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Tsawwassen includes: sc̓əwaθən
Tsleil-Waututh includes: səl̓ilwətaɁɬ
Stó:lō includes: Fraser River
Musqueam includes: xʷməθkʷəy̓əm
Language:English | German | Halkomelem
Date:1890, 1934
Contributor:Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Smith, Marian W. (Marian Wesley), 1907-1961 | Sts'ailes, George
Subject:Ethnography | Linguistics | British Columbia--History
Genre:Shorthand | Vocabularies | Genealogies
Extent:2 notebooks, and approx. 100 loose pages
Description: The Downriver Halkomelem materials in the ACLS collection include 1 item in the "Chinook" section of the finding aid. This item is "Field notes on Chinookan and Salishan languages and Gitamat, Molala, and Masset" (Pn4b.5). Notebooks 3 and 4 include ethnographic and linguistic notes on "Lower Frasier" language, some of which was recorded with George Sts'ailes. Some of these notes are in German shorthand. In the "Nooksack" section of the finding aid, Smith's "Vocabularies in Nooksack and other Coast Salishan languages" (item S.8) consists of a comparative word list that includes "Muskokwim" (probably Musqueam) and Katzie. In the "Halkomelem" section of the finding aid, see "Nanaimo, Cowichan, and Lower Fraser materials" (item S2i.1).
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Zulu includes: AmaZulu
Nak'waxda'xw includes: Nakoaktok, Nakwoktak, Nakwaxda'xw
Namgis includes: Nimkish, Nimpkish
Kwakwaka'wakw includes: Kwakiutl
K'ómoks includes: Comox
Gwatsinuxw includes: Quatsino
Dzawada'enuxw includes: Tsawataineuk
Gusgimukw includes: Koskimo
Heiltsuk includes: Bella Bella, Haíɫzaqv
Contributor:Homiskanis, Lucy | Francine, Tsukwani | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Hunt, George | Averkieva, Julia | Bryan, Ruth | Leechman, J. D. (John Douglas), 1890- | Smith, Marian W. (Marian Wesley), 1907-1961 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Teit, James Alexander, 1864-1922 | Yampolsky, Helene
Subject:Architecture | British Columbia--History | Ethnography | Fishing | Food | Games | Human remains | Hunting | Kinship | Linguistics | Marriage customs and rites | Material culture | Medicine | Museum objects | Music | Orthography and spelling | Personal names | Place names | Religion | Rites and ceremonies | Skulls | Social life and customs
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Autobiographies | Correspondence | Field notes | Dictionaries | Genealogies | Grammars | Maps | Musical scores | Notebooks | Photographs | Songs | Speeches | Transcripts | Vocabularies
Extent:Approx. 10,000 loose pages, 10 notebooks, 7000+ cards, 10+ maps
Description: The Kwakwaka'wakw materials in the ACLS collection are located predominantly in the "Kwakiutl" section of the finding aid, which contains a full listing of all materials (other relevant sections are "Northwest Coast", "Bella Bella (Heitsuk)", and item AfBnd.4 in "Non-American and non-linguistic material"). Some of the larger individual sets of materials listed within this section also have their own specific tables of contents (available upon request) detailing their often highly diverse contents. Overall, the vast majority of the material is made of of 1) manuscripts sent to Boas by George Hunt from the 1890s to the 1930s, frequently in both Kwak'wala and English, covering a very broad range of Kwakwaka'wakw history, culture, languages, customs, and traditions; and 2) field work materials recorded by Boas and Boas' own analyses of material sent by Hunt, covering a similar range of topics. Additional materials by other individuals focus especially on linguistic and ethnographic matters. Also see the guide entry "Kwakiutl materials, Franz Boas Papers" for information on the correspondence between Boas and Hunt, which gives additional context to the materials in the ACLS collection.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Language:English | Lushootseed
Contributor:Smith, Marian W. (Marian Wesley), 1907-1961
Extent:11 pages
Description: The Lushootseed materials in the ACLS collection consist of 1 item in the "Nooksack" section of the finding aid: Smith's "Vocabularies in Nooksack and other Coast Salishan languages" (item S.8) which consists of a comparative word list that includes Puyallup (or "sXúλ'babš" which may be Homamish), Snoqualmie, Suquamish (different from "Squamish"), Swinomish, Nookechamps (a Skagit division), Lummi, and Samish. See also the "Puyallup materials, ACLS collection" entry in this guide for more extensive materials that are specifically from Puyallup.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Nooksack includes: Noxws’áʔaq
Contributor:Smith, Marian W. (Marian Wesley), 1907-1961
Extent:11 pages
Description: The Nooksack materials in the ACLS collection consist of 1 item in the "Nooksack" section of the finding aid: Smith's "Vocabularies in Nooksack and other Coast Salishan languages" (item S.8), which includes a Nooksack-English word list and a comparative word list with multiple Coast Salish languages and dialects, including Nooksack.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Puyallup includes: Spuyaləpabš, S'Puyalupubsh
Language:English | Lushootseed
Contributor:Aginsky, Ethel G. (Ethel Gertrude), 1910-1990 | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Smith, Marian W. (Marian Wesley), 1907-1961
Subject:Ethnography | Linguistics | Stories
Genre:Field notes | Grammars | Notebooks | Shorthand
Extent:337 pages, and 1 notebook
Description: The Puyallup materials in the ACLS collection consist of materials in multiple sections of the finding aid. In the "Puyallup" section, Aginsky's "Puyallup texts" (item S2e.1) contain texts with interlinear translations, analyses of vocabulary, and other grammatical notes. In the "Chehalis" section, there is Aginsky's "Comparison of Puyallup and Chehalis" (item S.9). In the "Chinook" section, Notebook 3 of Boas' "Field notes on Chinookan and Salishan languages and Gitamat, Molala, and Masset" (item Pn4b.5) contains Puyallup vocabulary and ethnographic notes, some of which are in German shorthand. In the "Nooksack" section, there is a comparative vocabulary of Coast Salish languages (item S.8), including Puyallup terms, also identified as "sXúλ'babš" which may be Homamish.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Squamish includes: Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, Sko-ko-mish
Date:Circa 1890
Extent:66 pages, 20 pages
Description: The Squamish material in the ACLS collection consists of two items. In the "Squamish" section of the finding aid, there is Boas' "Squamish vocabulary" (item S2h.1) which consists primarily of his 1886 field work, with German translation. In the "Salish" section, Boas' "Comparative vocabularies of eight Salishan languages" (item S.1) includes Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim vocabulary.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Language:English | Salish, Straits
Contributor:Smith, Marian W. (Marian Wesley), 1907-1961
Extent:11 pages
Description: The Straits Salish materials in the ACLS collection consist of 1 item in the "Nooksack" section of the finding aid: Smith's "Vocabularies in Nooksack and other Coast Salishan languages" (item S.8) which consists of a comparative word list that includes Lummi and "Sooke".
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)
Stó:lō includes: Fraser River
Language:English | Halkomelem
Contributor:Smith, Marian W. (Marian Wesley), 1907-1961
Extent:11 pages
Description: The Upriver Halkomelem materials in the ACLS collection consist of 1 item in the "Nooksack" section of the finding aid: Smith's "Vocabularies in Nooksack and other Coast Salishan languages" (item S.8) which consists of a comparative word list that includes Chiliwack and Katzie. This has been digitized.
Collection:ACLS Collection (American Council of Learned Societies Committee on Native American Languages, American Philosophical Society) (Mss.497.3.B63c)