Muscogee (Creek) materials, Mary R. Haas Papers

Muscogee includes: Muskogee, Mvskoke, Muscogee Creek
English | Muscogee
Anderson, Samuel | Bell, Jasper | Boas, Franz, 1858-1942 | Barnett, John | Border, C. A. | Bullet, Jim | Chuleewah, Quannah, 1926-1990 | Cooke, Dan | Eggan, Fred | Ewing, Peter | Davis, Lorene | Factor, Newman | Factor, Susannah, 1930-1999 | Haas, Mary R. (Mary Rosamond), 1910-1996 | Harwell, Delores | Harwell, Henry | Hill, James H. | Kelly, Ned | Late, Johnson | Macintosh, Bunny | Martin, Jack B. | Marshall, Jim | Munro, Pamela | Oppler, Morris E. | Oppler, Catherine | Perdue, Theda | Rankin, Robert Louis, 1939- | Raiford, Arthur E. | Red, Tom | Riste, Victor | Sam, Watt | Scott, Nonnie | Starr, Don | Sturtevant, William C. | Sulphur, Alex | Tauyan, Ollie | Tauyan, Wesley | Taylor, Lyda Averill Paz | Thompson, John | Tiger, Johnson, Mrs. | Tiger, Tom | Timothy, Sandy | Toney, John | Walker, Amelia Bell
Folklore | Kinship | Linguistics | Music | Oklahoma--History
Sound recording | Text
Field notes | Place names | Stories | Vocabularies
7 linear feet
The Muscogee (Creek) materials in the Mary R. Haas Papers are extensive, with materials found in most sections of the collection. In Series I, see especially the correspondence with professional colleagues such as Franz Boas, Jack Martin, William Sturtevant, and others regarding the Muscogee language, as well as correspondence with her Muscogee-speaking consultants, such as James Hill and Watt Sam. Other relevant letters in Series 1 include a "Creek language" subject heading listed with the item. The most extensive amount of material can be found in the "Creek" section of Series 2. This section contains 10 boxes of material. Prominent materials in this section include Haas's original 22 field notebooks, containing vocabulary elicitation, stories, and accompanying notes, recorded in 1941 in Eufaula, Oklahoma, Nonnie Scott, Arthur E. Raiford, James Hill, Jim Marshall, Jim Bullet, Don Starr, Peter Ewing, John Toney, Tom Tiger, Wesley Tauyan, Ollie Tauyan, John Thompson, Tom Red, Johnson Late, and Dan Cooke, plus others only identified with initials; 6 notebooks by James Hill, writing in the Mvskoke writing system, containing stories; Victor Riste's 4 field notebooks from 1931, containing stories and elicited vocabulary with multiple consultants listed; various linguistic notes and other materials derived from the above-listed notebooks; pedagogical materials for Muscogee language learning; a range materials on Muscogee (Creek) history; and more. Series 3 contains a small number of items labelled "Creek." In Series 9, there is additional extensive files linguistic material in the form of lexicons and grammatical notes, as well as ethnographic notes. Some Creek terms are also included in files comparing it with other languages. Lastly, in Series 10, there is a brief "Creek Texts" audio recording from the 1970s, as well as "Creek Text and Conversation" with Watt Sam and Nancy Raven in 1931.
Mary R. Haas Papers Mss.Ms.Coll.94