Copper Center
Materials Recorded at Copper Center and Chistochina, Alaska
Ahtna, Upper Tanana, and Southern Tutchone recordings
Ahtna Texts Recorded in Copper Center, Alaska
Ahtna materials, Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection
Field notes on the ethnology of the Tlingit and Copper River Atna
Transcriptions and notes for Ahtna and Tlingit recordings
Atna of the Copper River Valley
Ahtna, Upper Tanana, and Southern Tutchone recordings
Ahtna Texts Recorded in Copper Center, Alaska
Ahtna materials, Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection
Field notes on the ethnology of the Tlingit and Copper River Atna
Transcriptions and notes for Ahtna and Tlingit recordings
Atna of the Copper River Valley