylvania's Governor's office both planning an attack on Native villages and seeking to end abuse of Delaware, Shawnee, Mohawk, and the Iroquois Confederacy. Wolf clan of Deleware is noted.
Collection:Documents relating to the province of Pennsylvania and to the American Revolution (Mss.974.8.D65)
Language:Spanish | English | Mayan (macrolanguage)
Date:bulk 1960s-1980s (copies of materials back to 16th century)
Contributor:Farriss, Nancy M.
Subject:Honduras--History | Yucatán (Mexico : State)--History | Campeche (Mexico : State)--History | Quintana Roo (Mexico : State)--History | Guatemala--History | Belize--History | Archaeology | Catholic Church | Government relations
Genre:Notes | Government Documents and Records | Government documents | Bulletins | Censuses | Church records | Correspondence | Genealogies | Legal documents | Magazines | Maps | Transcripts | Transcriptions | Surveys | Notebooks | Newspaper clippings | Microfilms | Copies of documents from other archives
Description: The entire Nancy M. Farriss Papers contain research materials on the history of Maya society of Yucatán and surrounding areas (including Campeche, Quintana Roo, Guatemala, Honduras, and possibly Belize) since Spanish colonial occupation, and their experience under occupation. The majority of the collection (Series II to Series V) is copies of colonial archival documents from various archives in Yucatán, Mexico City, Spain and elsewhere. Series I contains copies of rare publications, notes on the materials, and other information relating to the research. Most of the material is in Spanish and English - a small folder in Series I titled "Yucatec language and literature" discusses Yucatec Maya, and there may be documents in Spanish with Yucatec Maya influence.
Collection:Nancy M. Farriss Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.184)
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Date:May 19, 1712
Contributor:Pennsylvania. Provincial Council
Subject:Pennsylvania--History | Treaties | Wampum
Genre:Government documents | Minutes
Extent:5 pages
Description: The Pennsylvania Provincial Council Minutes run from 1693 to 1717 and consist of approximately 520 pages of documents. Of note within them is a 5-page manuscript from May 19, 1712, when Delaware (Lenape) chief Sassoonan and 12 members of his nation carried 32 wampum belts to a meeting with the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy). They stopped in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and showed the belts to the British colony’s Provincial Council. This document shows their drawings of each belt’s design and an account of their meaning. This document has been digitized and can be viewed in the collection's finding aid. Some parts of the rest of the minutes may contain other information relating to indigenous peoples. The minutes for 1700-1712 were printed in Hazard's "Register of Pennsylvania" 6 (1830).
Collection:Pennsylvania. Provincial Council. Minutes, 1693-1717 (Mss.974.8.P378)
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Contributor:Conyngham, Redmond, 1781-1846
Subject:Pennsylvania--History | New Jersey--History
Genre:Government documents
Extent:66 p.
Description: The volume contains records relating to the history of Dutch settlers in the territories that the English acquired. It may contain references to Lenape people in the Delaware River area, though specific references have not yet been identified. These are copies of documents that are held at the Pennsylvania State Archives. Many were originally in Dutch but were translated to English in this volume. The documents contain records from as early as 1638 and continue through Edmund Andros' term as governor of New England and ends in 1700. The documents include many official government proclamations and legal documents relating to Dutch property and their rights within English colonies.
Collection:Records concerning the early settlements on the Delaware River (Mss.974.8.P37)
Language:Maidu, Northwest | English | Wailaki | Nomlaki
Contributor:Susman, Amelia, 1915- | Anderson, Polly | Feliz, Anne | McLaine, Austin | Major, Fred | Young, Lucy | Joe, Alice | Moore, Ralph | Murphey, Edith | Cox, Alice L. | Frazier, William
Subject:Treaties | California--History | Whites--Relations with Indians | Indian Removal, 1813-1903 | Linguistics | Fieldwork | Censuses | Anthropology | Cultural assimilation
Type:Text | Cartographic
Genre:Correspondence | Censuses | Elicitation sessions | Field notes | Government documents | Interviews | Maps | Oral histories | Genealogies | Theses | Vocabularies | Essays
Extent:1.5 linear feet
Description: During the late 1930s, Amelia Susman Schultz conducted fieldwork on acculturation at the Round Valley Indian Reservation, California, for a Ph.D. thesis eventually published in 1976. Series II of the Amelia Susman Schultz Papers reflects both periods of research, though mostly the late 1930s. Of particular interest are: ten field notebooks from 1937, most containing some language data (undetermined as yet which languages) in addition to ethnographic notes from discussions with consultants; ethnographic notes arranged by subject (see items titled "Ethnographic notes by subject" in addition to "Notes on full sheets" and "Notes on half sheets"); descriptions of Round Valley's chronology, population history, genealogy, and socioeconomic surveys; and Schultz's works-in-progress, including the original dissertation.
Collection:Amelia Susman Schultz Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.171)
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Date:1723-1796 and undated
Contributor:Claus, Daniel, 1727-1787 | McKee, Alexander, approximately 1735-1799 | St. Clair, Arthur, 1734-1818 | Chew, Joseph, 1720-approximately 1799 | Butler, Richard, 1743-1791 | Brant, Joseph, 1742-1807 | Simcoe, John Graves, 1752-1806 | Monckton, Robert, 1726-1782 | Burd, James, 1726-1793 | Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806 | Bouquet, Henry, 1719-1765 | Ourry, Lewis | St. Clair, John, -1767 | Hutchins, Thomas, 1730-1789 | Stanwix, John, 1690?-1766 | Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797 | Gordon, Harry, -1787 | Duquesne de Menneville, Ange, marquis, 1700-1778
Subject:United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763 | United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783 | Warfare | Canada--History--To 1763 (New France) | Government relations
Genre:Microfilms | Correspondence | Reports | Government documents | Minutes | Transcripts
Extent:3 reels
Description: Selected materials on Indian affairs from the Public Archives of Canada, the Public Records Office, London, and Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, relating to the Haudenosaunee. From the Daniel Claus Papers, 1761-1796, are letters and papers on Indian affairs at Forts Pitt, Niagara, and Detroit, with letters of Dr. Alexander McKee, Arthur St. Clair, Joseph Chew, Richard Butler, Joseph Brant, and John Graves Simcoe. From the papers of Brigadier Robert Monckton, 1760-1761, are appointments, returns, reports, bills and receipts, and letters relating to Forts Pitt, Bedford, and Niagara, with letters of James Burd, Horatio Gates, Henry Bouquet, Lewis Ourry, Sir John St. Clair, Thomas Hutchins, John Stanwix, and Lord Amherst. There are also excerpts from the minutes of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs at Albany, 1723-1746; transcripts from the Public Record Office on Indians, trade, defense, 1698-1767, including names of persons naturalized in British America, 1740-61, and accounts of Lt. Col. Harry Gordon, 1756-1761, 1764-1767; Duquesne-Centrecoeur correspondence, 1752-1753, Fonds Verreau, from the Université Laval, Quebec; and, miscellaneous documents. Some of the materials pertain to the Haudenosaunee during the Revolutionary War era. All materials concern eighteenth-century Indian affairs, especially the Haudenosaunee, and to a lesser extent Algonquian Indians. Donated by historian Barbara Graymont in 1965.
Collection:Selected materials on Indian affairs, 1698-1796 (Mss.Film.426)