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Seneca includes: Onöndowága
Oneida includes: Onyota'a:ka
Haudenosaunee includes: Iroquois, Onkwehonwe
Contributor:Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974 | Barbeau, Marius, 1883-1969 | Mooney, James, 1861-1921 | Hewitt, J. N. B. (John Napoleon Brinton), 1859-1937 | Parker, Arthur Caswell, 1881-1955 | Curtin, Jeremiah, 1835-1906
Subject:Population | Folklore | Material culture | Hunting | Architecture | Pottery | Music | Drums | Clans | Politics and government | Social life and customs | Kinship | Religion | Animals | Games | Rites and ceremonies | Ethnography
Type:Still Image
Genre:Lecture notes | Bibliographies | Notes | Charts
Extent:1 folder
Description: The Haudenosaunee materials in the Hallowell papers are located in Series V. There are postcards of museum exhibits featuring Iroquois culture in the "American Indian" series of folders. The rest of the materials are concentrated in the folder labled "Eastern Woodlands." These items include information on material culture, the social organization of the confederacy, a chart of relational systems of clans, kinship, and genealogy. Specific topics includ Huron Mythology, Oneida magic, Seneca secret societies and genealogy. Some of this material is culturally sensitive and may be restricted.
Collection:Alfred Irving Hallowell Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.26)
Nomlaki includes: Noamlakee, Nomelaki, Central Wintun
Contributor:Curtin, Jeremiah, 1835-1906 | Goldschmidt, Walter, 1913-2010 | Jones, Jeff | Freeman, Andrew | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Halpern, Abraham M. (Abraham Meyer), 1914-1985 | Pitkin, Harvey
Genre:Vocabularies | Field notes | Grammars
Description: The Nomlaki materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers include Vocabularies, vocabularies in Series I collected by Pitkin and other linguists. Subcollection II, subseries 4-B contains Pitkin's filed notes. Subseries 4-C is composed of stories, vocabularies, and grammars collected by other linguists that Pitkin was using to contrast Nomlaki and Wintu. Some of the more prominent anthropologists in this series include Morris Swadesh and Jeremiah Curtis and A.M. Halpern. There are also some name slips in Series 6, subseries I, "Northern Wintu."
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Language:English | Wintu | Klamath-Modoc | Takelma | Patwin | Miwok, Central Sierra
Contributor:Pitkin, Harvey | Curtin, Jeremiah, 1835-1906 | Dixon, Roland Burrage, 1875-1934 | Halpern, Abraham M. (Abraham Meyer), 1914-1985 | Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Radin, Paul, 1883-1959 | Waterman, T. T. (Thomas Talbot), 1885-1936 | Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Dixon, Carrie | Gatschet, Albert S. (Albert Samuel), 1832-1907 | Harrington, J. P. (John P.), 1865-1939 | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Brown, Cecil H., 1944- | DeLancey, Scott Cameron
Subject:Linguistics | Music | Ethnography | Folklore | Religion | Personal names | California--History
Type:Still Image | Text | Sound recording
Genre:Grammars | Bibliographies | Stories | Notebooks | Field notes | Vocabularies | Index | Sketches | Vocabularies | Notes | Correspondence | Dictionaries | Musical scores | Essays | Vocabularies | Songs
Description: The Wintu materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers are extensive. Subcollection I, Series I, contains notes, notebooks, vocabularies, slip files, texts, manuscripts and phonetic tracings by Jeremiah Curtin in the late 19th century, Roland Dixon, and A.M. Halpern. Series I-B contains Pitkin's grammar slip files and vocabularies collected by Curtin. Series I-C includes Jaime de Angulo's manuscript on the Patwin language, S.A. Barrett's transcriptions and translations of speech and song recordings, Radin's "Grammatical Sketch" and Waterman's notes on Patwin phonetics. Series II-A is rich in materials collected by A.L. Krober. In Subcollection II, Pitkin's field notes are located in Series 2, Subseries 1. Subseries 2 includes Pitkin's extensive notes on his Wintu dictionary, grammar, texts, stories, and music. The manuscript of the dictionary is located in Subseries 3. There is an unpublished 416 page manuscript of stories written in both English and Wintu, songs, and transcriptions in Subseries 4. This section also includes copies of all the extant linguistic material with works by noted linguists such as Curtin, Albert Gatschet, Radin, Halpern, Morris Swadesh, Victor Golla, and J.P. Harrington. Series 6 is comprised of card file slips with comparative analyses by Pitkin of the four languages of the Wintun family.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Wintu includes: Northern Wintun
Contributor:Radin, Paul, 1883-1959 | Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Waterman, T. T. (Thomas Talbot), 1885-1936 | Curtin, Jeremiah, 1835-1906 | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Merriam, C. Hart (Clinton Hart), 1855-1942 | Dixon, Roland Burrage, 1875-1934 | Bill, Minnie | Shafer, Robert | Whistler, Kenneth W.
Subject:Linguistics | California--History | Folklore
Genre:Notebooks | Vocabularies | Grammars | Bibliographies | Musical scores | Stories | Songs
Description: The Wintun materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers include a wealth of material collected by Pitkin from other scholars as well as his own linguistic work. The work of Paul Radin, A.L. Kroeber, Jeremiah Curtin, and T.T. Waterman can be found in Subcollection I, Series I and Series II. In Subcollection II, Pitkin's field notes of stories, songs, and myths are typed but were never published. Subseries 4-B and 4-C, "Source Texts," contains creation myths collected by Curtin, works by Kroeber, Albert Gatschet, and J.P. Harrington, Vocabularies collected by Morris Swadish, C. Hart Merriam, Arroyo de la Guesta (1821). Subseries 5 includes Pitkin's work on comparative Wintun Vocabularies and Proto-Wintun as well as Kenneth Whistler's work on Proto-Wintun. Series 6 has a large number of Wintun word slips.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Contributor:Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Crawford, James M. (James Mack), 1925-1989 | Harrington, J. P. (John P.), 1865-1939 | Sapir, Edward, 1884-1939 | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | McLendon, Sally | Curtin, Jeremiah, 1835-1906
Genre:Vocabularies | Correspondence
Extent:0.25 linear feet
Description: Mary Haas used Yana lexica for comparisons, mostly with other Californian languages. The majority of these are in the form of lexical slip files, in Series 9, but there are also some present in the Yana Subseries of Series 2, and in correspondence with Karl-Heinz Gursky and Morris Swadesh (Series 1).
Collection:Mary R. Haas Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.94)
Yuki includes: Huchnom
Contributor:Pitkin, Harvey | Moore, Ralph | Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis), 1876-1960 | Hymes, Dell H. | Li, Fanggui | Uldall, Hans Jørgen, 1907-1957 | Driver, Harold | Harrington, J. P. (John P.), 1865-1939 | Radin, Paul, 1883-1959 | Lowie, Robert Harry, 1883-1957 | Hjelmslev, Louis, 1899-1965 | Kroeber, Theodora | Miller, Virginia P. | Curtin, Jeremiah, 1835-1906
Subject:California--History | Linguistics | Coyote tales
Type:Text | Sound recording
Genre:Correspondence | Vocabularies | Stories | Notebooks | Songs
Extent:7.25 linear feet, 1 hour (audio)
Description: The Yuki materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers constitute an extensive body of original documentation and linguistic analysis of the Yuki language, a language isolate of northern California. These materials are located almost entirely in "Series II: Yuki materials." This section contains materials recorded and analyzed Pitkin, but predominantly contains stories and other primary text materials (some originals, some as photocopies) recorded and analyzed by other linguists, mainly Alfred Kroeber, as well as briefer materials by Fanggui Li, Hans Uldall, Harold Driver, J.P. Harrington, and Dell Hymes. This section is split in to four sub-series: "Research Notes," "Vocabularies and slip files," "Texts and manuscripts," "Phonetic tracings," and "Correspondence." Some of the Kroeber materials in this collection are photocopies of materials now at the California Language Archive. The only speaker clearly identified as sources are Ralph Moore of Round Valley, though some of the materials may contain other named speakers further within the documents or as initials. The collection also includes Kroeber's kymographs and palatograms of Ralph Moore's speech. Many of the listings contain partial contents descriptions such as titles of stories. Finally, "Series 7: Recordings," includes copies of two sets of recordings, one from 1931, and another from 1972.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)