Nez Perce materials, John Ordway journal, 1804-1806

Nez Perce includes: Niimíipu
Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806)
Memoranda | Charts
2 pages
John Ordway accompanied Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on their expedition to the Pacific Ocean. This item is comprised of two loose sheets found in Ordway's journals: (1) location of Sheetsomish and Chopunnish [Nez Perce] with distances, data from a prisoner of the Walla Walla, concerning the Multnomah River [what Lewis and Clark called the Willamette River][same as Codex M: 1-2 from the Lewis and Clark Journals (917.3 L58)]; (2) unfilled chart for distances between points from St. Louis to Sandy Lake (on the Mississippi).
John Ordway journal, 1804-1806 Mss.917.3.Or2