Galice materials, Harry Hoijer Collection

Dene includes: Athabaskan, Athapascan, Athabascan, Athapaskan
Galice includes: Applegate
English | Galice
1956, 1976
Hoijer, Harry, 1904-1976 | Simmons, Hoxie
Linguistics | Ethnography | Dene languages
Correspondence | Transcriptions | Translations | Vocabularies
18 pages
Galice word and phrase list from a recording made with Galice speaker Hoxie Simmons at Siletz Reservation in 1956. (Original recording housed at the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages.) Handwritten on looseleaf, listing lexical items in phonemic transcription, with English glosses, e.g., dalbai. Lexicon includes nouns, pronouns, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives, as well as inflected forms of nouns ('my wife, your wife, his wife') and phrases (e.g., 'I shall see it', 'what are you doing?'). According to Kendall, nouns and verbs with person markers, but no complete paradigms. In "Series I: Correspondence," also see letter from Dorothy Hoijer to Whitfield Bell for brief info on the recording.
Harry Hoijer Collection Mss.497.3.H68