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Date:1828-1905; 1939-1975
Contributor:Albó, Xavier, 1934- | Lounsbury, Floyd Glenn | Zuidema, R. Tom, (Reiner Tom), 1927-2016 | Farfán, José M. B. | Cook, Wiliam H. | Fenton, William N., (William Nelson), 1908-2005 | Gillespie, John Douglas | Gillespie, John W. | Kurath, Gertrude Prokosch | Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Kilpatrick, Jack Frederich | Walker, Willard | Long, Sarah | Johnson, Martin | Downing, Jess | Downing, Jess, Mrs. | Roberts, John | Drywater, Sam | Hummingbird, Isaac, Jr. | Hummingbird, Isaac, Sr. | Hummingbird, Jacob | Sam, Martin | Sourjohn, Levi | Sam, Watt | Gritts, Wesley | Sourjohn, Dutch | Grease, Tom | Terrapin, Molly | Blue Jacket
Subject:Linguistics | Religion | Education | Folklore | Kinship | Indian Removal, 1813-1903 | Dance | Ethnography | Oklahoma--History | North Carolina--History
Type:Text | Sound recording | Cartographic
Genre:Grammars | Hymns | Stories | Vocabularies | Lessons | Notebooks | Essays | Maps | Vocabularies | Songs
Description: The Cherokee materials in the Lounsbury Papers is found primarily in several sections of the collection. Series I contains correspondence with a number of people on Cherokee language and culture. These correspondents include Harry Basehart, William Cook, William Fenton, John D. Gillespie, Mary Haas, Jack Kilpatrick, John Witthoft. In Series II, see the "Cherokee" section, which contains 3 boxes of research materials, including Lounsbury's field notes with numerous Cherokee speakers in Oklahoma, copies of original notes by other linguists, language instruction materials, and other related documents. The "General Iroquois" section contains some comparative materials as well, as may other sections to smaller degrees. Series VI contains multiple boxes of card files with Cherokee language data in the form of lexicons and texts in translation. In Series VII, there are several audio recordings, including a reading of Private John G. Burnett's eyewitness account of Cherokee removal, 1838-1839, and a significant number of recordings of songs and dances made by Will West Long and Della Owl, and Cherokee lessons by Robert Bushyhead and William Cook.
Collection:Floyd G. Lounsbury Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.95)
Gwich'in includes: Kutchin, Loucheux, Tukudh
Date:ca. 1947-1948, 1950, ca. 1941-1976
Contributor:Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Lounsbury, Floyd Glenn | McCloud, Red | Gillespie, John W.
Subject:Dance | Northwest Territories--History | Music
Type:Text | Sound recording
Genre:Music | Correspondence | Songs
Extent:1 folder; 2 minutes of audio
Description: There are two Gwich'in items identified in the Floyd Lounsbury Papers. In Series VII, Audio Recordings, is a recording titled "Gwich'in Social Dance", recorded off of a played-back phonograph recording originally made in 1947 or 1948 by Red McCloud in Aklavik, N.W.T., and part of a wire recording sent to Floyd Lounsbury by John W. Gillespie. In Series I, correspondence with Mary Haas discusses wax cylinder recordings of Gwich'in.
Collection:Floyd G. Lounsbury Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.95)
Iñupiat includes: Инупиаты, Iñupiaq
Language:Inupiatun, North Alaskan
Date:1947, 1950, and undated
Contributor:Gillespie, John W. | McCloud, Red
Type:Sound recording
Extent:10 minutes
Description: The Iñupiat materials in the Floyd G. Lounsbury Papers consists of two recordings of songs performed by singers from Point Hope, Alaska, originally recorded by Red McCloud of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Aklavik, Northwest Territories in 1947 or 1948.. The singers are not identified on the recording or in any accompanying documentation. Gillespie re-recorded them by playing them off an original phonograph recording on to a wire recording. Sound quality is poor. This program was made as part of a wire recording sent to Floyd Lounsbury by John W. Gillespie, containing recordings made by himself and excerpts of other field recordings he had acquired. Includes Gillespie's commentary made in 1950. This recording is found in "Series VII: Audio recordings" in the collection guide, on a larger recording titled "Gillespie: Wyandot."
Collection:Floyd G. Lounsbury Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.95)
Contributor:Lounsbury, Floyd Glenn | Chafe, Wallace L. | Abler, Thomas S., (Thomas Struthers), 1941-2019 | Barbeau, Marius, 1883-1969 | Fenton, William N., (William Nelson), 1908-2005 | Michelson, Karin | Pirie, M. C. | Swadesh, Morris, 1909-1967 | Cooper, Leroy | Gillespie, John W. | Young, Norman | Curry, Ed | Dowdy, Herb | Jones, Albert
Subject:Folklore | Ethnography | Linguistics | Archaeology | Art | Psychology | Kinship | Cosmology | Rites and ceremonies | Music
Type:Text | Sound recording
Genre:Vocabularies | Notes | Notebooks | Grammars | Dictionaries | Newspaper clippings | Vocabularies | Songs | Stories
Description: The Seneca materials in the Lounsbury Papers include his extensive work on kinship. Linguistic materials in Series II include work done by Karin Michelson, Morris Swadesh, and Wallace Chafe. Recordings in Series VII include songs from the Cold Spring Longhouse on the Allegany Indian reservation (NY). There are a large number of unidentified songs.
Collection:Floyd G. Lounsbury Papers (Mss.Ms.Coll.95)