Calendar of Indian captivities and allied documents

Barbeau, Marius, 1883-1969
Folklore | Indian captivities
Bibliographies | Captivity narratives | Stories
Part of unprinted manuscript of Barbeau's calendar of captivities, based on his lists of Greenwood and Deering collections, but intended to be complete. Part I (missing, but see Deering and Greenwood manuscript lists in American Philosophical Society and Ayer catalogue). Register of documents with summary of contents. Part II, Unpublished captivities, bibliographies, and an index. Result of grants of Wenner-Gren Foundation and American Philosophical Society. Materials in 3 folders. Unpublished materials, largely northwest coast narratives of inter-Indian captures, taken by William Beynon.
Calendar of Indian captivities and allied documents, Mss.016.9701.B235