Reminiscences of the Far West, and other trips

Zapotec includes: Zapoteco, Zapoteca
Pawnee includes: Chaticks si Chaticks, Chatiks si Chatiks
Navajo includes: Diné, Navaho
Apache includes: Inde
Ayer, Edward Everett, 1841-1927
Archaeology | Art | Dance | Education | Museums | Travel | Oaxaca (Mexico : State)--History | Arizona--History | New Mexico--History | Ohio--History
Travel narratives | Essays
19 items
Narratives of travels and adventures, 1881-1864, 1881-1916, in the Far West, Southwest, Northwest, northern Mexico, as well as Ohio, New York, and Europe, apparently written from memory about 1916. Mentions hostilities of Pawnee and Apache, describing an Indian attack. Visits Pima Indians, Navajo reservation; sees Taos Indian dance. Observes Mitla ruins; visits Sacaton Pima reservation; visits California Indian schools. Describes music for Indians at mission; visits Ohio mounds; comments on Northwest Art; statues of Indian heroes in Northwest. Two letters relate to Ayer and the Field Museum. See especially #1, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 19.
Reminiscences of the Far West, and other trips Mss.B.Ay2