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Date:circa 1650
Contributor:Gálvez, Mariano, 1794-1862 | Maldonado, Francisco
Subject:Guatemala--History | Linguistics
Genre:Essays | Vocabularies
Extent:1 volume, 78 leaves
Description: A copy made in 1748 of Maldonado's "Ramilette" or anthology of 12 dialogues, together with a copy of an unknown "Doctrina Christiana" of 1556. Includes grammatical notes and vocabulary. Donor, Academia de Ciencias de Guatemala, through Mariano Gálvez, 1836.
Collection:Mayan Language Texts, 1553-1727 (Mss.497.43.V42)
Contributor:Ceron, Francisco | Gálvez, Mariano, 1794-1862 | Varea, Francisco de.
Subject:Guatemala--History | Linguistics
Genre:Vocabularies | Microfilms
Extent:1 volume, 453 pages
Description: Copy of dictionary of late sixteenth-century missionary made by Fray Francisco Ceron. 4,000 Cakchiquel words (Parra's orthography) with equivalents. he original manuscript was sent to the Universidad Mariano Galvéz de Guatemala in 1989. Donor, Academia de Ciencias de Guatemala, through Mariano Gálvez, 1836. This manuscript is accessible at the APS via microfilm copy.
Collection:Mayan Language Texts, 1553-1727 (Mss.497.43.V42)
Contributor:Reina, Ruben E.
Subject:Folklore | Guatemala--History | Politics and government | Religion | Social life and customs
Type:Still Image | Text
Genre:Censuses | Interviews | Photographs | Stories
Extent:7.5 linear feet
Description: The materials in the Ruben Reina papers relating to the Chinautla region of Guatemala are found primarily in Series III of the collection. This series consists of material relating to the Chinautla region and neighboring areas of Guatemala, including primarily Poqomam-speaking peoples. This section includes an extensive amount of copies from the Archivo General de Centroamerica (AGCA), local archives, and oral history interviews.
Collection:Ruben E. Reina Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.67)
Date:circa 1692
Contributor:Gálvez, Mariano, 1794-1862
Subject:Guatemala--History | Linguistics | Religion
Extent:1 volume, 110 leaves
Description: Consists of Catholic texts in the Kaqchikel language, including statement of doctrine, catechism, confessional, brief religious discourses. Also includes a grammar of the Kaqchikel language, which was translated into English by Daniel G. Brinton in APS Proceedings 21 (1884): 345. Donor, Academia de Ciencias de Guatemala, through Mariano Gálvez, 1836.
Collection:Mayan Language Texts, 1553-1727 (Mss.497.43.V42)
Contributor:Gálvez, Mariano, 1794-1862 | Saz, Antonio del
Subject:Guatemala--History | Religion
Extent:1 volume, 373 pages
Description: A book of sermons in the Kaqchikel language. Full title: "Libro de sermones predicables en las fiestas mas principales de todo el año y de las de la orden de N.Serafico Pe San Francisco compuesto en lengua cakchiquel." Donor, Academia de Ciencias de Guatemala, through Mariano Gálvez, 1836.
Collection:Mayan Language Texts, 1553-1727 (Mss.497.43.V42)
Contributor:Gálvez, Mariano, 1794-1862 | Saz, Antonio del
Extent:1 volume, 101 leaves
Description: Includes 20 brief religious discourses; table of contents. Donor, Academia de Ciencias de Guatemala, through Mariano Gálvez, 1836.
Collection:Mayan Language Texts, 1553-1727 (Mss.497.43.V42)
Contributor:Bright, William, 1928-2006 | Sedat, Guillermo | Yool G., Juan
Subject:Linguistics | Folklore | Ethnopoetics | Poetry | Guatemala--History
Type:Text | Cartographic
Extent:0.25 linear feet
Description: William Bright's Maya file consists mostly of copies of others' publications, in particular texts produced by the SIL and other publishers in Guatemala (Series 2). He also performed ethnopoetics analysis on Mayan texts in preparation for a taught course in 1985, and drew a map of the languages of Central America.
Collection:William O. Bright Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.142)
Contributor:Gálvez, Mariano, 1794-1862
Subject:Guatemala--History | Religion
Extent:1 volume, 338 leaves.
Description: Sermons for holy days, the title of the whole manuscript is derived from the title of the first volume. Written in Kaqchikel with Spanish marginalia. Donor, Academia de Ciencias de Guatemala, through Mariano Gálvez, 1836.
Collection:Mayan Language Texts, 1553-1727 (Mss.497.43.V42)
Date:circa 1700
Contributor:Coto, Thomás de, d. ca. 1656 | Gálvez, Mariano, 1794-1862
Subject:Guatemala--History | Linguistics
Extent:1 volume, 476 leaves
Description: A vocabulary with illustrative examples from early writers; ethnographic data. No other copy known. Donor, Academia de Ciencias de Guatemala, through Mariano Gálvez, 1836.
Collection:Mayan Language Texts, 1553-1727 (Mss.497.43.V42)
Date:circa 1675
Contributor:Gálvez, Mariano, 1794-1862 | Parra, Francisco de la
Subject:Guatemala--History | Linguistics
Genre:Dictionaries | Vocabularies
Extent:1 volume, 717 pages
Description: A dictionary of the Kaqchikel language, using the orthography of Fray Francisco de la Parra. Donor, Academia de Ciencias de Guatemala, through Mariano Gálvez, 1836.
Collection:Mayan Language Texts, 1553-1727 (Mss.497.43.V42)