Pima-Papago recordings

Tohono O'odham includes: Papago
Akimel O'odham includes: Pima
English | Tohono O'odham
Antone, Isaac | Antone, Laurence | Hale, Kenneth L. (Kenneth Locke), 1934-2001 | Preston, Luke
Arizona--History | Games | Kinship | Linguistics | Social life and customs
Sound recording
Conversations | Elicitation sessions | Stories | Vocabularies
6 sound tape reels (8 hr., 50 min.) : DIGITIZED
Linguistic field recordings made by Kenneth Hale with Luke Preston, Laurence Antone, and Isaac Antone in Arizona at Chichiu, Sacaton, and San Xavier Indian Reservation. Contents include several stories and brief "textlets" on various topics, including discussions of games and meaning of different words. Also includes elicitations of a variety of utterances, sentence permutations, and Vocabularies on body parts, kinship terms, and other general lists. (NOTE: This material has been digitized and can be accessed online for free by users not physically at the APS Library through a login and password. Please see our Audio Access Page for information on how to request these materials.)
Pima-Papago recordings Mss.Rec.39