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Language:English | Hopi | Tohono O'odham | Nahuatl, Tetelcingo
Date:1975-1977 and undated
Contributor:Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Gipper, Helmut | Voegelin, F. M. (Florence Marie), 1927-1989 | Maring, Joel M. | Grollig, Francis Xavier, 1922- | Malotki, Ekkehart | McDavid, Raven Ioor | Schlegel, Alice | Witherspoon, Gary | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Kennard, Edward A. (Edward Allan), 1907-1989 | Hale, Kenneth L. (Kenneth Locke), 1934-2001 | Tedlock, Dennis, 1939-2016
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Humor | Ethnography
Genre:Correspondence | Notes | Essays
Extent:25 folders
Description: There are several items relating to the Hopi language in the C. F. Voegelin Papers. Items are located in both Subcollection I and Subcollection II. In Subcollection I, there is relevant correspondence with Kenneth L. Hale (regarding passivity, clowning, and comparisons to Papago [Tohono O'odham] and Walbiri) and Dennis Tedlock (regarding Tedlock's Zuni consultants' dealings with Hopi) in Series I. Correspondence; a "Papago and Hopi" file in Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries III-B: Works Authored by Voegelin; and 6 folders of Hopi material (mostly consisting of handwritten linguistic notes in pencil) in Series V. Research Notes, Subseries V-A: Language Notes. In Subcollection II, there is Hopi-related correspondence with Francis X. Grolling, S.J. (brief note mentioning two-hearted people and kachinas), Kenneth Hale (regarding Voegelin's Hopi research), Jerome Kirk (Voegelin mentions that his Hopi consultants prefer to use English directional terms), Ekkehart Malotki (regarding Hopi fieldwork and language), Joel M. Maring (regarding Eastern and Western Keresan and Hopi parallels), Raven I. McDavid, Jr. (brief note mentioning his enjoyment of Hopi fieldwork), Alice Schlegel (regarding teasing/humor), Morris Swadesh (mentions Charles Loloma), Unidentified (miscellaneous Hopi linguistic notes), and Gary Witherspoon (the world view problem, work of LaVerne Masayesva at MIT) in Series I. Correspondence. Also in Subcollection II, there is Hopi-Tewa material in Series II. Research Notes, Subseries VII. Kiowa-Tanoan; and two Hopi-related files in Subseries IX. Uto-Aztecan, except Hopi. These include a general "Hopi" folder and another folder of Edward A. Kennard's Hopi Texts, consisting of 5 typewritten texts in Hopi and English accompanied by two letters, Kennard to Voegelin, 1976-1977. There is also a copy of C. F. and F. M. Voegelin's "Hopi Number in Respect to Idiosyncracy" in Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries I: General works; Helmut Gipper's "The conception of time and space in Hopi: Some necessary corrections to the views of B.L. Whorf" in Series IV. Works by Others; and a file for Tetelcingo Nahuatl (with Hopi comparison) in Series V. Card Files.
Collection:C. F. Voegelin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.68)
Language:English | Nahuatl (macrolanguage) | Nahuatl, Highland Puebla | Nahuatl, Tetelcingo | Nahuatl, Western Huasteca
Date:1944-1969 and undated
Contributor:Voegelin, C. F. (Charles Frederick), 1906-1986 | Croft, Kenneth | McKinlay, Archibald | Turner, Glen D. | García de León, Antonio
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Ethnography
Genre:Notes | Drafts | Essays | Dissertations | Reports | Correspondence
Extent:17 folders, 1 box
Description: Several items relating to the Nahuatl language of the Nahua (Aztec) culture have been identified in the C. F. Voegelin Papers. They are mostly in Subcollection II. However, there is also relevant correspondence with Glen Turner in Subcollection I, Series I. Correspondence. Materials in Subcollection II include relevant correspondence with Kenneth Croft (regarding Croft's Nahuatl fieldwork in Mexico) and Antonio Garcia de Leon (a brief note in Spanish on Nahua work) in Series I. Correspondence; "Nahuatl" and "Zacapoaxtlateco (Nahuatl)" folders in Series II. Research Notes, Subseries IX. Uto-Aztecan, except Hopi. Nahuatl is also one of the languages Voegelin considered in a grammatical analysis of Uto-Aztecan languages. Drafts of seven chapters of this work can be found in Series III. Works by Voegelin, Subseries III: Uto-Aztecan book. There are five items in Series IV. Works by Others: Kenneth Croft's "Matlapa Nahuatl: Morpheme Shapes and Affix List," "Matlapa and Classical Nahuatl with Comparative Notes on the Two Dialects" (1953), and "Phonemics and Morphemics of Matlapa Nahuatl: With a Critical Bibliography Covering Six Decades of Nahuatl Linguistics" (1951); and Archibald McKinlay's "The Phonemes of Northern Puebla Aztec" (1944) and "The Tense-Aspect System of the Aztec of Northern Puebla." McKinlay's language community has been identified as Barrio de Xalacapan, Municipio de Zacapoaxtla, Puebla, Mexico. These are part of his report for Summer Institute of Linguistics, and include a cover letter from McKinlay to Voegelin. Finally, there is a box of Tetelcingo Nahuatl material (with Hopi comparison) containing 171 comparative vocabulary slips in Series V. Card Files.
Collection:C. F. Voegelin Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.68)