Correspondence, Violetta Delafield-Benjamin Smith Barton Collection
Date: 1783-1817
Contributor: Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815 | McAtee, William L.
Subject: Botany | Health | Linguistics | Religion | Rites and ceremonies | Zoology
Type: Text
Genre: Correspondence | Vocabularies
Extent: 107 pages
Description: These letters authored by Benjamin Barton Smith to various correspondents discuss Indian vocabulary words for birds, earthquakes, and animals of their domestic economy. Smith solicits information about Indian beliefs about health, nursing, menstration, animal sacrifice, Indian Bible, origins of Indian tribes, white race, Orthography and spelling, chief's political power, and comparative linguistic analysis between Indian and Asiatic languages.
Collection: Violetta Delafield-Benjamin Smith Barton Collection Mss.B.B284d