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Language:Portuguese | Tupi
Contributor:Araújo, António de
Subject:Literature | Religion
Extent:1 volume, 93 p.
Description: Manuscript copy of a printed work (Lisboa, Deslandes, 1686); includes poems, statement of Christian doctrine with Portuguese translation, three catechetical dialogues. Complete title is "Catecismo brasilico da doutrina Christáa, com o ceremonial dos sacramentos, & mais actos parochiaes; composto por padres doutos da Companhia de Jesus; emendado nesta segunda impressao pelo P. Bertholameu de Leam..."
Collection:Catecismo brasilico da doutrina Christãa com o ceremonial dos sacramentos, & mais actos parochiaes (Mss.238.Ar1)
Language:English | Guarani | Kogi | Spanish | Murui Huitoto | Bora | Cocama-Cocamilla | Subtiaba
Date:1937-1960 and undated
Contributor:Mason, John Alden, 1885-1967 | Rowe, John Howland, 1918-2004 | Green, Otis H. (Otis Howard), 1898-1978 | Harrington, J. P. (John P.), 1865-1939 | Park, Willard Z. (Willard Zerbe), 1906-1965 | Rankin, Louis | Stout, David B. (David Bond), 1913- | Garro, Eugenio, 1898-1990 | Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Subject:Linguistics | Anthropology | Archaeology | Ethnography | Archaeology | Colombia--History | Brazil--History | Peru--History | Antiquities | Bolivia--History | Ecuador--History
Genre:Correspondence | Bibliographies | Essays | Drafts | Notes | Notebooks | Memoranda
Extent:23 items
Description: Materials relating to John Alden Mason's interest in and research on Indigenous Central and South American languages and cultures. Materials attributed to Mason include a bibliography composed of about 300 cards primarily on South American languages, including many entries not in the Handbook of South American Indians; a notebook of observations on the distribution, relationships, etc., of South American languages; a file with correspondence, bibliography, draft of introduction, etc., relating to his contribution to the Handbook of South American Indians; a 166-page essay on the preconquest history and culture of the Andean region (mostly Peru) through the medium of artifacts preserved in the University Museum (University of Pennsylvania); two copies of Mason's "Andean Civilization," including bibliography, for the Encyclopedia Britannica (1960); two copies of the preface to the Spanish edition of "Ancient Civilizations of Peru," with a memorandum from Alfred Kidder II to Mason regarding recent developments in Central Andean archaeology; an incomplete essay titled "Status and problems of research in the Native Languages of South America," primarily concerned with historical linguistics and genetic relationship; and a file of notes on genetic relationships, subgrouping, etc., from published sources or giving his own impressions: Kamakan, Choroti, Ashluslay Kaduveo, Mataco; Malali, Mashakal, Ge, Vejoz, Coropo, Motilon, Towothl, Kaingang, Subtiaba, Hokan, Coroado, etc.. Unattributed materials (most likely Mason's) include circa 2,000 cards of notes on South American linguistic and ethnology focused on genetic classification of South American languages; circa 4,000 cards of notes regarding South American languages and dialects and their geographical distribution, etc.; and 17 pages of notes concerning a letter (included) from Harry B. Wright to Captain Colon Eloy Alfaro proposing that expeditions be sent to Ecuadorean Oriente for study in linguistics, ethnology, etc. Materials attributed to others than Mason include two essays or drafts by John Peabody Harrington on the affiliation of Witoto [Huitoto, probably Murui Huitoto but possibly Nüpode Huitoto], Miranya [aka Miraña or Miranha, now known as Bora] and Guaranian/Tupi-Guarani [Guarani, represented by Cocama], one with Mason's comments; 27 pages of Kagaba [Kogi] texts with interlinear Spanish translation and lists of animals, plants, body parts, natural phenomena, kinship terms, etc., with Spanish and English glosses; and Eugenio Garro's "Geographical distribution of the Native languages and dialects of Peru," an article submitted for the Handbook of South American Indians (marked "not printed in Handbook"). Correspondence includes Mason's Handbook of South American Indians correspondence, with Zellig S. Harris, Harry Hoijer, Eugene A. Nida, et al., soliciting contributions to the handbook, etc.; letters from Claude Levi-Strauss regarding locations, languages, and dialects of indigenous peoples of Brazil (mentions Parintintin [Kagwahiva], Rama-Rama [Rama], Tupi, Nambikuara [Southern Nambikuára], Tupi-Kawahib [Kawahiva?], Kabixiana [Kabixí], Kep-kiri-uat [?]); correspondence with John Peabody Harrington concerning Harrington's work for Mason on the Handbook of South American Indians; correspondence with Willard Z. Park regarding Park's ethnological work among the Kagaba [Kogi] in Colombia; correspondence with Louis Rankin regarding the Cocama, Cocamilla [the dialects of what is now called Cocama-Cocamilla], Chama [Ese Ejja], Campa [Ajyíninka Apurucayali?], and Amuesha [Yanesha'] languages of Peru; correspondence with David B. Stout regarding Stout's genetic classification of Chibchan, Kuna, and Choco, with one page of Mason's opinions on Stout's classification; correspondence with John Howland Rowe regarding South American languages and cultures, including the Quechua, Aymara, and Millcayac languages, early work of Max Uhle in Peru, Bolivia, etc.. and mentioning Alfred V. Kidder, Alfred L. Kroeber, and others; and a letter from Otis H. Green regarding the origin of the word "jivaro."
Collection:John Alden Mason Papers (Mss.B.M384)
Contributor:Correia da Serra, José Francisco, 1750-1823
Extent:3 leaves
Description: Collection contains one item of relevance titled "The case of the Brazilian Indians." Compares American and Brazilian Indian policy. Both wish to civilize "barbarians," on the one hand independent, on the other dependent, but free. Original in Library of Congress.
Collection:José Francisco Correia da Serra papers (Mss.B.C81.1)
Contributor:Wagley, Charles, 1913-
Extent:2 items
Description: Correspondence of Charles Wagley with John Alden Mason regarding Tupi and other languages of Brazil.
Collection:John Alden Mason Papers (Mss.B.M384)