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Contributor:Bull, William, 1683-1755 | Gooch, William, Sir, 1681-1751 | Lee, Thomas, 1690-1750 | Logan, James, 1674-1751 | Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775 | Thomas, George, 1695?-1774 | Catawba chiefs | Weiser, Conrad, 1696-1760 | Glen, James, 1701-1777
Subject:Warfare | Diplomacy | Pennsylvania--History | South Carolina--History | United States--History--King George's War, 1744-1748 | Canada--History--To 1763 (New France)
Genre:Correspondence | Instructions
Extent:19 items
Description: Correspondence between James Logan, other royal and propriety officials, and various Native groups regarding Native affairs. Topics include Catawba relations with Cherokees, Haudenosaunee, and other Native groups; Catawba relations with various colonies; efforts to preserve peace among Britain's Native allies; fears about effect of inter-Native warfare during King George's War; and efforts to arrange a peace treaty between the Catawbas and the Haudenosaunee. Individuals mentioned include Schermerhorn and Conrad Weiser.
Collection:Selections from the correspondence of the Honourable James Logan, 1699-1750 (Mss.B.L82)
Wyandot includes: Huron, Wendat, Wyandotte, Huron-Wyandot
Miami includes: Myaamiaki
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Contributor:Bard, Peter | Croghan, George, 1720?-1782 | Johnson, William, 1715-1774 | Mercer, Hugh, approximately 1725-1777 | Orndt, Jacob | Hamilton, James, 1710-1783 | Trump, Levi | Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775 | Penn, Richard, 1706-1771 | Spangenberg, Joseph
Subject:Pennsylvania--History | United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763 | Seven Years' War, 1756-1763 | Warfare | Land claims | Land transfers | Moravians | Missions | Diplomacy | Treaties | Ohio--History | Louisiana--History
Genre:Correspondence | Passports | Instructions | Speeches | Reports
Extent:15 items
Description: Materials relating to Pennsylvania's relations with Delawares during the Seven Years' War era. Topics include provisions for Native allies; addresses by Native diplomats like Teedyuscung and representatives of Indians in Ohio; Teedyuscung's charges of land fraud and the Penns' rebuttal; a passport for Teedyuscung; Quaker support for Teedyuscung and involvement in Indian affairs; Quakers' address to the Governor and Council of Pennsylvania vindicating themselves from blame for Indian attacks; 1758 plans for a treaty with the Haudenosaunee and Delawares; other councils or meetings with Native individuals or groups; prices in Indian trade; sending out to Indians to bring in scalps; a first-person account, copied from and referring to other manuscripts, regarding trade on Ohio, history of Louisiana, French and Indian relations; Spangenberg's refutal of a charge that Moravian Indians are friendly with the French; instructions to Conrad Weiser for a 1754 trip to Augwick to determine sentiments of Haudenosaunee people, Delawares, Shawnees, Miamis, and Wyandots. Individuals mentioned include Iegra, Delaware George, Tanacharison, and Scarroyady.
Collection:Indian and Military Affairs of Pennsylvania, 1737-1775 (Mss.974.8.P19)
Wyandot includes: Huron, Wendat, Wyandotte, Huron-Wyandot
Miami includes: Myaamiaki
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Date:1758; 1830s; 1853
Subject:Place names | Treaties | Pennsylvania--History
Genre:Correspondence | Treaties
Extent:3 items
Description: (1) Letter from Thomas Penn to Richard Peters. Original in copy book of Jared Sparks. Mentions advisability of James Logan ingratiating himself with Teedyuscung. (2) Letter from J. Francis Fisher to Jared Sparks. Original in Harvard College Library. Mentions his interest in deciphering Place names. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania is to invite other societies to pursue this topic. (3) Treaty with the Ohio Indians at Carlisle in October, 1753. Original in Sparks manuscripts, Harvard University. A brief account, apparently by Sparks. Scarroyady, Haudenosaunee, Owendaets (Wyandots), Delawares, Shawanese, Twigtwees (Miamis) treat with Richard Peters, Isaac Norris, and Benjamin Franklin.
Collection:Selected papers, [ca. 1819-1863], relating to Benjamin Franklin (Mss.B.Sp25)
Contributor:Armstrong, John, 1717-1795 | Barton, Thomas, 1730-1780 | Croghan, George, 1720?-1782 | Morgan, Jacob, 1716-1792 | Parsons, William, 1701-1757 | Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775 | Shippen, Joseph, 1732-1810 | Trent, William, 1715-1787? | Penn, John, 1729-1795 | Weiser, Conrad, 1696-1760 | Peters, William | Galloway, Joseph, 1731-1803 | Masters, William, -1760
Subject:Pennsylvania--History | United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763 | Seven Years' War, 1756-1763 | Diplomacy | Warfare | Fur trade | Indian traders | Land transfers
Genre:Correspondence | Speeches | Resolutions | Minutes | Essays | Reports
Extent:19 items
Description: Various materials relating to Pennsylvania's relations with Native peoples during the Seven Years' War era. Topics include anxieties about the French, especially in Ohio; excursions against French and Indian enemies; raids by French and Indian enemies; trade with Indians and competition from Virginia traders; murders of Native individuals; attempts to treat with Native groups; land negotiations; Native complaints about land seizures; colonial officials trying to understand Native grievances to come to peace; 1759 conference in Pittsburgh; gifts for Native diplomats in Philadelphia.
Collection:Indian and Military Affairs of Pennsylvania, 1737-1775 (Mss.974.8.P19)
Susquehannock includes: Conestoga
Lenape includes: Lenni-Lenape, Delaware
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Date:October 22, 1730; November 8, 1755; July 20, 1758; 1759; February 4, 1764; August 9, 1766; February 9, 1769; February 10, 1769; October 23, 1784; March 2, 1787; 1951;
Contributor:Ellicott, Andrew, 1754-1820 | Johnson, William, 1715-1774 | Logan, James, 1674-1751 | Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824 | Penn, John, 1729-1795 | Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775 | Scull, William, active 1765 | Witthoft, John
Subject:Surveying | Land transfers | Land claims | Land grants | Great Britain. Treaties, etc. Six Nations, 1768 November 5 | Diplomacy | Treaties | Boundaries | Boundaries | Indian captivities | Paxton Boys | Pennsylvania--History | United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763 | Seven Years' War, 1756-1763 | Excavations | Archaeology | Graves | Grave robbing
Extent:12 items
Description: Materials can be found in the finding aid under the specific dates listed. Mostly eighteenth-century correspondence regarding Pennsylvania Indian affairs. Topics include purchasing Indian lands; surveying Indian lands, including those acquired through the Treaty of Fort Stanwix; surveying Proprietary lands without offending Native neigbhors; settling boundaries with Native neighbors; colonists taken captive during Seven Years' War era; the Paxton Boys' rebellion, massacre at Susquehannock, and the killing of Susquehannock refugees; a 1759 list of Native groups clothed at Pittsburgh, with information about where they reside and hunt; and diplomacy (i.e., trying to secure Native allies) during Seven Years' War era. Also Witthoft's 1951 "The Pemberton Family Cemetary," containing a narrative of the excavation of cemetery at Pennsbury with burials of Pemberton family, 1683-1802 as well as a murdered Indian (before 1705) and white pauper of later date. Individuals mentioned include Scarroyady, Isaac Pemberton, Joseph Shippen, and David the Indian.
Collection:Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection (Mss.Ms.Coll.200)
Susquehannock includes: Conestoga
Contributor:Norris, Isaac, 1701-1766 | Penn, William, 1644-1718 | Logan, James, 1674-1751 | Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775 | Penn, John, 1700-1746 | Penn, Richard, 1706-1771
Subject:Pennsylvania--History | Maryland--History | Diplomacy | Treaties | Land transfers
Extent:5 items
Description: Correspondence regarding Isaac Norris's visit to Susquehannock; Susquehannock Indians' efforts to seek help from Maryland instead of Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania relations with Susquehannocks; Penn family's effort to secure Susquehanna to Pennsylvania.
Collection:Selections from the correspondence of the Honourable James Logan, 1699-1750 (Mss.B.L82)