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Language:English | Cup'ik, Chevak
Contributor:Moses, Leo | Teve, Gregory | Chimiralrea, Mary | Imgalrea, Rose | Imgalrea, Tom | Kokrak, Mary | Moses, Thomas | Nash, Jacob | Sylvester, Rosemary | Woodbury, Anthony C.
Subject:Alaska--History | Folklore | Linguistics | Music | Warfare
Type:Sound recording
Genre:Autobiographies | Conversations | Songs | Stories
Extent:7 audiocassettes (9 hr., 56 min.) : DIGITIZED
Description: Field recordings of the Chevak Cup'ik language made in Chevak, Alaska by Anthony C. Woodbury. Includes autobiographical stories and historical accounts, including a story of the Yukon Wars, tales, accounts of traditional ways, and recordings made in Chevak's Qaygiq, containing conversation, songs, and stories. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Collection:Central Alaskan Yup'ik, Chevak dialect (Mss.Rec.113)