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Muruwari includes: Murrawarri
Gumbaynggir includes: Kumbainggar
Contributor:Mathews, R. H. (Robert Hamilton), 1841-1918
Subject:Indigenous peoples--Australia | Cartography | Kinship | Australia--History | New South Wales--History | Queensland--History | Petroglyphs
Extent:15 letters
Description: Correspondence with the American Philosophical Society largely concerning Robert H. Mathews' proposal and preparation of a series of articles on Aboriginal Australians published in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. The letters contain little direct ethnographic content, but may provide additional context on Mathews's research on peoples of New South Wales and southern Queensland during the mid- to late 1890s. These letters have all been digitized.
Collection:American Philosophical Society Archives (APS.Archives)
Dene includes: Athabaskan, Athapascan, Athabascan, Athapaskan
Contributor:Pitkin, Harvey
Subject:Linguistics | Cartography
Description: The Dene material in the Harvey Pitkin Papers is limited to a hand-drawn map of language ranges for Athabasccan language groups in Subcollection II, Subseries 5.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)
Yurok includes: Pueleekla’, Puliklah
Yuki includes: Huchnom
Séliš includes: Salish, Flathead
Nuu-chah-nulth includes: Nootka, Nutka, Aht, Westcoast
Mojave includes: Mohave, Aha Macav
Kwakwaka'wakw includes: Kwakiutl
Ktunaxa includes: Kootenai, Kootenay, Kutenai, Tonaxa
Makah includes: Kwih-dich-chuh-aht, Qʷidiččaʔa·tx̌
Dene includes: Athabaskan, Athapascan, Athabascan, Athapaskan
Hupa includes: Natinixwe, Na:tinixwe, Natinook-wa, Na:tini-xwe, Hoopa
Chukchi includes: Chukchee, Чукчи, ԓыгъоравэтԓьат
Atikamekw includes: Têtes-de-Boules, Têtes de Boules, Tete de Boule
Cahuilla includes: Ivilyuqaletem, ʔívil̃uqaletem, Táxliswet
Contributor:Hallowell, A. Irving (Alfred Irving), 1892-1974
Subject:History | Ethnography | Linguistics | Basketry | Textiles | Population | Botany | Tools | Architecture | Clothing and dress | Marriage customs and rites | Tobacco | Material culture | Religion | Art | Hunting | Animals | Physical anthropology | Psychology | Mounds | Art | Painting | Cartography | Sculpture | Material culture | Canoes and canoeing
Genre:Bibliographies | Lecture notes | Charts | Newspaper clippings | Drawings | Reading notes | Postcards
Description: Materials from a wide range of indigenous cultures around the world are scattered throughout Series V of the A. Irving Hallowell Papers. Hallowell was interested in comparative ethnology on a number of topics including Bear Ceremonialism, textiles, artistic representations of Native people, basketry, kinship, pre-history, the development of language, family and marriage, nets and netting, etc. Much of this material constitutes Hallowell's reading notes on secondary sources and his research for very broad-based studies of humanity. Geographic regions represented in Series V include Australia, Africa, Pacific Islands, Polar regions California, Northwest coast, Southwest, and Southeast. The correspondence, in Series I, includes a very interesting, brief description of Franz Boas' first visit to the Kwakwaka'wakw community of Fort Rupert by the daughter of George Hunt in a folder labled Ronald Rohmer. There is also a letter from Edward Sapir detailing Nuu-chah-nulth bear hunting and face painting as well as sketches of netting needles.
Collection:Alfred Irving Hallowell Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.26)
Contributor:Pitkin, Harvey | Smith, Richard Alan, 1941- | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967
Subject:Linguistics | Cartography
Genre:Vocabularies | Maps
Description: The Nisenan materials in the Harvey Pitkin Papers consist of Pitkin's "Introduction" to nineteen unpublished word list in Sucollection II, Series 2, Subseries 4-C. The California-Oregon comparative Vocabularies, Richard Smith's Map of Nisenan territory and Morris Swadesh's Glottochronologic test list are located in Subcollection II, Series 2, Subseries 5.
Collection:Harvey Pitkin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.78)